SWF Team 6

I just don't have the patience for these SWFs anymore. I just don't. You can argue all you want, but we all know map-wide comms is OP.

We can't hardly get into a chase, let alone hook, without gens popping off. Frankly, I'm discouraged to keep playing the game.


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Just dodge the lobby if you suspect them of being a swf or just hide in the basement and open the gates for them. SWF isn't going away since it makes a sizable chunk of the player base.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I said it in another thread but these things get buried so quickly that I'm just gonna repeat it...

    The issue is there are two kinds of SWF groups

    1. The group of friends who want to play together
    2. The SWAT Team (SWF Team 6 is a fun name for it too)

    Group 1 is great to play with. They're fun; they get to have a good time with their friends while I as the killer get to go through my normal Killer Duties and stab people

    Group 2 is the problem. While this may be anecdotal evidence, I have found that the SWAT Team is usually not only damn impossible to beat since they are in constant communication with each other but they're always the biggest toxic ######### to play again. If there is a cheap tactic, they'll use it and if they get any chance at all to mock the killer, they will 1000% take it.

    The biggest issue that Group 2 causes though is that these are the groups killers remember and these are the groups that make killers quit the game because they're not only frustrating to play from a game-play standpoint, they always seem to make sure to rub it in your face and make the experience as awful as humanly possible.

    The problem is that I don't know how you could solve Group 2 without directly hurting Group 1. If Group 1 starts getting hammered and frustrated by nerfs, they're gonna quit and now you just lost four players from your player pool. If you just ignore Group 2 though, Killers are eventually just going to say "F*#$ this S$1* I'm out" and now no one has anyone to play against as your Killer pool Yeets out.

    I do not envy the position that the DBD team is in here

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2020

    I don't envy their position, either, particularly because I rarely come across Group 1. That's me, what you described at the end, "F*#$ this S$1* I'm out"

    The quality of survivor (and gen speeds and maps) has gotten so high that killers all but rely on survivor mistakes in order to make any headway with little to do about rank. It's just not fun playing killer anymore and I used to love it.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Played today vs swf. Got a 4k. Gitgud.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I've just played spirit for the first time in ages, eventually I could hearing breathing and where it was.

    Strider appears to be working again

    However the bug not hearing a downed survivor kept reoccurring game after game which is very annoying

  • Bambooozled
    Bambooozled Member Posts: 10

    How can i tell if they are SWF or not? I'm also on the verge of quitting this game, it's literally demoralizing.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    BHVR don't wish to identify SWFs as they realise the issue but don't do anything.

    Meanwhile killers don't have fun, don't play then BHVR have to somehow fix matchmaking as there aren't many killers left

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Repair speeds in SWF could be slowed just a bit (especially with the 5% Prove Thyself buff they're getting (the new "reduced" group repair times are garbage)). Make them stack per survivor in SWF.

    2 players - 3% reduction

    3 players - 4 reduction

    4 players - 5% reduction

    Map-wide comms easily make up for this, be honest with yourself.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    I don't envy their position either, particularly because I rarely come across Group 1. That's me you described at the end, "F*#$ this S$1* I'm out"

    The quality of survivor (and maps and gen speeds) has gotten so high that killers all but rely on survivor mistakes to make any headway. I used to love the killer role, but it's just been annoying to play these last few months.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    A good solo group will crush a killer just as badly as a SWF trying hard. The issue is *not* SWF.

    Most of my games are against or with SWF, but so what. I lose when playing with SWF and I win against them too. I's part of the game, and has been for how many years now? I really doubt you're going to want them to buff solo survivors, only to nerf SWF, because that will just make things worse in the high ranks. A lot worse.

    They already said they're adjusting maps. See how things pan out after they fix them.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Slow down gen repairs by 3/4/5% depending on the number of players in the SWF.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    I see your point, but even group 1 can be frustrating sometimes. Even with the simple communication of "yea it's a Hag at shack" all survivors now know where the killer is, who it is and what they need to look out for. They can just all now work on gens because there is really nothing else to do. People are not going to not work on gens just for the sake of the match and the killers fun, unless of course you have one of them head on SWFs, etc. These SWFs are rare however, much more rare than your casual 4 man just playing and a lot more rare than your average death squad.

    My point is that punishing SWF would balance the good 99% of them. It would only punish the absolute meme SWFs who probably don't care about winning anyway.

    Hell don't even add a punishment for SWF, add a bonus reward for the killer for each person in a SWF. So a 4 man or 2 2 mans would give the killer a 150% bonus, a 3 man 100% bonus and a 2 man 50% bonus to BP. It would also help adding a SWF indicator to help after the match.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Idk what to tell you, but for me, if I know I'm against a sfw sweat squad and I don't feel like dodging...

    She comes out to play.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    It sucks for us too dude. I play SWF rarely, but when I do, I'm firmly in group one. We don't use meta perks. Communications usually go like;

    "Arrrgghhhhhh it's MYERS!"

    "Son of a-- you just made me miss a skill check!"


    "Haha, good luck noob"

    And we're always willing to have fun with the killer.

    I know this doesn't lessen the sting for killers who have to face four man survivor seal teams. But it does hurt us almost as much as you because you are right, we're becoming fewer and farther between,and we get thrown in with every survivor that makes a killers life hell with the constant BMing. We do exist, we are not the magical unicorn!

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Nursie! I really miss seeing nurse around, such a shame what was done to her, she's always been fun to play against, even when I lose.

  • Thane_Valkarian
    Thane_Valkarian Member Posts: 45

    Sad. It's her fatigues her recharges. But for me the main thing I have that makes me not want to play her which has been mentioned before. Are the random bugs. It happens undoubtedly.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    Good survivors control the pace of the game-- and they spread it all out by looting, cleansing #########, doing dailies & challenges, and ######### around on top of hills with their flashlight. Increasing gen times will just make them do gens faster and will really only punish average SWF players by making it more challenging for them, when in reality, those types are no better than a group of randoms. Slowing gen repairs is not the answer.

  • FlintBeastgood
    FlintBeastgood Member Posts: 97

    Yeah, this seems to be a pretty big issue, and having played mostly survivor since my return I hadn't really encountered to much of it from the killer's perspective. Now, everytime I hop onto killer because survivor times get too long this is what I face.

    I wish they'd just fix the ranking and matchmaking already (because I'm never against players of my skill level, regardless of supposed rank), so I could see how much that helps before calling it quits with killer.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I think because BHVR don't want to identify SWF groups that they are well aware of the issue.

    In my opinion this is extremely lazy and is killing the game, the killers have no fun (especially new ones) and thus reduces killers numbers and thus increases "matchmaking" times.

    I understand SWFs aren't always seal teams but it is an extra perk that is god like.

    The excuse of BHVR not showing SWFs due to killers lobby dodging is no longer valid as the killer leaves and survivors don't have to requeue.

    Surely If killers are lobby dodging BHVR have to ask themselves why, is something not fun for them to not want to play the game!

    Low amount of killers = long "matchmaking" wait times for survivors

    BHVR please balance your game!

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Casting off your blendette rags to join the dark side? We'll make a toxic killer main of you yet <3

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Tbf you hardly find the group 2(yes I'm red rank EU). But what's funny, as you said, they use cheap tactics and mock you, but when you dare to tunnel or camp to counter them you are insulting their entire existence.