Why is every survivor main so toxic?

chenais Member Posts: 69

Why are survivor mains so toxic? They do a lot of unfun stuff to killers. Like, this is insane. Every game is a survivor that does toxic stuff.

First of all, tey keep spamming crotch purks. For examplle, the other dey, a survivor used the crutch perk no miter. This made it so that when I tried to sluge him to t-bag, he got up and escapped with his stupid dod hard. Really, I do not know why survivors kuep using crutch perks even tho they have a free win, every time.

Then, they rin away when I try to catch them. Why is this not a bannable offense?! Really, survivors should just make heavy noises and then put themselves under a hook. It is so stupid to need to go threw loops that makes it so I need skill to catch the survivor. Survivors really are selfish to not play like I want them to play.

Also, why do sarvivors kep playing in a swf group? I am so sick of these trieshard 4 man bloody party stremers group that ure a slight challange to me.

This is it for the new rulle beuk! Hopefully every single servivore main of dbd reeds this and realize how tekix they are. Thank you for followang my new rulle booke!


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