Survivor/Killer Rulebook

*This is a joke post, and none of this is to be taken seriously. It's all just fun and games :)*
What is the survivor rulebook composed of? The killer rulebook?
1. Killers need to farm if a survivor kills them self at the start of the game, or dcs.
1. Don't swf with your low rank friends if you're high rank
(Again, this is a joke, so- say whatever you want. Idc. Tell me your "rules" for killers/survivors. I wanna see what you come up with.)
Survivor rule: if killer actually goes out of his way to be more than fair, or give us as much points as he can i usually make him kill me so he gets points as well
Killer rule: you t bag, I'll tunnel the living ######### out of you.
If i get a non toxic team, I'll let at least one escape
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Killer rule: If you flashlight stun me you die, end of story
Survivor rule: Always boop the killers if they're farming
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Survivor rule: after you hook one of us go to the other end of the map and sit in the corner.
Killer Rule: You touch the basement chest you die.
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Killer rule, if a slugged survivor spins for me after i spin in place in front of them, I let them live.
Survivor rule, try not to be toxic and offer the killer my item at the gate if the game was fun.
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Killer Rule #1- SWF is unfair and gen rushing is toxic
Survivor Rule #1- You must hook everyone twice before you start killing people or you're a tunneler
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Rule for both sides: DON'T BE TOXIC IF THE OTHER SIDE ISN'T.
That means don't flashlight me at a pallet out of the blue, don't tunnel or facecamp me unless provoked.
Basically don't be a tool. Everyone is here to play the game.
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I know @samination references the survivors rule book for killers in his dbd parody 7.
i kinda wish he would make it a series, different survivors explaning the rules and so on an so on with the killers participating in the demonstrations of the do's and don't of the rule book...
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Killer: You bully me, I will use an ebony on the next group of survivors I come across and blame it on you :P
My favorite part is when trapper says "Wait, the trapper isn;t allowed to use his traps? Let me check. Yup. Survivor rule number 138......I uninstall now"
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I love how Samination makes the Legion look like an idiot. As a Frank main, it makes me laugh while simultaneously wanting to explain myself. I like how all the killers have personality traits that make them seem terrible, it's funny.
Killer rule: Spin in circles at the exit gates if it was a fun game
Survivor rule: If there's an afk killer, run in circles around them for bps.
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I 💜 each parody, they are so hilarious.
It's hard to pick favorite moments, but i do like when legion and ghostface meet 😂
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Killer: If a survivor should DARE uses DS, I will tunnel and nod.
Survivor: If the killer doesn’t let me get atleast one flashlight save, I DC.
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I like that one LOL