Remove/Rework SWF already



  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    You know, in my time here, it's always the ones who make posts like this who are the first to say "I quit" after an update doesn't go how they like, or they get mori'd one too many times. You don't have to be an antagonist to get your point across.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Your observation is wrong. Solo survivors are the majority of the survivor player base. Nerfs to SWF wouldn't hurt them (because they play alone anyway).

    The other guy I was talking to did raise a good point. A nerf to SWF would hurt the teams that don't use voice comms. That is an obstacle. I'm sure the devs can figure out something though.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Even if solo survivors are the majority of the playerbase, unless you have some genius 300iq plan, nerfing SWF involves nerfing survivor in general to some degree, and no shape of survivor gameplay besides SWF needs nerfs, especially after the next patch rolls in. So my observation wasn't wrong, you just misinterpreted it.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Devs can't. They either A) Don't know how, B) Don't care too, or C) Know how, but won't put in the time/effort/money/imagination to do so.

    In a game based around lack of communication, of gathering knowledge as the match progresses, and working off that? Yes, Comms breaks that.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Lol, survivors still need more nerfs because this update won't magically fix everything. DbD has serious structural problems.

    And I'm not sure how you think nerfing SWF hurts solo players. They aren't the ones who will be getting the penalty.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    swf is the most unfair advantage of them all when survivors already have a lot of broken perks to abuse,combine that with swf and you got yourself a clown show

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I think the point he's trying to make is that you're on an even playing field in games like CSGO etc, but in DbD it's asymmetrical, and neither side is balanced and it never will be. This is probably why everyone hates SWF. I don't personally have a problem with it, because who cares about ranking up and winning in this game in the current year, but a lot of people take this game seriously and SWF are annoying them.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, killer get buffed, and if they need to be buffed to swf-level, then solo survivors will suffer. If its balanced for solos, killer suffer from swf. If swf is nerfed, swf-players suffer. Basicly, the devs just have to chose which group to alienate. Killer player numbers are already down, thats why suddenly map reworks that were needed for months come out to balance it a little.

    I still think doing 2 queues with different balancing should be the way to go. And no, balancing around the advantage swf has is not about punishment, its about balance.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    A job is a job tho. The income people get isn't very small. I am concern about this in a lot of ways without being a streamer or a YouTuber myself. But, do you really want to make their job harder? This is a way to make a living after all.

    Think about others before you think about yourself, that's the advice I give you.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Are you really that stubborn and egotistic? I struggle to believe that you are serious about this. It's like saying that you'll remove white boards from schools and that both the stuff and the students "picked the wrong field to tske their white boards and pens, this isn't my problem.

    BUT IT IS!!!

    You literally suggest making someone's work even harder just for the sake of it. You have no excuse that overwrites the content creator's way of work. Please explain to me how it isn't your problem when you suggest to remove swf? I explained really simply that the removal will hurt more than just the average rank 1 swf group that are esports ready.

    So yes, they didn't picked the wrong field, you did buddy.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, would you abandon your civil rights? I mean, those only make the jobs of police, intelligence agencies and the court of laws harder.

    And if you are thinking about others before you, you would agree, wouldnt you?

    If making the job of someone easier impacts other peoples rightful interests, its not just a matter of being nice to someone.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    "watch streamers"

    Shame the caliber of survivors you get depends on who lives closest to you. If you live in an area surrounded by casuals then you will think killer is a breeze.

    Lets also remember to look what happens in the streams. how many times does the streamer hit through a dropped pallet? They seem to always have some fairly decent lag making things easier for them.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Killers Payed for the game just like everybody else they deserve to have a fun fair game to comms take all the fun out of the game because are so powerful they cancel out killers powers strategies perks and addons the game wasn't meant for them and isn't balanced for them an entire part of the player base shouldn't have to suffer so some streamer can make money off of them and they aren't sharing any of it why cant they stream in solo where thry aren't cheating besides most streamers are toxic and bullies anyway so no their job isn't that important to me if it means rampant cheating in happening sorry not sorry

  • HerbieHind
    HerbieHind Member Posts: 28

    This isn't about making it harder for anyone. It's about balancing the game.

    This isn't the place to debate whether playing games is a job or not (it's not), so I won't even get into that.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited April 2020

    Yeah, killers paid for a multiplayer game that has an element of team play.

    In a game like that there will be people playing and communicating with eachother no matter the game or its genre, it's really that simple. If you disagree with that there's no nicer way to put it than tell you to stick to symmetrical games or singleplayer/co-op games where it has less balance implications.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    You Will never convince me its ok to cheat until killer players are replaced by bots we should be entitled to fun fair games just like survivors stteamer or not our fun matters just as much as yours killers didn't buy the game just to provide you fun or to put money in your pockets and if somebody gonna make money off the backs of killers the least they could do is not cheat with comms

  • 1saltypug
    1saltypug Member Posts: 117

    monster hunter would punish you if you had only 1 friend. "Oh i see their's only 2 of you lets scale that up to 4 player difficulty". so glad they changed it

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    No I agree with you, the team aspect of this game was going to happen one way or another.

    The problem is that they didn't balance the game around groups and it SHOWS. All I want is for SWF to not be ######### leagues, miles, EONS, ahead of solo survivors because I usually have fun against solos, very rarely is the game even approaching enjoyable against SWF teams.

    The reason I brought up perks is because they are obviously designing most of the perks around solo survivors, which become almost worthless in SWF. There are very few SWF oriented perks, and for good reason because if there was a plentiful amount the game would be in such bad shape I couldn't even imagine wanting to even LOOK at it much less play it.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    And it's going to be *****ing said over and over until they do something about it.

    Maybe the fact that numerous players are saying it, MEANS THAT IT SHOULD BE LOOKED INTO.

    Come on dude, use your brain.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Man, I'm a killer main and things are fine. Getting screwed over by SWF? analyze the game and figure out what they did to win and adjust your build. Did they body block you? Try true grit. Did they gen rush? Go dischordance and tinkerer. You got juked a lot? Run unrelenting as a crutch. They kept hiding? Grab nurses calling, blood hound, insidious, or iron maiden.

    If SWF was removed from the game the community would die. I'm a killer main, pretty good too, and I find beating rando groups to be boring. Killing SWF groups is actually fun and rewarding. Learn to adapt and use your perks in a variety of ways

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    nah, first they are gonna nerf all the killers down to the ground and then the game will die

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    If its really that big of a deal, the ranked and unranked lobbies is a good work around. Killers can check "allow SWF?" Or something. Im sure that would seriously increase wait times for all groups though, but now that its cross platform, that would be less of an issue.

    They could also do the gen and healing slowdown, but that would cause an increase in lobby hopping.

    Adding a proximity chat would make it balanced, and would likely make more ethical SWF groups to use it, but there will ALWAYS be discord groups. One way or another, you're gonna deal with off-game chat. And if they debuff SWF groups there will be non-vocal SWF groups that get screwed over. There's no perfect fix.

    I think its decently balanced as is, but wouldn't mind if they tried out a few things to help the issue, but its likely that would be a waste of the devs time and pull them away from other QOL and balancing adjustments in other areas, as well as slow down new content.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited August 2020

    Let's make a new account and complain one more time about swf.

    Don't be so predictable next time bud.

    Edit: Just saw the thread was from April 15 :(

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    Do not come on here complaining about SWF until you've spent an entire day playing SWF on the official DBD Discord. If you do that, you'll see that the toxic bully squads are the minority.

    SWF has advantages but it also comes with disadvantages. You get poor communicators (including those that don't talk at all), you get people with bad mics or thick accents, you get folks that say stuff you don't need to know and omit the things you do, you get those that are know-it-alls shouting at everyone to play their way, and you get people that don't know how to play or that play in a very risky manner. Another factor is the peer pressure. In SWF, you get people screaming at you if you don't save them. There's also a pressure to not let your team down since they can literally call you out on comms. All of these challenges offset the advantages, especially when you consider that it can be distracting. Yes, there are groups that play regularly together and are a well oiled machine, but those again, are a minority within a minority (since the majority of survivors are playing solo).

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I've never played SWF, only randoms, and I never thought about all these disadvantages. I was only thinking about "bad info", which in cause intentionally when im a killer. Leave a chase to go for a loud noise event, so the chased one will say "he's coming for you" then stand still to trigger insidious and catch people off guard cause they thought they knew where I was going. You point out that if you're not an actual group of friends, the comms can create chaos and stress intrinsically. Very interesting...