Why is DC tech still a thing?

'Hatch tech' is wrong, can we agree? It's not even a tech, it's a game breaking exploit. Robbed kills for the killer, free escapes for survivors. Just make it to when a survivor DCs and there was only 2 of them left, hatch doesn't spawn.

Hatch is a feature that shouldn't be in the game anyway, it's so dumb. Is it too much to ask for my hard work to be rewarded? Why does getting down to 1 survivor give them a chance at a free escape? They lost!

Bottom line: DC 'punishments' are not and never will be enough to discourage DC exploiting. Just remove the stupid hatch mechanic and so many problems, including this one, will just disappear.


  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    I just hope they disable it soo swf can't abuse it, but it's hard to implement something like that

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    I hate hatch as much as you do but honestly taking out hatch would be dumb if its the last survivor taking it put would be dumb. But in your situation that if a survivor dc so there teammate can get hatch is also dumb they shouldn't get rewarded for a dc just ######### on hook. But they don't need to take hatch out the game completely.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Hatch is here to stay and it's just a disconnect in a specific situation working like any other disconnect.

    It's better and actually has a non-zero chance of ever being done to change how DCs themselves work. They should work as if the survivor died on a hook in all ways, including the hatch not opening instantly but instead being delayed by as long as it takes for someone to go through the sacrifice animation.

    I personally like the idea of people that DC simply being teleported to a basement hook and the sacrifice animation starting, honestly 😄

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited April 2020

    Hatch should stay but disconnecting to gift hatch is unfair. I know the person who DC’d gets a time penalty but is this reportable as an exploit, too?

    It meets the criteria in my opinion, but the solution I prefer is that hatch does not open when a disconnect occurs in a game.


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    And logically, you get 7,000 points for entering a hatch. 5000 survival and 2000 objective.

    If a survivor who had earned 15000 points before the end game, receives zero points instead, then your team is at a net loss.

    I play with friends. We never disconnect.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited April 2020

    It's a game, my friend. Both sides should enjoy it. In real life you can, or should make it your goal to be rewarded for your effort, but that rule does not extend to video games. It could be the case, but it's not something you can demand. I guess you're actually pretty lucky, because you have so much variety that in 10 minutes of searching you can/should be able to find another game that feels as rewarding as you think you deserve.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    Where should i play to encounter so many swf and so many problems like this. I have about 3 000 hours and i ve seen thing like this happening two times maybe.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    this is extremely rare

    and even when it does, who cares? its not like it ruins your day to lose 1 kill, unless you have issues needing to be resolved

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    People DC for a multitude of reasons in any game. Most of them aren't justifiable, as they're not irl emergencies or a person being held hostage or whatever.

    I'm just going to comment here that if you're regularly slugging the second to last survivor when you don't have any idea of where the last one is, people aren't DCing to give the other person hatch, they just don't want to wait on the ground until they bleed out. I'm not saying that's justifiable either, it's just a comment.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    And why not? It just seems that every time I ask, my question goes unanswered. "Just keep the hatch. It's fair and balanced." How? There's a bunch of things that survivors have that give them extraordinary power over the killer, that they really don't need, and hatch is at the top of that list for me. I kill survivors 1, 2, and 3 but the 4th one has a chance at a free escape. This is a horror game, not a horror movie, so why do they have that in common with this game?: A survivor getting away for NO REASON other than them being the last one.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    No, no, no. When I play killer, I want to kill survivors. All 4 of them if possible. You will almost NEVER see a killer taking the game hostage. It just doesn't happen. Besides, survivors are the ones with more hostage taking power since they can just refuse to do gens and are not on a timer, so they hide indefinitely. Survivors can ALWAYS do gens or open exit gates instead of hide, so any game taken hostage is taken hostage by them, not the killer.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    The problem here is that everyone seems to forget solo players exist and that it's not all SWF.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    That's what he's talking about...

    If there is no feasible way for me to escape or way for end game collapse to start, what stops me from crouching around the map for half an hour?

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Just like how you play this casually, maybe they don't. Everyone has their own style. Personally I hate it too. If I work hard then I feel like I ought to be rewarded. DCing for hatch is pretty much a slap in the face, especially since most survivors like to tbag before hopping in.

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Ah, the wonderful toxicity, rearing its head and howling with the full force of its frivolity.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    Let's be honest they take hatch out survivor mains gonna lose there brains then devs will just bring them right back unfortunately hatch will never be out but I also think that if u kill 3 survivors and by chance no gens was completed they shouldn't get rewarded for free escape they didn't do anything but I do understand if at least most gens was completed.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    A DC for the hatch doesn't guarantee that the remaining survivor will find the hatch. And it's not the remaining survivor's fault that the other one DC'ed. The person who DC'ed is going to be punished by the DC penalty. No need to punish the other survivor; both you and that survivor have a chance at that point -- it's a hatch race.

    There are TOO many killers that can simply ruin your chances of escaping through the gates when you are the only one left and the gates are closed. Billy can race between them. Trapper and Hag can trap them up. Spirit and Oni can get to them quickly. Wraith can cloak and wait near them. There are a number of killers that I don't even try to open the gate around. There needs to be that third option (the hatch). Be thankful you can close that hatch and move on. That's good enough with everything else I described.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    The game lacks of a way to handle 1v1 when you have killed the rest of the survivor team.This is not a team-based game, it's better to cooperate but it's not like football that if you win your teammates win. Each individual player has it's own win condition, and hatch exists to grant that win scenario if a survivor remains in the trial alone. This is a separate thing from keys mechanics when you can open it before it's intended to open.

    If you remove hatch from the game a lot of people (me included) will DC or give up after 2-3 people are down/hooked, because there are certain scenarios when you just can't be altruistic. It wouldn't be fun for survivors. I don't know about you, but i prefer to win against 4 people trying that winning against 2 people trying and 2 giving up. Also when people give up games are too quick to be enjoyable because the game can end fast when they die on hook.

    The situation that you are using as your main point to explain why hatch should be removed is just a weird/edge interaction that doesn't happen often. I have played against a lot of survivors in all ranks and I don't remember being upset with that. As Killer I always look for the hatch, where it is and if someone have spotted it. Also patrolng near the hatch when you have been missing a survivor for too much time it's a good idea too. Or prioritize generators near the hatch so you can patrol the same area. Also you can injure people so you can grab them as they are escaping through hatch.

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    If I remember correctly if you DC you don't lose your item and addons and that's may be the reason.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah which is why it was put in at all.

    Every time I see a killer complain about "hatch is unfair it's a free escape this is bullshit" I just laugh hysterically. Like, yeah, it IS a free escape, because the alternative is hide and seek for an hour.

    Plus, in that one sentence you said it yourself. "Free escape, bullshit". So why does it bother you at all? It's obvious youd won and it happened because a necessary mechanic exists, so why take it personally like you were a bad killer?

    My favorite is when a 4k does end with 1 hatch escape, and then they message the "gg ez". I hit em with ,"Bravo! You leaving for free because survivors refuse to work when being the last alive is sooooOOOOOooooo impressive."

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    You cant grab out of hatch. For like 6 months or a year now.

    That was changed when killers were finally able to close it.

    Both changed to stop standoffs. If they could grab you, you'd just take a hit first, because they cant close it.

    If they can close it AND grab you, theres almost zero chance, and theyd just sit and watch while you ddo gens.

    So killers can close it if you're not fast enough, but they cannot grab you out of it anymore.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I like your optimism, and I support the DC penalties, but they're way to easy to manipulate/ too lenient.

    In the last 3 days, I've DCd about 7 times ONCE I WAS AT THE EXIT AND SAFE, to see how it progresses. I think I saw :30 (from 4:30 of watching the last survivor), 3 or 4 mins, same thing, and at most 12 or 13 mins from a 15 ban that was running.

    Heres what I don't get. The next day I DC first game, same thing, to see how bad it is. I dont get one. Next game it's an under 5 min ban.

    So while they do exist, they either lower WAY too fast, or reset daily, or MAYBE weekly, as it was tuesday/Wednesday when it lowered.

    Still. DC penalties are a good idea, but their implementation is lacking.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Just because you've killed three people, doesn't mean you're entitled to kill the 4th. People need to stop acting like this game owes them anything. Games can never feel hopeless at any point for either side, if the outcome is predetermined at a certain point then there is no incentive to continue. That would simply encourage disconnects even more so. A lot of Killers think a 4K should be in the bag after they've killed three people but with that line of thinking, should an escape be guaranteed when the survivors have completed four generators?

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    The argument that the hatch is unfair can be looked at from another angle too.

    Take a match I played earlier today for example:

    Within a minute of the match starting someone was downed and hooked. The 2 other survivors immediately rush to unhook. They didn't even bother to try to wait for a safe hook removal. This cycle repeated without any of them ever making any sort of real effort to do a gen. While they were playing hook roulette with the killer I worked gens. I even healed other survivors 3 times.

    By the time the 3rd survivor was killed I had managed to do 3 gens by myself. No other gens were finished. As I got close to the nearest door I could see both doors were really close together, and there was Myers standing right in between them. There was no way I was going to be able to get either of those doors open because he would be able to take me down with one hit. So, I found the hatch and I escaped.

    If you want to call that a free escape that's fine, but as far I'm concerned I didn't deserve a guaranteed loss just because the other survivors played a dumb game.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    There are plenty of toxic things that are justly complained about in this community, "sux to sux" isn't one of them. Your skin is so thin I can see through it bro.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    The price you pay for playing a team game, my friend. I don't know why the devs insist on giving a pity escape to the last guy, but literally no other game does that, for reasons so obvious I need not say them.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    You see a hatch as a pity escape. I see escape doors being so close together as pity kills. I doubt there is any reason either of us is going to give that the other would agree is obvious.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    Oh didn't know about this change. In its current state, if a killer and a survivor both arrives at the same time, what action have priority to escape or to close the hatch?

    I have been giving out a lot of free escapes just waiting for the grab :_C

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    They should turn the survivor that DC's into a bot.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Usually the killer has the priority and can close the hatch before the survivor can jump in.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited April 2020

    From my experience the DC/ hatch escape happens when the killers played scummy. Camping/tunneling/ 2 minutes slug for the 4k etc. But this is a "strategy" right? Kappa

    Post edited by xenofon13 on
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I read that as "disable it soo swf can abuse it" and was about to say "YOU MONSTER!"

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Here's what happens when you remove hatch entirely from the game.

    End Game Collapse cannot start until either the hatch is closed or until a single exit gate is open. So removing the hatch leaves both of you in a cat and mouse game the entire time. And doors tend to spawn pretty close to each other, more often than not. All the killer has to do is patrol a tiny little region of the map and the survivor has to either give up or stand in a corner. Neither parties are obligated to end the game, they are both trying to win. So it's a stalemate forever.

    The hatch gives the survivor both a small chance to escape and provides the killer with a means in which to activate the EGC on their terms. I don't think the hatch needs any changes.

    The hatch cannot spawn unless survivors complete the amount of generators equal to the amount of survirors alive, plus one. So all five generators must be completed in order for everyone to escape via hatch. And even then you still need a dull key.

    Now, if you're complaining about not being given a 4k, as much as the pip system is trying to tell you no, you've already won. Killers shouldn't expect 4k every game. Survivors shouldn't expect 4 escapes every game, let alone themselves. It's how the game works. Sometimes you get 4k, sometimes you get none. Sometimes you close the hatch, sometimes they have a key anyways. They should not be punished because you expect to kill them when they came prepared.

    I feel like a lot of these arguments are coming from one-sided players. Players who only play survivor, or players who only play killer. They don't understand the other side of the problem because they only see one side of the problem.