Perk against face camping

So I've been playing this game for a LONG time... I didn't encounter such problem on any other platforms but since I've played on the beta version of dbd mobile and now... There are a ton of face campers.... Like every other game you see a killer hooking you and then staring the f at you for the whole time... So I suggest a perk which forces killers to leave the immediate surroundings of a hooked survivor..... Or They lose a random totem after a specific interval. Or a decrease in speed... Any suggestions.



  • Wolfgamer0402
    Wolfgamer0402 Member Posts: 41

    I realise that but I know what I saw.... And survivors or good teammates don't just leave others to die so whenever I try to rescue someone or someone tries to rescue me.. They can't..... Plus This Perk would be like those perks which benefit only when the survivor is alive.

  • Wolfgamer0402
    Wolfgamer0402 Member Posts: 41

    OK so I use deliverance to jump off the hook right into the killers arms... Imagine doing all the work or most of gen repairs and then to be found by the killer and get facecamped the rest of the game

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    If you did most of the work then you should get blood points and a pip. That's a win for you. People constantly tell killers "You don't need to 4k to win" well you don't need to escape to win either.

    Seriously, killers who face camp are terrible at killing. I can't put it in any other way. They won't get far playing like that. It only works on newbie survivors.

    Regardless the devs have stated there is nothing wrong with face camping. Even though it is a very poor way to play as killer. So suck it up and adapt.

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 137

    they wouldn’t be able to tell when someone is camping and when someone is chasing a survivor that’s trying to unhook in front of the killer. It would give survivors a free shot to juke a killer around someone hooked to have someone save them somewhere else. I don’t play swf but me and a bunch of randoms were able to unhook ppl being camped by a killer 3 times in one match today by luring him into hits. I know it don’t work as good with leatherface or noed or even billy but certain killers mean you have to give up on the save unfortunately

  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    Know that your sacrifice allowed your friends to escape, and the Killer to miss out on points. Tarry not on the down side of things.

  • Wolfgamer0402
    Wolfgamer0402 Member Posts: 41

    So you accept that in case of potato teammates you do all the work... Get hooked for that while they who didn't do ######### escape

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    That is the price you pay for playing with randoms. Make friends. I don't play survivor solo anymore because of these idiots we got in here. Those survivors who did nothing but escaped also won;t get much either. My advice, if face camping is happening to you often. Keep playing, rank up, or don;t be the first one caught.

    "I don't need to outrun the bear. I just need to outrun you" >.>

  • Rasja
    Rasja Member Posts: 5

    I'm not sure what system you play on, but I play on console (Switch), and it feels like the more you rank up the more scummy players are. I consistently float around Rank 1 or 2, and ALWAYS run into multiple face campers (sometimes I deserve it, yes). I started running Kindred just so my garbage team mates (which 95% of solo is) don't try anything stupid.

    But honestly, if I'm getting face camped, I just laugh and assume I REALLY pissed off the killer.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    A) the remaining three people cannot finish 4-5 gens before that person dies. Someone else is likely to get hooked, especially in a random team.

    B) It ruins the game for someone, completely. They likely didn't deserve to get no points and de-pip.

    C) Camping is most definitely the problem.

    D) Camping is absolutely used by red rank killers. As is tunneling and slugging. The idea that cheap game play only exists at rank 20 is a myth.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    cameraderie SORTA

    I wish that Deliverance would work like head on when jumping off the hook giving you a bit more time to actually get away from the killer

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    A 10 second heads up seems a little OP, but in general I really like your idea. It would be great if you just popped up on another hook if the killer is within like 8 meters or something, longer than 30 seconds.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    "Camaraderie". It ensures that three people get out and even opens the possibility for a BT play.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I am always shocked at those „just do gens/BT/DS“-etc excuses for hard camping. If there are so many counters and only noobs do this, and only noob survs fall for it - were is the harm in a mechanic that directly prevents it?

  • CasualConsolePlayer
    CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51

    Just use caramarderie !! Top notch perk

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89

    While in theory what you are saying is correct - the reality is I can't control the actions of the other two players. I run kindred religiously solely to counter face campers and I can't tell you how many times my fellow survivors just run like lambs to the slaughter instead of working on gens to counter the camper. Even after 2 or 3 hooks and clear behaviour to anyone who does not run kindred that the killer is camping, some players just won't give it up. More than I understand, to be honest.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Eviljoshy- They do lose points already, yes, but what does that have to do with anything? They don't give a shith about their emblems and points. They just want to ruin someone's game and hopefully get some ######### in post game chat. They do it because they're hollow people and desperately crave any form of attention, good or bad. As for ranking up, please tell me how I can reach a higher rank than rank 1 where these mythical non-camping and non-tunnelling killers are! I would love to see that sometime. Ad for the "Dark Side" I play both sides already. I just don't feel the need to ever camp or tunnel because I'm not ######### at the game. Even in Endgame if you get hooked I will leave the hook. What difference does it make?

    Wolfgamer - Thanks very much.

    Con_Inc - They can tell because their emblems only degrade when they are within range of the hook and no other survivors are about. Even if they couldn't tell what difference does it make? The person has used up an entire perk slot so just teleport them to a different hook anyway, that way it protects against tunnelling too. If the killer isn't a camping/tunnelling killer it shouldn't upset them in any way should it? Against those killers it will just be a waste of a perk slot.

    The fact is camping and tunnelling is what pushes people away from the game. It actively discourages people from playing because what is the point in queueing up for 10mins to be out in 2-3mins? Killers complain that "games are too quick" when they lose but they have no issue with using a mori to get someone out of a game within 2 minutes after tunnelling them off a hook or camping them out of the game asap, do they? It is just standard killer players who only play that side being dicks.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Why OP? It just tells you where they are going it doesn't give them any other benefit. They still have to be healed etc when they come off. The 10 seconds is because if in your example it takes 20 seconds then stage 1 only has 30 seconds left, if they were patrolling nearby those 30 seconds could have taken time to accrue as he went out of distance for a second and then back in so they could be about to switch to phase 2 or 10 seconds off when they teleport. Those 10 seconds mean those people have a chance to get there and get you before phase 2.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I can see the complaints about that perk before it gets even implemented. Imagine EGC, you hook someone on the far hook from the gates. The perk activates because the killer was chasing someone near the hook. Teleport to the hook near the exit gate, gg ez.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    That is actually the main problem. We have too many "newbie survivors" with thousands of hours. Camping can work very well because the survivors make it work. 

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    The time it takes someone to die on their first hook is pretty long. I'm pretty sure the killer standing there gives you even more time on the hook. You can finish 3-4 gens easy. Even if the other 3 don't finish all the remaining gens, that is still very punishing for the killer. 1k for 3 gens is not a fair trade. The survivors have all the tools needed to win. They don't always know how to use them. This is the problem with the game. Instead of learning what to do people beg for nerfs or more perks. This makes the experienced survivors OP.


    As for tunneling and camping. That doesn't drive people away nearly as much as imbalance. Look at the survivor que times and the killer que times? Tell me which one is in short supply? Killers bring moris to end a match quickly. Well what about survivors who bring tool boxes? People say tunneling/face camping is just to spread toxicity but what about all the survivors with flashlights who get in the killers face because they have BT+DS+Adren, then they teabag at every single pallet? As for a higher rank than 1. If a killer got to r1 by face camping that tells me this game is full of crappy survivors. You can thank the devs for constantly lowering the bar and letting these rookies prosper. Old Ruin kept those newbies out of red ranks. See what happens when you give out participation trophies.

    Last, if you really played both sides this thread wouldn't trigger a response from you. You would already know face camping only works on inexperienced survivors.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    This picture is a couple months old, but this kind of behavior still happens in the high ranks.... maybe not as often but it's still there. Poor Dwight was found at the start of the game and camped until he died. Even with the three of us stacking generators to get out quickly, Dwight died and the bubba found Nea and camped her afterwards. Zarina unhooked her but it ended with me and Nea leaving and Zarina being camped to death after she saved Nea.

    Killers who do this in the higher ranks usually don't care about points, and that's what makes it even worse. And you can see that killers like this guy (he said the GG) do this just to ruin peoples' games. He didn't care about the points or rank, he just wanted to be a toxic jerk.

    My point is is that even when rushing the generators after someone's being camped, everybody usually loses anyway in one way or another. Be it time, pips, e.t.c.. It's not always as simple as just "rushing the gens and leaving", sadly.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    If killer is withing 15m of hooked survivor for more then 45 seconds while there are no survivors around hooked survivor's timer will pause for 30 seconds(unless the gens are done). Make it passive for everyone instead of a perk.

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 137

    Even if you not camping or tunneling it could matter a lot. Let’s say they have 1 gen left to do you hook them in the basement or any hook near where the gen all are. You hook like that on purpose so your close to the gens and you know they have to recur near the gens so that will stop 1 or two of them from working on the last gen to open the gate as now they have to save near you and the objective. That gives the killer an advantage and a reason why some killers try to keep gens on the same side not done. Even if you don’t tunnel off the hook you know where another survivor is to hit and go after that don’t take you away from the gens while you patrol and applies more pressure on them.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    This is the pattern with these forums, when it's a Survivor experience that needs a remedy, you're told to get good or for people to do generators while you suffer. When it's a killer sided problem, perks have to be nerfed, adjustments have to be made and things have to be improved. The only perk I can think of besides BT is camaraderie. But even that honestly isn't that good. It only works during the second stage and I think off memory it requires another Survivor to be within a certain radius and it only delays 30 seconds?

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    It's the killers job to kill. It's the survivors job to survive. If you get caught you failed at your job. Don't you think it ruins the game for killers when everyone survives?

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357
    edited April 2020

    I wouldn't know that at all as I have never camped/tunnelled anyone. I'm playing a game, I'm not going to play in a manner where I desperately seek any form of attention. I think a LOT of people who play killer forget that this is a game and come out with bollocks excuses like "That's what a killer would do though, prioritise the kill" well:

    1. You're not a killer, you're someone playing a game so stop talking bollocks.

    2. A killer wouldn't have to hook someone 3 times in order to please their master.

    3. People wouldn't be running around injured after coming off a hook and being fully healthy after someone gives them a few body rubs.

    It is stupid excuses used by desperate players. The queue is longer for survivors, yes, you are correct and yet killers who can hop straight in to another game are happy to tunnel and mori someone out of the game within minutes because it makes them feel like they are good at the game and yet they are the first to cry about how short games are when they get beaten.

    Your point about toolboxes? Oh no.... they're going to repair 10% of a gen 4 seconds quicker than what they could have done without it. That's so OP and definitely equivalent to an ebony mori.

    Flashlights are there to be used by survivors, you getting triggered by someone clicking one at you or heaven forbid using it as intended is your problem, not a game problem. Same goes for teabagging, who ######### cares that someone is pressing crouch repeatedly?????

    Old ruin promoted ######### killers to red ranks too. The devs have pretty much stated that when saying you will now level out at your correct rank rather than relying on ruin to support you. See I can spin the bollocks you post back on you? Yet you'll make excuses as to why it is ok for you to play like a prick and ruin games for people because that's what you want to do. You also don't get any longer on the hook when the killer stands there as you claimed earlier in your post. It is exactly the same unless you have camaraderie equipped.

    Of course this thread triggers a response from me playing both sides. I have been repeatedly camped and tunnelled as a survivor and I don't camp or tunnel people when I am a killer. So why should I stay quiet about what a #########, desperate play it is? Your bias is showing Joshy.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    If face camping is happening at high ranks then it doesn't tell me face camping is a problem. It tells me there's a lot of supposed "high rank" survivors that don't know what they are doing. Also it tells me the ranking system in this game is $#%^ed. Face camping only works if the survivors allow it. Were you all working on the same gen when bubba was face camping? Cause that's not what you should be doing.

    I stopped playing since the nurse rework. I jump on once in awhile. As a result I deranked back to 12. I can tell you if I tried face camping the survivors I normally run into, I'm only getting that 1k.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Kindred, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Adrenaline if the gens are done, Babysitter is decent if you can get a blind off as you unhook, Styptic gives a free borrowed effect as well

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I mean, its like 95% because you're on mobile. It's all newer players, with less perks, and on a ######### platform for the game. If someone willingly plays on mobile instead of console/pc, it is LIKELY due to easier games/easier fuckery.

    Why would you expect them to leave the hook, when they would have to play and search for others, ON A PHONE. it's easier to stand still, especially when not using a gamepad/KBM.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Wow imagine taking irl concepts and trying to force them into a game.

    Ofc you wiuldnt have to hook someone 3 times as a killer. But IT'S A ######### GAME. It needs mechanics and objectives.

    Also, old ruin does the same thing it does now, only worse. It still promotes SURVIVORS TO LEARN WHERE BONES ARE, even though they to longer have a reason to learn great skill checks. The only difference, is now good survivors have an EASIER time with ruin, and newer survivors have no reason to learn its counterplay.

    Also, DO ######### BONES.

    Also, if being camped and tunneled "triggers" this kind of response, maybe you should try playing something else. Because it's going to happen. And if you and your teammates arent working around/punishing it, theres really. Nothing to complain about.

    If YOU play YOUR GAME well, and ignore the bullshit, and dont DC, you'll rank up past the people who face camp all day. Because that doesnt get you very high.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    First there is a perk against facecamping

    It's called BBQ&Chilly

    It rewards killers for not doing it wich works infinitivly better then punishment

    Second that would be the worst perk in the game, would you really waste a perk slot just for the off chance a killer facecamps you?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Comraderie/Deliverance/DS but running that combo assumes the killer is gonna facecamp.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Facecamping, or camping in general is a problem. Even if it's not the most effective strategy. The fact that it works out often enough and gets you as a killer at least one or two guaranteed kills is a problem. The survivor being camped can't even play the game, they are just watching the survivor slowly die on the hook and that's it. Games are meant to be fun, so of course the best that the devs can do is to always try and make the game as enjoyable as possible for both sides. Having a strategy like camping work out the way it does right now is not healthy for this game.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    You're saying this like I don't play both sides. It is the killers job to kill people via 3 hooks camping removes 2 of those hooks as does a mori. People like you moan when the survivors take a "shortcut" via a key, even though a key requires them to do a fair bit of their objective if they want more than 1 to escape. If it was a case of get found and you're out of the game then you would be dead immediately on the hook and wouldn't be expected to hang on a hook for 1 minute staring at the ######### killer repeatedly hitting you and then spend another minute mashing a key whilst looking at the ######### killer repeatedly hitting you to "punish the camper" which is a bullshit "counter play" made up by people who fall back on camping when things don't go their way.

    I have lost games as a killer, everyone got out, didn't have a game that I felt wasn't fun because of that but again you're linking fun to winning(which is a pretty childish link to make) and not to the actual playing the game. A camper doesn't have fun standing still hitting the person they are camping they just get a massive hard on about ruining the game for someone else and get excited about what someone will say in the chat. Standing still isn't fun, nobody can claim it is. Same goes for survivor, being stuck on a hook isn't fun, that isn't "playing" a game. That's enduring a #########.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I'm not trying to force real world mechanics in to a game. I fully understand that it is a game and objective are required. It is the people who make excuses for tunnelling and camping to "secure their kill" Are the ones who make up stupid "This is what a killer would do in real life" arguments.

    You accept objectives are required but then seem to imply camping is fine which it isn't. It is a ######### play. It is something to complain about as it ruins games for the people involved. There is no "punishing" it. The killer doesn't give a #########, they have ruined at least one game and that excites them. Meanwhile, the person on the hook is punished for wanting to play a game and being matched with a bellend.

    I have no idea why you are now waffling on about totems. EvilJoshy is the one who tried to make excuses as to why ruin had boosted survivors and I am saying it previously boosted killers. Nothing here requires you banging on about doing totems. I already do totems thanks. I don't need some lunatic who can't read a full post and understand what people are talking about telling me to do them. Irrelevant point.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    @MPUK if the killer had to hook someone three times to kill them then why does someone die on the first hook if no one unhooks them? Also where is it written that it has to be 3 hooks?

    Honestly I don't care about keys or moris I think both are fine in the game. Obviously some people have fun camping that is why some people do it. Like you said "they get a hard on for ruining people's games" so they are enjoying what they are doing.

    Yes I admit it sucks to be camped but when I at survivor and get camped it's whatever because my team will get out I had to be the sacrifice for then to survive.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Ruin didn't boost killers past a certain point. Good survivors didn't even get affected by ruin cause they learned to hit great skill checks. Ruin was needed because what little time it bought was precious to most killers. Ruin got nerfed now no one even needs to counter it. The whole reason ruin was vital is because gens get done too fast. Most of the killers are slow, lack map pressure, some require time to setup and powers that don't help them in a chase. The devs made a half ass attempt to correct this with ruin. Years go by, they forgot why it was in place so they remove it. Now you got what we have now. Red survivors that don't know how to deal with face camping and whine for changes.

    Keep arguing with me but I'm done. I should just get myself banned from the forums so I have no reason to try to convince people my reasoning. I'm going back to whatever I was playing. Reply if you want, know that I won't read it. See you in the fog.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Yes, we all did the same gens. All of us were playing smartly, three-stacked gens and didn't go near Dwight while he was being camped, and we only managed to get three gens done. The killer was free to find someone else with 2 gens left. Not to mention that he had bitter murmur so he knew where we were heading when we completed a gen.

    I don't understand the argument of "it only works if survivors allow it", when the killer is the one doing the action (facecamping). Dwight couldn't allow or disallow it, he just happened to be the first one downed and hooked. We stayed away from the camper but another one of us fell victim to it as well, since Dwight couldn't stay alive on the hook forever, and the killer was free to get another survivor.

    I rarely (if ever) have teammates who hookbomb against a facecamper, yet all of us still suffer. It's not about allowing or disallowing it, it happens whether you want it to or not. It's the killer's choice, and if they're out to ruin peoples' games, then they're going to do it. I don't see how (especially in this instance) it's the survivors' fault. The only way for survivors to avoid being facecamped is to never be downed and hooked.... so unless you're some sort of god gamer and the killer is stupid (won't break the chase and go after someone else when they can't catch you), you could never run a killer for 5 gens and avoid being hooked and facecamped.

    It's also foolish to assume that facecampers wouldn't be in the high ranks if it weren't for unskilled survivors. Obviously they didn't get to red rank by facecamping, as you can see by the killer's points in my screenshot, but there's nothing stopping them from doing it in the higher ranks whenever they want to with minimal consequences. Not to mention that you can be (and are normally) matched against green and purple ranks along with red ranks as a red rank survivor. Facecamping is a problem, no matter what rank it's occuring in, and it's not up to survivors whether it happens or not. Killers are responsible for their own actions and behaviors.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I love how killer's bullshit camping is always the survivor's fault. 😂 ok buddy.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Deliverance+DS+Unbreakable should do.

    If killer doesnt leave you on the ground to bleed out or get Rancored, its not a big problem.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Sorry, I'm not bringing three perks to counter one type of assholery. Frankly, there's too much assholery to do that. Not enough perk slots. 🙄

    Also, Deliverance would only work if you safely off-hooked someone. If you are facing a face camping killer, even if you managed to off hook someone prior to getting downed and hooked yourself, it likely wasn't considered "safely".

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    So basically you just want the killer to let you off the hook. Lmfao

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    Keep this civilized please, the devs have said camping is a legitimate but bad strategy so the killer can feel free to camp. Please keep in mind that the killer can’t snap their fingers to the furthest point away like you would like.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Of course it boosted killers higher than they should have been otherwise these people would still be doing just as well now. Anyone can get 4 kills and rank up when a totem holds people back because everyone knows that killers get stronger the longer a game runs because there are less pallets survivors can use. As for it not affecting red rank survivors that is bollocks as well. It is pretty rare that someone hits every single great skill check that pops up. Either being distracted or just reacting a bit too slowly so in those cases the killer got a 5% regression then there are people who just can't hit them consistently, that doesn't mean they aren't a "red rank" as they are more than competent at running the killer etc.

    I have played plenty of games a clown in red rank and ended up with 4 kills. Yes I may lose some at the start but you can turn things around even without ruin. I stopped using ruin long before the change just because mine was gone before I would even see a survivor in 7 out of 10 games so it became completely worthless. Plenty of people stream those slow, low pressure killers you talk about and do just fine even against red ranks. The problem is that most people who play killer expect to have4kills every game otherwise the game is balanced in survivor favour.

    There is no dealing with facecamping you're talking about doing gens and leaving that person on the hook. That isnt dealing with it, that is working around it, dealing with it would put a stop to it. What I am saying is why should someone be left with a really ######### experience of sitting on the hook for minutes because the killer can't just play properly?

    Don't read it, I don't really care. That is a standard tactic on here by people who play solely or mostly killer. Mouth off about how much harder it is for them and that is why they use ######### "tactics" to try and win then disappear when someone questions the validity of their excuses.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357
    edited April 2020

    This is actually the lamest attempt at justifying it. Why do you get significantly lower points as a killer for doing 1 hook and camping the ######### out of them? You're not fulfilling your objective, you know you're not you're just desperate to try and make out camping is playing the game properly. It is trash players like yourself who spout this nonsense which makes the entire camping discussion pointless.

    The timer exists to add pressure to the other survivors to rescue them, that way they are off gens and making their way across the map where they have a chance of running in to a killer and getting downed themselves. Otherwise, when someone got hooked you would just do all the gens as they sat on the hook waiting and then open a door, unhook the survivor and all take protection hits on the way out of the door. It is very obvious it isn't there because 1 hook per survivor is the killer's objective.

    The same way the wiggle bar isn't their for survivors to consistently escape, it is there to add pressure to a killer to get them to a hook rather than walk across the whole map to the basement.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Sorry? Can you just copy and paste where in my post I said that? That would be great, thanks. I think you will struggle to find that point though.

    It is pointless talking to people like you who would rather standstill than use the tracking perks you have equipped to go and chase someone else our of fear someone will get unhooked.