Perk against face camping



  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    @MPUK wow getting called another name. the camping discussion is pointless because the devs have already said it's a viable strat.

    You get more points for multiple hooks because your doing more work . The hook timer doesn't make sense because how would a survivor die if there wasn't a timer.

    Like I have said before it's the killers job to kill. Let me expand on that some more it doesn't matter how the killer kills as long as it is done. Having a perk where the entity moves the hooked survivor cause the killer is camping is not sure mething that fits into the narrative of the game.

    If you want to counter camping with out doing gens like everyone says to do all you have to do is body block the killer while someone else unhooks. Having borrowed time helps as well.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357
    edited April 2020

    OK so you get more points for more work. Why is the emblem system linked to how many hooks you do? Is that just because you did more work too? It isn't at all, it is because the devs want you to be hooking people multiple times, not camping the ######### out of them.

    Does standing still next to a hook fit the narrative of the game? Or is that OK because you're spinning bullshit and it is one of your plays?

    You think the survivor's objective is to not get caught and if they do they have failed so this is a pointless discussion. The survivor's objective is to get 5 gens done whilst avoiding the killer. If you get chased you will go down eventually since the killer moves quicker at base speed(except nurse) and then you have the 3 bloodlust tiers to max out on top of that for the really ######### players. All a survivor can do is buy time. If they get caught they haven't failed and it shouldn't be game over because the killer wants to standstill. I explained why the timer existed, you've avoided the actual justification of it in favour talking a load more twaddle about the killer's "Job". YOU'RE PLAYING A GAME, WAKE UP!!!!!

    I'm done responding to you now, it is just boring crap coming from a standard killer main who avoids everything that is said to him to waffle about jobs and work. Go put a decent amount of hours in to both sides and then say you support camping because it is so fun as a survivor as you wait on the hook "punishing" the killer.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    Where did I say that again? I literally just said that camping works because survivors don't take advantage of it and instead of making gens they just try to save (and die) or crouch around the hook. 

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    Kindred so your team can see they can't really save you then they do all the gens and get out so he gets maybe 8k points and a boring match. Or borrowed time for a 1 for 1.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Killer main...

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    The first statement in this comment is a huge problem. I hear this a lot from hard tunnel/face campers in post-chat, "It is my job to kill". False, one objective of a killer is sacrifice, there are 3 others. And hard tunnel/ face campers ignore the other 3, ruin other people's game, generally come out with ridiculously low points. Engaging in chases and offhooks is where survivors garner the most points, so it is ludicrous to say "If you get caught you failed", nope, they are playing the game and working their survivor objectives. The camper is the one in the wrong ignoring his own objectives.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    That perk just needs a buff for both hook phases to last 90 seconds. Makes it so if you get caught and camped, then all the gens can get done at least.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2020

    I think you're not understanding the issue. There is a game called Identity V that is a mobile rip off of DBD. It's fairly popular. In that game, face camping is the norm. All the people who played that game are now trying this one. They literally think it's what they're supposed to do. BHVR screwed the pooch on this one by not recognizing this would happen.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Lol.. you can face camp your way to purple ranks mate.

  • domai36
    domai36 Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2020

    Sorry for the late reply - the thing that maybe you didn't catch about what I'm saying (and this could be because I'm probably playing at a worse rank than you) is that it's quite frequent to watch the two others survivors ONLY try to rescue the survivor on hook vs. a camper. That is to say - none of them end up doing any gens because every time one goes in, another is hooked. I can not complete 5 gens in the time it takes these three players to all die on hook, even if I completely ignore them (which I typically do). This isn't every time by any means, but it's a multiple-times-per-day occurrence.

    Whether or not I am a lower rank than you doesn't change the fact that at MY rank, this behaviour is commonplace, and I am usually hovering from purple to red, sometimes green. So my statement is correct, and I stand by it. Face-camping is a problem at my rank and there is nothing I can do within my games to fix this. It's just a fact of life.

  • Wolfgamer0402
    Wolfgamer0402 Member Posts: 41

    It's not against face camping.... It's useless if the killer face camps... They are different.