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Is spirit that skilless?



  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Stridor is a trash perk, especially now with the sounds bugs. You're better sticking to something else.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Only the people who still fail against her standing still mind game claim she's skilless. She might not be as hard to learn as Huntress, Nurse or even a curving Billy, but she's not braindead either.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited April 2020

    Many salty survivors say that she is easy but that is not true at all, she is easy to understand yes but not to learn. I personally as a ex spirit main never saw any good spirit in my life with my 3k hours. She is very hard to master and there are only few very good spirits, the most of the spirits use noed or stridor and just know minor things about her.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Except most that have mastered her don't use stridor.

    Plenty of good survivors can still loop a spirit as well, so if you believe there is nothing you can do, maybe your survivor needs work.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    "There isn't a single thing survivors can do", not "There isn't a single thing I can do", maybe your reading comprehension needs work.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    you're right.. even though others have stated it's bugged and doesn't work as intended. i ran it again yesterday in 3 matches and i'd hit players and they go silent.. post game, no one running iron will. It used to work, like i said.. now it doesn't, at least consistently

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    First off, insults say more about you than me. If I misread something than you can point that out in a more friendly way than putting someone down.

    Secondly, I read your post to mean survivors cant do anything against her. I see that as a fallacy, as many good survivors can still loop a stridor spirit as well, at least enough to get some objectives done and escape

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    I think that spirit is too easy to master because she isn't skill-less but at the same time there aren't many things that survivors can do or use except for iron will which is pretty much the only counter to spirit except for when the Spirit uses stridor which there really isn't any counter to but I don't think the Spirit is skill less because every killer takes some time to master. Also, don't give them any of your time if they were just fu*king around because that's their fault.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Since a lot of y'all wanna say that Spirit has no skill. Why don't y'all go into a match without Strider using this add-on and tell me Spirit is brain dead

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    See here's my issues with spirit that destroyed her skill cap. Stridor, and Predator. Tighter sprint trails and they always moan and such. Literally if they make noise it destroys the kill scap.

    Its not like nurse, where nurse is about constant prediction, and just having to read a survivor and react, where the spirit is "With these two perks, and pop and BBQ, you can now almost 4k every game even if they bring the things that counter her like iron will"

    Now of they have someone with Q&Q that's a whole new ballgame, but as a seasoned killer it's just about remembering who has it and what mind games they would play with it, as did they jump the pallet or bait the window. It turns into a lot of 50/50 chances that you can spike to a 75/25 leaning killer side with the right movements.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Spirit is an easy killer. All you need? Ears. And stridor. I really can't see how some spirits can't end a chase within seconds. Makes me wonder if they don't play with headphones or are just simply deaf.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446
    edited April 2020

    Before sounds got bugged, you can just listen to footsteps and breathing with maximum volume on your headphones. I guess spirit is slightly harder because of that but hey, stridor right? If you're a decent killer who knows basic mindgames, spirit isn't that difficult with a good set of headphones, especially if all sounds get fixed. If you play spirit with terrible sound or no sound, I guess it can be a challenge but who the hell plays with that handicap.

    She does require skill but the skillcap is quite low like freddy. Once you learn how to use their abilities effectively, there's a higher likelihood of you downing them quickly than them escaping you. With that said, I still enjoy playing spirit just to see the dumb things people do to try to counter her sometimes.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    It's not a mind-game if the survivor has absolutely no way of knowing what's going on. I could go into a custom game with some of my friends and I'll get them to try and run me around as Spirit and I can guarantee they won't be able to do it for long. I could also try to see if they know when I'm using my power, or where I'm currently phasing to. Once again, they'll have no idea because guess what? You have no info on where she is or if she's even using her power. There's no mind-game there, it's an uneducated guess because you have no input on this interaction. Tru3 said the same things in his video (which I'm guessing you've seen), and his counters are assuming the survivors got lucky, and the killer has an IQ in the single digits and plays like an AI.

  • Dead_by_chrissy
    Dead_by_chrissy Member Posts: 120

    I dont think you've played against good survivors then.

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100

    Any killer is completely skill-less? Freddy existed.

    The killer that can debuff survivors and invisible from far away by absolutely do nothing, Moreover rapidly using his snares has no downside or penalty.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Like it was mentioned above, there are some safe ways to avoid her mind games. I believe she doesn't need a nerf at all. Do you think she deserves one? I wish you good luck finding a way to nerf her in order to not make her op and fit the thematics of her character.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 203

    Maybe it's like Nurse where I haven't seen her in awhile or don't see her often enough to get annoyed by her at all, so I feel the same about Spirit (as in they're powerful, but it feels earned). I don't understand why people even stopped playing her. I guess she DOES take skill and all the bad Spirit mains left after the rework? Or found a cooler killer? Or something happened? No clue, but I think she takes skill. People say, "Ez just listen, 4head," but I'm sure it's more than that. Before her hitbox nerf she was probably brain dead, but I doubt she is now. I can actually mind game her for real this time (unless I've been going against baby Spirits this whole time lol).

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Freddy is stupidly easy and gets a lot of benefits for comparatively little work, I agree. And yet I’ve played against enough bad Freddys where all survivors escaped. There’s a difference between a good Freddy and a bad Freddy, so there’s some amount of skill gap there. It’s just probably the smallest skill gap of all killers because his power doesn’t take much to use.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Any killer that is good at shutting down survivors they always say take no skill. Look at Freddy, Billy, Oni even. People always say it takes no skill to play a good killer because they don't like that said killer can shut them down very effectively, they think the killer should have to 4D chess outplay them to get a fast down otherwise it must just be a crutch op killer.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    They're only safe if you guess right based off nothing, and you're only safe for like 10 seconds. I never said she did need a nerf. She's not an overpowered or broken killer by any means, I'd rather her ability be reworked somewhat. Otz made a video on what changes he'd make to every killer, and his idea for Spirit was exactly like the one I had for her.

    If you haven't watched it he basically said that it should act a bit like old Freddy. periodically in her power you would be able to see her phasing for a split second, and when you phase into view of the survivor would also be indicated to you as the Spirit, and how often you phase could be changed via addons. This way you could fake out a survivor by moving one way around a loop, for example, but then you actually double back survivor because they thought you were going that way...that was very badly worded but there would be your actual mindgames. The survivor actually has some information to make a guess instead of having nothing. It would also kinda remind me of Hisako from Killer Instinct, who's my favourite videogame character of all time.

    Hell even if they only made her move the grass she was phasing on that'd be fine with me. If she had literally any kind of visual indication (Or a good audio indication although this might make her too weak) I wouldn't be complaining.

  • BabyClaudette
    BabyClaudette Member Posts: 109

    I play spirit and she is braindead easy and she is no fun to go against either.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    I don't believe she's skill-less entirely. I think the part that's the most annoying about her is her passive jittering thing. That just seems really unnecessary, it's not like the spirit needs passive jittering. If you can get the intervals of when that happens down, it's like a psuedo-skill mindgame. And even if you can't, it's still really annoying.

    Otherwise, I think the spirit is fine. There are plenty of ways to mindgame her, and now that you can always tell when she's phasing, it's a lot less annoying and a lot more skill-based during chases.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Sounds are buggy most of the time. IIRC Stridor was bugged until recently. Right now at the moment, it usually works how it is supposed to: You hear IW users with Stridor-Spirit (at 50%).

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Before the spirit rework, I would agree with the statement that she is easy to pick up. Nowadays, since she lost a lot of the bs that she had, I would agree that she is decently difficult. Nothing like the nurse, but much harder to use.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Every killer requires some skill, none of them are completely skilless but it is true that spirit requires much less skill compared to most other killers, especially considering how powerful she is.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Spine chill, Dead Hard, Iron will, Quick and Quiet, hold w, drop pallets early, walk away, Flashlight blind her if she tries to fake you. There's literally so much survivors can do vs her, also it's a team game your only job is to delay her as much as possible for your teammates to finish gens.

  • SandS_Hero
    SandS_Hero Member Posts: 29

    Spirit is my favourite killer, but she takes alot work to master, I've developed strats that work well in open maps but I struggle on indoor maps. She can cover ground really fast and rancor is a great perk I use it on all my killers. When used well she is top tier but hardly unbeatable or skill less I've lost plenty of times with her. You just got some salty players there. Some people take this all way too seriously.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,156

    Ever since they nerfed the brain dead prayer beads add on and gave her a vaulting animation I have no problem facing Spirit.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    All the people claiming stridor counters iron will lead me to believe that either my system is screwed, my headphones suck, or they have not used stridor in the last 6 months with each new sound bug. If I run stridor on any killer, survivors without iron will are ridiculously loud and survivors with it are dead silent. No sound at all.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    That's not a Spirit issue though, Stridor isn't even her perk

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Predator is an awful perk on literally all Killers. The tighter scratch marks mean they generally wont show up on walls or trees, you you wont see scratches unless you're right on their ass anyway

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    People who say she’s easy to play are the ones who run in a straight line from me.

  • DYNAMICskills7
    DYNAMICskills7 Member Posts: 129

    People call it skill, but the fact is most is guessing games and guesses equal a type of luck. Guesses have calculated % of chance and should not be skill. It just becomes a joke to some people who know how to not be predictable.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    She's not necessarily skill-less, but easy to use as long as survivors aren't running Iron-Will and/or Lightweight.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    The bottom line is any killer requires infinite more skill than survivor. So I wouldnt lose sleep over what survivors say as to which killer you are using and whether they require skill or not.

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    Any tips as to how to handle loops with such low movement speed? They just keep circling. If I try to get a hatchet on the pallet drop, they keep circling during the windup. Which gets them more loops. Don't throw? Pallet to the face.

    I'm a rank 1 killer. I use Freddy, Nurse, Hag, Doc. I feel like trying to learn the mechanics of a different killer you aren't comfortable with while at rank 1 is just asking for tbagging and other BMing.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Not at all. I had a hell of a time until I learned her. I can think of a few I'd say require little skill,but people probably wouldn't agree because everyone is different. I don't really see much difference between her and Billy's chainsaw,for what it's worth...just Billy can actually,ya know...see. Depends on what perks you use too I guess. I use Rancor,Haunted Ground,Thrilling Tremors,and Bitter Murmor. Don't feel like that's OP lol.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    In a chase sense, I think it actually benefits her pretty strongly, yeah the thing that sucks is you can't find them as easy. But that's compensated by things like BBQ, and what ever other 4th perk you feel ya want. I actually use it on spirit quite a bit and the thing I really like about it is it can really tell yoi weather or nor they stopped sooner to begin walking, or when or where they took a turn or if there was also another survivor to keep from jumbling up scratch marks all over each other making it a mess to find one another.

    From my use it has its benefits and it's downsides on her, but I've also gained a good bit of benefit from it.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2020

    If you are good with her, you should be winning 80-90% of your games. She's just a harder killer to master, but once you do, the reward is really high. The nurse has the same issue, but her difficulty to master is much higher. Stop listening to what survivors who never play killer think.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Really ignores the premise of the thread but I don't mind xd

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    *spine chill has entered the chat*

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    Obviously requires skill, but a lot less than other killers, and also has pretty much no counters, just guessing.

    I have like 10 hours on her and can manage to win matches that i would likely have lost with other killers

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Just wanted to comment on this...

    You should keep in mind that if you played Huntress first then of course it will be harder, because you are learning basic killer AND Huntress at the same time. If you did this before switching to Spirit it may seem like she is better than she is because you already have the basics down, and you already have experience playing as a 110 killer.

    When Ghostface came out I was already a rank 1 killer, and I performed very well with him from the start because I already knew what I was doing, I just had to learn Ghostface was all. But when I started playing killer way back when, as Billy, I had to learn everything and it was significantly harder. So now, pretty much any 115 killer I will already be playing well enough to dominate most teams, it's just a matter of learning the new killer's power (also 110 killers because I main Spirit and used to main Huntress, so Deathslinger felt rather easy for me).

    IMO Spirit is the killer where you can get seriously overconfident. If you think you are good with her, play enough at high ranks and eventually you get survivors that will make every read and not fall for a single trick. Then you will know how good of a Spirit you really are because you will get crushed, since you assumed you were good with her since a vast majority of survivors over think the counter play and make dumb decisions, which leads to an easy catch.

    What you mean to say is she has a low skill FLOOR, as in the barrier for entry is lower. But her skill ceiling (eg. how good you can possibly get) is as high as any other killer barring probably Huntress.

    A low skill ceiling is old Legion, where you can quickly reach the maximum potential of the character.