Why everyone hate Moris? Here's why (long argumentation)

Wesker Member Posts: 339

Moris exist and are still in the game to ensure quick kills; they are meant to be played against UNCOMMON teams like:

1) key tryharders;

2) the top 0.1% best randoms: they are so good at the game that they look like a full swf squad, but they are just gods. You're chance to 4k without a mori against these guys are very low cuz a single mistake can cost the entire game, whilst they recover fast from their mistakes with solid teamwork.

3) Rank 1 SWF full squads coordinated via Discord.

When you spawn in the trial against these 3 types of teams you will find yourself in a frustrating and very hard position where gens are done right on your face before you come there to use PGTW and every single survivor try to loop you until the gates are powered. Killing looks like a job rather a fun game against these guys. So this is why we have moris.

But the point is... You can't really tell how much your opponents are actually strong and focused on destroy the killer until you see how they play with your eyes. Red ranks are not really balanced against these teams, so 90% of red ranks teams are not so good to deal with a paranoid killer who's running a mori. Here's why Ebonies seem to be so OP.


  • DetectiveBingBong
    DetectiveBingBong Member Posts: 67

    See, but it's a fair assumption. Red Ranks should mean you worked hard to get up there and you have some measure of skill, above most other players.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    While this is true, there are a lot of instant downs, and with the last that we've heard from the Devs about kill rates (which the game SHOULDN'T be balanced around as much as people think!) then killers don't have that much to worry about. I'd also argue that if you have to rely on something like an Ebony Mori to get a 4k at red ranks, then maybe you don't belong there as a killer.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    "Moris exist and are still in the game to ensure quick kills"

    That's false by the fact that low rarity mori requires to have only one person alive, that happens at the end of the match. Also perks that give you the ability to kill survivors tend to have end game requirements: hope devourer (5 unhooks) or rancor (All gens done). Only by how are designed these perks I would see them as a reward but maybe they have multiple purposes.

    Only devs know the real purpose they designed it for, but telling by the fact that you can choose when to use it I would say it's meant to give a more uncertain experience while playing. When the game was on its early stages, when you were hooked it was the end. People learnt to be altruistic later and maybe moris existence is a way to destroy the expectation of every game being a 2 "no problem" hooks for every survivor.

    Think of killers as the game master of a Dungeons and Dragons, they can choose how the game goes to spice up the "terror" experience. If survivors are too confident maybe you need to be seen as a more powerful being, that's when moris come in. It's not necessary for a player to be good, if he doesn't fear the killer this tool might work.

    All of this is just an assumption too of course.

  • Moris have always been a contentious offering, It's never fun for the Survivor who gets mori'd. A team mate unhooks you and the Killer tunnels you to get you out of the game fast. Changing the Mori to work on 2nd hook will only prolong the tunneling. Its bad all around.

    I my suggestion to solve these issues would be to remove the mori offering and implement a system that has a random amount of hookings/sacrifices/time, then when the Killer player meets that goal this can happen any match and at any time, when it happens the entire match the Killer is in has an audible announcement notification, and the Killer is allowed to Mori a survivor who has been hook once or twice.

    Why is this better? This prevents Mori bombing from the Killers side and allowed BHVR more control on how often Moris happen.

    I believe this would make the game way better.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842
    edited April 2020

    It's more that the community needs to think less of a 4k being balance, and that the emblem system is something to balance around too.

    Hence why Hillbilly is possibly considered "the centre of balance" and Legion isn't getting any buffs any time soon.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    So you justify moris because they have the purpose to destroy the best players in the game? You know the top 0,1% / best SWF groups like you said.

    MAYBE... just maybe you should not win games against the best, because... you know... they are the best?

    Moris have to be nerfed ASAP since they are without a doubt completly overpowered. As the OP describes in his way, even a weaker player can win aginst the best with a mori. Great ballancing!

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    A weaker player can only get use of a mori against players that are worse or near his skill level. Pick some rank 16 with let's say 50-100 hours against a red rank 3K hours. Let him pick wichever build they want moris included. The red rank is going to survive. 100%.

    I have seen killers starting out and there are a lot of mechanics that killers need to know or they will be humilliated.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Mori are only hated because it removes the survivor's third chance.

    Waaay back survivors were actually thankful for getting rescued, today its an expected outcome.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    I only play killer and in my opinion mori is not the problem. Its how often they show up in the blood web. They should be super rare to find. But I see like one sometimes two red ones per bloodweb. whats funny is I rarely see the green ones.