

Talk to almost every player and the following small list - with the high chance of me forgetting a few are commonly thought of as bad for the game:

  • Keys
  • Moris
  • Selected perks that have high effect, for minimal - if any - skill

The third bullet is hard to deal with, but when such a high percentage of people feel that keys and moris are poster child of douchery for either side, and has been for many, many years, you have to wonder why the simple job of removing them, and maybe converting those perks/items into some sort of bp offering in compensation hasn't been done.

As a solo queue player I see moris far too often for the offering to ever be justifiable as a counter to x, y, or z, and as a killer the amount of times you deserve a 4k, but end up getting only 3 or sometimes 2 or 1 kill (depending on when a key is used) is also enough to make you sigh at the very sight of one being brought into the game.

Linked, but also going a little further with the discussion: Currently Dead by Daylight has this unhealthy mantra of 'if you can't beat them, join them' when it comes to imbalance or cheesing mechanics. Whether it is using every meta perk in the book in your SWF, running every borng af gen slowing perk on certain killers, running NOED to compensate for this, running a key to compensate for that, running a mori because 'swf is so common'.

Everyone is using every mechanic they can in retaliation towards the other one, and I'm sure I'm not the only fair-minded DBD player that doesn't throw on every 'game winning' combination that is a bit fed up of all the tools certain people are given to ruin the fun for others.

I also know this is a topic that has probably been brought up a million times, and is likely already on the first page of this forum lol, but hey, I needed to get something off my chest.


  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 363

    Entitlement. Use any means of winning, it'll be considered illegal and unfair by someone.

  • Hunter__
    Hunter__ Member Posts: 53

    The game has been like this for a long time. Survivors and killers both using whatever they feel is necessary to counter what the other might have.

    It's the presence of these things that instigate the hatred for the other side. Or more precisely the behavior that comes with using these things in a manner that is supposed to directly show the other side what they have to... out play them.

    It's a vicious cycle of a toxic attitude started when the game was far more imbalanced. A time when nurse could have 7 blinks. A time when you didn't need to hook a survivor to mori them. A time when infinites actually existed without no entity blocker or bloodlust. A time when hooks didn't respawn and iron grasp and agitation was necessary to hook at the only hooks in the basement. Or let them all bleed out. A time when there was nothing available for Gen regression. Not even kicking it.

    The game is in a much better place than it was years ago. Bhvr catches alot of flak for it being unbalanced. They've done a pretty good job. It's just takin awhile.

    RIP Billy flick