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Erm... Doctor?

Skatla Member Posts: 21

Hey guys, i'm kinda new do dbd, i've played for a month or so.

Since day 1 i've always had frustration playing against Doctor, because he doesn't need a high skilled player to be effective, and it's quite hard to get away from, especially with perks like bbc w/ chilli.

I just wish to know if he's that strong, or i am that bad. D:


  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    He is certainly one of the stronger killers, but you won't have too many problems if you get better over time.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    He doesn't have speed or stealth. He definitely requires more skill to play effectively than killers like Spirit, Freddy or Billy.

  • Skatla
    Skatla Member Posts: 21

    But the problems from doctor doesn't come on him approaching you. He have an AoE (with quite low cd) that reveals the position from survivors, besides putting them into madness, and in chasing, besides bloodlust, he can straight up spams his skills, difficulting the run. But i guess it's just a matter of time to learn how to deal with it. :)

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    You can tell when he's about to use his power and you know after he uses it you're safe for at least a minute. Lockers prevent you from screaming. I also recommend Calm Spirit if you're really struggling against him. You won't scream/reveal your location.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,736

    Here's some tips I've learned:

    -A lot of doctors will shock while you're both at opposite ends of the loop. In this case keep running forever, they won't catch you, since they lose all blood lust while shocking people.

    -Calm spirit removes a lot of his tracking (not all, mind you) so if you're having a really bad time then use this perk. Be warned though, the lack of screaming from this perk makes you struggle sooner as there's no screaming animation before going straight into button mashing.

    -The average game length is 6 minutes, as confirmed by a dev on one of these posts. This means the doc gets to use his static blast ability 6 times per match. When in the terror radius you also hear a directional audio que so you can either hide in time or book it in the opposite direction.

    -Lots of doctors will shock where they think you'll run. Taking alternative patching makes them miss their shock and bloodlust and also probably a hit. For example, when at an L-T wall a lot of doctors will shock inside to deny the window (me included) so running to the other wall confuses them a lot.

    Good luck, and I'll see you out there in the fog :)

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    If Doc is spamming his power, he will literally never catch up with the survivor he's chasing. Find a safe loop in this case, and run it cautiously. Don't overextend to get to windows or pallets, and value long walls over them.

    Overall, he's a solidly mid-tier killer. He has nothing that actually helps in a chase, since he'll slow down just as much as he gains by shocking unless the survivor plays poorly. That's up to the survivor to learn how to play better.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    A minute is the longest cd in dbd by far..try not to discredit yourself if you wish to make a point

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    i love how a total scrub is trying to discredit doctor players while complaining about not being able to beat any of them seems like the only one lacking skill is you maybe you should get good before calling out a mid tier killer thats owning you

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Hey calm down, toxicity leads nowhere.

    He never even said that he knew he was strong, he actually asked if he was strong, or if he's bad. No need to be aggressive by saying he's bad

    Onto topic, you're new. Some killers like that just take time to learn, but eventually you'll be able to play against him with ease.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    Doctor loses Bloodlust when he uses Shock Therapy? I legitimately did not know this.

    On that note, for the OP, be wary of the Shock Therapy, the spammable shock, if you're about to drop a pallet or hit a window, because getting hit by it prevents interactions for a few seconds, which could well be critical if he gets you at the wrong time. The area Shock, Static Blast, does not cause this effect.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,736

    I'm not sure if he loses it since I've never personally tested it but I do know that he doesn't GAIN it, which- like with a billy chainsaw or something- you'd assume means they lose it too. I believe this is also the case for static blast.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2020

    The doctor is best in tracking not chasing. If he about to stactic blast head for the nearest locker. He does have his clones to keep track but you can run thru them. Running thru the illusion make them disappear plus they only point toward where you are. Overall run perks like calm will, quick and quiet to hop in locker faster. If he know how to time his shock in between vault don't get greedy with the pallets and vaulting. He will eventually catch up. He can also lock down hooks with his shock therapy.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited April 2020

    The best strategy vs the doctor is to just waste his time as much as possible. Other survivors can hear when he's shocking you, so (live with the clown or demogorgon) they pretty much have a global sound telling them its safe to work on gens without any fear. Every time you can keep the doctor trying to prevent you from utilizing a loop, you're buying your entire team unmitigated progress.

    That said in terms of the chases themselves, shock is kinda bad in terms of its delay with dedicated servers: its VERY easy to have the shock go off too late to prevent a vault/pallet. Because of this, doctor players will generally have to have the lead their shock a bit, and often will have to assume it didn't go off: This makes safe loops VERY strong against him, and weak loops VERY weak. while running a loop, always try to look for a breakoff direction that will lead you to another loop, preferably when you're near the pallet or window part of the loop. That way if you think his shock is actually going to prevent the usage and confirm a hit, you can easily break off and make distance to it while he's still charging/releasing his shock (As a bonus, you didn't even have to use the pallet/block the window!) Last piece of advice I'd have is to try not to throw the pallet early UNLESS its a safe pallet. And if you DO have to throw the unsafe pallet early for any reason, run away from it ASAP. If you stick to an unsafe loop while the pallet is down, it increases his chances of catching you there considerably due to his ability to block the vault. Meanwhile with a safe pallet (like shack pallet for example) he will have to break it which gives you considerable time to gain distance and/or completely break the chase.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Did any means necessary get a buff? I thought its 2 minute cd was the longest, and yes, by far.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    To answer the question: He is good, but he is particularly strong against newer players.

    His most outstanding strenght is finding people with his ability. Experienced players dont have to much trouble beeing found by the killer because they know how to loop and juke the killer. A new player on the other hand has not developed such skills yet, so he relys more on not getting found, which is difficult verses the Doctor.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Doctor doesn't lose bloodlust when shocking, he should, but he doesn't

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,736
    edited April 2020

    Well from my experience I definitely don't gain it whilst shocking.

    However because of the slowdown whilst shocking the point still stands. If they keep shocking over and over and over again then keep running.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Ok then..longest killer power..however I'm pretty sure you knew that but had no real retort to make

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    You shoulda seen Doc before his rework. Static Blast was Static Field, which raised the madness level of anyone in his TR constantly. But you also had to switch between Treatment mode and whatever the other one was.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    LOL at everyone suggesting you "find a safe loop" 😂 Enjoy that strat for the next week or two. 👍️