Playing with only one perk, whats your choice?

If you would only equip one perk and play with it for a day, which one would you choose?
As a survivor I take Borrowed Time rn.
Killer would be Dark Devotion, just for the fun.
Spine Chill for survivor, BBQ for killer.
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Killer: Mad Grit for the lols, Whispers for the usefulness.
Survivor: I'll copy @Lofepramine Spine Chill would actually be a good all-around choice now that I think about it.
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For survivor? Kindred
For killer, BBQ every time. I'd just play Billy all day it'd be basically the same as playing with 4 perks.
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Fixated for survivor all day, everyday, and perhaps monitor & abuse for killer
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As survivor Iron Will hands down. It's the best survivor perk imo.
As killer, Hex: Devour Hope, no explanation needed.
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For killer I might gop for Pop I think. Depends if surivors I have to go against also have just 1 perk ^^
As survivor probably Kindred on solo or Spinechill
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Iron Will for Survivor.
Pre-nerf Ruin for Killer. I'd probably use Overcharge otherwise.
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I'd say dead hard prob. As killer i'd prob use Pop or enduring.
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I'd change my Steam username to Overconfidence and use a controller so I can slowly chase after Survivors.
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Dead hard.
Pop goes the weasel.
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Killer: If I want to win, Pop Goes The Weasel...otherwise BBQ
Survivor: If I want to win, Iron Will...otherwise We’re Gonna Live Forever
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^ if I was only allowed one perk, im going for maximum meme's
Now what on the killer side though, probably Territorial Imperative.
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Survivor iron will or bond
Killer Enduring or BBQ
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Survivor: Kindred
Killer: BBQ for those sicks BP
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Killer: BBQ
Survivor: Bond
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Thats the spirit :D
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Survivor: Spine Chill
Killer: BBQ
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Whispers and Iron Will.
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Head On and Play With Your Food.
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Survivor: Ofc Sprint Burst, exhaustion ftw.
Killer: Stridor, my Spirit doesnt need much else :P