Please for the love of god fix the matchmaking. This isn't even close to fair!

Other than the rank 1 everyone is within the +6/-6 rank range for matchmaking. Anyways rank means little to nothing anymore outside matchmaking. It's entirely skill based nowadays. You can get rank 15 killers who dominate a 4 man rank 1 group.
10 -
Hi, do I have some excellent news for you! Back in the January Dev update they mentioned they were, indeed, creating a solution to matchmaking! So suffer a bit longer and enjoy your treat later.
Also, actually, doing some calculations here, this matchmaking does seem fair if you depipped. The devs aim to get a +/-6 ranks at most. If the rank 1 ranked up this game from rank 2, and you ranked down from rank 8, everything here is working as intended.
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Whats the point of creating the 500th Thread about Matchmaking? Yes, it is broken. This was told 499 times before your thread.
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I safetied I've been stuck on rank 9 because of all the reds I'm fighting
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Hmm, that's odd, I don't recall making a thread about how many times this thread has been made. I must be confused as your response would only make sense if I had made a thread about such a topic.
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Well in that case it was 1 or 2 out which is certainly far from ideal. Again though may I direct to you the January Dev update where the new matchmaking is discussed in depth.
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Its more like that your Thread is not special at all, there is no reason to open it. Devs are aware of it.
Not to mention that there have been worse cases, 1 Survivor is only 1 Rank higher and two out of three are still in the acceptable Range of +/- 6.
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Rank doesn't represent fair matchmaking. Any potato can get to rank 1.
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Thank you for bringing the update to my attention, although I do believe +-6 is a little large when it comes to balancing, although a smaller bracket might increase lobby times.
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Stop being so arrogant, the guy just told you that your post is meaningless since there are hundreds of posts about this topic. The matchmaking will get fixed, even though in that screenshot the ranks are balanced. Since you are running noed and get less points as a killer than an Adept Kate is making me thinking that you are just bad. Don't act like "he's red ranks", and what? You are running Deathslinger with noed that can negate a hell lot of loops with his ability. Just learn how to play better, if you are going against yellow ranks all the time, what's the satisfaction? You will never improve at this game if you keep crying over this bs.
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I'm not saying I should be facing yellow ranks, what I'm saying is that I should be facing green ranks, because that is where I am, there are 2 people in that lobby that were outside of the +-6 range, and not a single green. Not to mention the state the game is in right now anyway where gens get done at lightning speed, how about instead of just attacking me as a killer you actually add something to the discussion you raging asshat
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I wasn't raging, i was just upset because you are such an arrogant prick towards people that are trying to help you.
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Some people group up at different ranks too you know, I've seen purples run with rank 20's
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Obvious SWF judging by the mixed ranks.
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You got NOED you should've been good
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I know how it is man. I'm a killer main, but while playing survivor for a ritual, I looped Doc for 5 minutes straight, then used Deliverance/DS right out the gate, with Unbreakable/Sprint Burst waiting as backup...
Just to find out he was rank 18. Im rank 6, and wasn't partied with anyone. It was stupid.
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At this point, just shelve the game and play something else. The matchmaking was broken just like this in November 2019. By December 2019, I had enough and left. Here we are in April 2020, and I come back over to see how the game is, to discover that matchmaking is exactly how it was in November 2019.
And the most pathetic part is that late November wasn't even the first instance. It came, stuck around, and left again multiple times throughout 2019.
At this point, chalk it up to BHVR being unable to handle their own system, don't put too much faith into their supposedly upcoming Hidden MMR system, and either play the poor matchmaker in DbD or let the game collect dust.
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Let's not forget how long it usually takes the devs to fix something. We were praying for dedicated servers for years and when they finally got here, it was a bit of a let down.
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I'm not an expert on the technical stuff by any means, but I am a little worried that if a green rank could only go against green ranks, yellow with yellow, red with red ect., then wait times would be horrendous. I know a lot of people don't feel the same as me, but I would rather get creamed by higher ranks where I can actually play and learn something over playing an epic round of lobby simulation.
Maybe I'm wrong, it just seems to me that if you only match by color ranked then it would take an hour if not longer to find a match. The rank 1 is rough, but the others are within the general range of what's considered acceptable I do believe.
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If it's skill based and someone don't always play with constant pace can easily get matched with lower ranks. Am I right?
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Probably some of the high level survs was together with low level surv in party, so this what's happening with matchmaking, stop crying about it
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Another thing, dude, stop use NOED and get better perk, and you doesn't will be lose against survs lol
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Somebody else was partied lol
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1+4+9+13 = 27
27 / 4 = 6.5
The average rank of all 4 Survivors is within your matchmaking Rank.
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That looks like some very gross S.W.F that's right people swf, we love to see that. Start ringing the bells and the alarms. Sorry to see that. I like many has been suffering from TOXIC swf group for awhile now. This game is something else.
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A random assortment of ranks does not automatically mean SWF. Matchmaking has been within 6 ranks above or below your rank for a while now and brown ranks only have to wait so long before they'll throw them into any match just so they can play.
I consistently get teams like this playing solo on console. I can't help who I get paired with and as a R1, I almost consistently get green rank killers. Very few red and even less purple.
Ranks just reset so I got put back to 5 (purple) which doesn't really help matters because while I'm trying to get back up for the hell of it, I end up with more people I shouldn't be paired with according to their system (if I haven't played for a bit and people get back up to where they were prior) because they set us back, for what? Like that suddenly changes your skill level or motivates you whatsoever to rerank? (Also I guess some people don't get set back when they should? I played with a friend who was also R1 and his never reset when mine did. I don't know if he has yet, but he stayed R1 all that day. Game was reset and still nothing.)
In any case, rank definitely does not mean skill. Just means you play a lot, especially considering it's possible to pip up twice per game but only once down. You'd have to do basically nothing two games in a row just to negate a game in which you double pip.
It's incredibly easy to rank up if you're trying to and know what to do, permitted you live long enough to do it. Hell, you only have to do two gens to max out repair.
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Life isn't fair
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Well, we have no further information about the new matchmaking, no timetable. But for some of us, the matchmaking is a think that could drive us away. While some survivors might have fun bashing lesser skilled killers, not all of us enjoy that, and especially not from the killer side.
But till now that topic doesnt seem to have any priority. And that needs to change. Sure, some people that get the bad matchups because they are matched with low skill survivors then simply call for a killer nerf, but some are more reflected about what the core of the problem is, which is very unequal matchmaking.
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Not every person plays the game every day. Some of those low rank killers/survivors used to play a lot. Now they play just here and there.
Like I said rank means nothing anymore it's more used in arguments to make people feel better about the lack of skill, but they can say they are high rank player with good skills [insert screenshot proof]. Survivors can easily pip up so you can have extremely bad red rank survivors. At least killer is more difficult to rank up past a certian point.
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
Yes, but that explains why THEY ended up against a rank 18 when they were rank 7... But it doesn't explain why a solo queue rank 6 would be in that rank 19 killer lobby as well.
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It could be worse
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Facts, sure explains how I got there. Just be decent at looping and don't make dumb plays and you'll be good
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Actually, you can do less and rank up lol
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Actually this is pretty fair. The disparity is only 3 ranks, and they were running meme perks to boot. If you were a rank 13+ I would be a bit concerned however.
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When you think about it, yes
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You know what would fix all this crap, unranked matchmaking. Done, problems solved.
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They try to make similar power or skill in same lobby, I'm most of times were playing solo, and get rank 1 killer, just because someone had party with high rank survs. Matchmaking try make equal match