Lately camping has proven to be more effecient then sweating all match

I usually see a lot of camping disucssions complaining, but now I realize why it happens soo often
It works
Why should I go after every single survivor and scare them away from gens?
If I camp a survivor at least 1 or the full team will go for the unhook, and I can turn 1 hook into 3 hooks
Sure you might lose all gens if it's a swf but either way they will probably depip and not get much points since they genrushed me(which to be honest they would do even if I wasn't camping)
Speaking of points, I am at a point where points don't matter to me, and I am more worried about having fun, and camping is relaxing, can give you an easy win , and I don't need to be annoyed by abusive tactics by survivors
As long as Survivors continue playing into campers, camping will continue to work.
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Like I've said before. Killers wouldn't camp if it didn't work so well. Youre a killer trying to kill 4 super humans in which some cases can yell to each other across the map ( swf comms) and you can't hear it.
So why bother brother! Camp away and let them come to you like moths to a fire.
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Just camp with NOED if killer is too challenging. It's actually a mathematically guaranteed 2k if your first chase is short enough.
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Only half the truth.
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Ya i agree. Just go all in. Noed, insidious, blood warden, and ehhh something? Idk
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A chase perk maybe? Or CI for a bigger window for your first hook.
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And what's the other half?
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i love this because the counter to camping is gen rush yet noed punishes you for gen rushing...So you get punished by camping and when the killer ends up killing 2 survivors by camping then you get punished by noed for genrushing...The irony lol.
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Wow wow wow, leave bloodwarden out of this. Its the best perk in the game and i think (correct me if i'm wrong) the only one to make both sides laugh when it's triggered
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Nice to see you man 🤗
I do love me some mathematics
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Yup, completely glosses over camping stealth killers. Or camping stealth killers with a mori, who straight up ignore BT / DS and smack you off the hook into a mori. Camping wraith / ghostface can do that super easily, especially wraith. Been insta'moring people off the hook for years now with wraith and im surprised BT is still not proximity based.
You should really just get BT no matter what when you get off the hook, it only lasts 15 seconds anyways and would fix it not working against facecamp freddies.
Camping pig with a mori is pretty bad too since even if you somehow make it to a locker for DS your head trap timer will still be running and you are dead anyways. Then she can just crouch behind you until you are dead at that point and not even use the mori if it's ivory.
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I guess I better start bringing Kindered again xD
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of course camping works especially againts cocky survivors,you genrush me?I facecamp you
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That's why survivors just leaving people to die on hooks and playing full 4 man SWF. No time wasted except the camping killers. Killers like that usually only get that one kill if that. I've started bringing endurance medkits just for this reason.
And it's hilarious because they're red rank 1-3 killers barely getting 15/20K and then ######### after game about SWF ruining their fun after we burn 4 BPS and they decide to do that nonsense. I get it, play how you want. But if you play like a dick when people put out a nice gesture then expect to have a dick slapped across your forehead in return.
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And killers want swf nerfed.
Maybe this is the exact reason why many prefer to play with friends.
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Ahh yes, the killer's excuse book for camping. If you camp, don't whine when survivors use DS, abuse god loops, and bring items and keys.
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100% correct. I never understand survivors begging BHVR to do something to killers that camp. Instead you should be begging your fellow survivors to quit playing like morons. Killers that camp are doing it because it is an effective strategy. However, the ONLY reason it's an effective strategy is because of survivors. If you are a survivor that runs up to pull people off the hook even when the killer is standing right there you are to blame for camping being so common. Even as a survivor main I realize how ridiculous it is for survivors to ask BHVR for a remedy to a problem they bring on themselves.
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The one thing I would like implemented is for BHVR to make it more obvious when a hooked survivor is being camped. And I mean actually camped, not just some entitled survivor crying because the killer didn't instantaneously disappear from the map after hooking. I really think it should be up to the survivors to punish camping since they can easily do it, but they should get a tool to know if the killer is camping. Something like making the killer's aura visible when they're in a certain proximity to the hooked survivor after giving them a short time to leave the area first so the survivors don't get to see what direction they left in.
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I dont camp, however i get accused of it all the time because i do a quick check around the hook and i come back after checking 2 gens. I almost always find someone hiding around there. Alternatively i hook someone and two people are standing right by me so they can unhook instantly. Smart killers will check as bait and frankly if they are face camping and they get more than 1 kill then the survivors screwed up.
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That it works because of game design.
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I understand camping sometimes, but for us solo players, it is extremely boring.
Nothing like waiting 10 minutes in queue to get camped/tunneled and depip with 5k points. It really ruins the game.
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Oh please. Don't talk like those who camp do it because it's affordable, in a BP gain I mean. Even if you play non-altruistic and 3 escape there will be one who will be camped. Why? Because some people feel miserable and need to make another people miserable as well. It's not a strategy for them, they're ruining the game on purpose just because they're salty or want to have fun at the misery of another one. Generally those who camp are into the "you survivors vs us killer" kind of thread as well.
I play killer a lot and there were a match as nurse just yesterday, where I hooked one person that didn't use their DS (I had the feeling she had it), EGC already started. I could have camped her, and it might have been better to avoid an extremely safe hook but I didn't. Why? Because camping is no fun, either for survivor and killer.
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There are way too many factors for it to be that simple. Camping + NOED and/or a stealth killer means unless the killer ######### up they are almost guaranteed at least a 2k. Likely more if the RNG favors them with exit gate or gen placements.
Plus solo survivors do not have telepathy so they won't know if the killer is camping unless they go for the save or use certain perks which can be countered by stealth killers or Insidious. That can waste a huge amount of time.
For the best outcome against a camper you are entirely reliant on a. the camped survivor not to attempt to escape or just let themselves die on hook ASAP once they realise they are being camped and will get ######### for BP and emblems for the match, and b. the other two survivors to play correctly even though you have no way to communicate with them.
Placing the blame entirely on survivors doesn't make any sense. Especially when you guys make killers and perks that ENCOURAGE camping, like Leatherface and Insidious.
It's not even just that camping can be very effective, it's also that it's incredibly easy to do and many people do it for no reason other than ruin somebody else's experience.
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you did ds
he just wanted to get rid of you and you made him angrier
can't blame him
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He was camping.
Can't blame the survivor for using DS. Camping Killers deserve to get DS'ed, and I sincerely hope camping killers face nothing but SWF squads who carry DS, OoO and are on comms.
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Maybe it works with how you're getting kills, (not every game though), but whats guaranteed is that you wont get a lot of bloodpoints.
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My issue with this logic is that I have no control over my other teammates' actions as a solo player. This can be frustrating as I am completely powerless to do anything about it if they are unaware how to counter a camping strategy as it takes at least two of the four (if not three in some cases) to properly counter a camping strategy.
I think part of the problem is that it's not always immediately obvious a killer is camping if you don't know what perks to run. From a distance it can be misleading, especially if you aren't running kindred. Unless you go in at least once to inspect the actions of a killer (thus sacrificing precious gen time), it can sometimes just appear that the survivors are struggling to evade the killer, but not necessarily being camped. And that's important - as these two scenarios require opposite solutions. It's true with enough time and experience you can typically (though I see rank 1's do it often enough) discern the situation at hand - most purple ranks and worse don't have this more advanced skill, and thus - run like lambs to the slaughter or moths to a flame (BP and oh so sweet WGLF stacks).
Of course solving this problem seems difficult and I won't pretend I know the answers. I can think of lots of bad, easier to implement solutions, but none that feel great. It's one of those things that continues to exist because it's tough to fix without a massive undertaking - one that devs obviously feel could be spent elsewhere.
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SWF groups having the almighty over powered voice chat, and they get to rudely tea bag all the time. What do killers get.........Nothing, other than a ghost face who can teabag.
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Devs , there aren't a lot of killers nowadays, rank red Lett the game since nerf ruin...
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thing is though, even if you are a SWF squad it might be hard to tell if a killer is actually camping, going away from the hook, then coming back, oh is he following now? oh he hit me aand.... no he is just camping.
Now a lot of time has been wasted to establish that the killer is just camping.
So do gens, well you wont do gens fast enough, atleast 1 more person will go down and then the probalby have NoeD which you had no time to adress next to the gens.
Even in just about the worst scenario things go well enough for the killer and in the best they get an ez 4k out of it, its a pretty safe bet
Its just lucky not all killer use this effective legit strat because otherwise the game would just die asap from survivors getting fed up by waiting in lobbies only to not get an actual game: Either you dont recognise the camping and the squad dies in a cheap unfun way, or you do and you just do gens and leave, also unfun and a waste of time.
Speaking just for experience, last night I played with 2 friends and we had 3 camping matches in a row, thats almost enough to just call it a night and play something else, thankfully after that we had some good matches but I really kinda fear for the health of the game with this tactic.
Then again it has survived so far so what do I know?
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With all due respect, camping continues to work because it continues to get easier against random teams and unchecked by developers. I don't think the onus of fixing camping lies solely on the shoulders of survivors.
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Depends on your definition of "efficient" I guess, cause a game where you walk immediately to each survivor, swat them down like flies and hook them immediately, and end the game with 4 hooks for 4k.. sounds like a pretty crappy game to me. And not very efficient in terms of earning BP's, even less efficient if you recognize the point of a game is to have fun, because that's boring as hell. So efficient only works to describe this in a time management sense.. in which case it's even more efficient than that to just go do whatever other thing you were in such a hurry to get to, and omit the dbd match entirely.
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Almo... You do realize we have no choice but to play into campers? The way your game is designed, we literally get punished as Survivors for avoiding the killer. Additionally, if we just "Do Gens" we get zero altruism so there's a second category down the drain.
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As long as the game keeps rewarding camping and making it easier and easier, it will continue to work. If a killer wants to camp and plans their build for it there is nothing survivors can do to counter it. Kindred and Borrowed Time, the two best camping deterrents, are countered by Undetectable. And if someone is getting camped you don’t have time to do totems so they’ll get their camping crutch NOED as well.
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My favourite is when you got someone on your shoulder, heading to the hook and you can see 1 or 2 survivors around, you get moaned at because you didnt ignore that ridiculous attempt of hiding, when hooking their friends 😂 YEAH I see you but I'm just going to walk away and forgot I have the chance to hook 2 more players, that's the smart move right? Walk away lol
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How is camping fun?
this game is designed around chasing and interacting with other side, not wanting to do that is omega boring
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There is some validity to this statement however, in a game whereas a camping killer is downright facecamping one single survivor, assuming this is on first hook, we do have time to pop about 3 to all remaining gens in a match, undo all totems and also open the gates to leave, yes?
However, in the ranked system as it is, players are punished for not interacting with the killer and also punished for not being altruistic, therefore they are likely to dance the line between a safety pip and a downright depip if you are ranked high enough in this game. Players that go around camping or that plays into camping are punished the same way.
Oh, not to mention the poor survivor that hung on that hook for several minutes just to get a safety pip at best and depip at worst, with lobbys that sometimes takes about 10 minutes of wait to get into that, which is basically getting their experience ruined for... getting found out first? I'm not certain how this is the optimal response for a situation that brings problems to many sides. It turns any game into a lose-lose game.