Solo Survivor is genuine agony.

Bit of a ranty post here, tl;dr at the end.
Solo survivor is so unfun. I try and try to keep a positive attitude about playing Survivor but honest to God I cannot anymore. It's genuinely saddening whenever I have to wait 30 minutes to find a game only for it to be against a killer like an Ebony Mori Freddy or an Infinite Tier III Michael that just got bullied by a SWF and decided to take their anger out on a bunch of rando solo survivors.
It doesn't even have to be the killers that ruin it for me, it can be my absolutely boosted teammates that get a life-threatening allergic reaction whenever they walk within a 50 meter range of a generator. And it can even be the game itself and it's god awful matchmaking, I mean, are you kidding me. Look at this.
What is this. (And before you ask, my points were so low because my first chase lasted more than 20 picoseconds , therefore allowing the killer to officially dub me as toxic and be legally obligated to facecamp me.)
tl;dr I just really want to have a good time but it's impossible with the terrible combination of Killers with anger issues, boosted teammates, literally broken matchmaking, and 30 minute wait times.
Sigh, guess I'll go play some killer then...
...wait, why did four Claudettes show up at the same time, why do three of them have toolboxes, why does it look like one of them is carrying a key?
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30 min wait times.
Yeah because noone wants to play killer its a frustrating experience thats best avoided. Those tactics are the only way to ease that sweaty suffering because so much has been nerfed into the ground.
Solo survor ? Use the lfg groups here or hop into the psn communitys for dbd they usually have a party posted you can instantly voice chat and talk to them before you make a match. You can meet alot of friends just by inviting people whom have saved you in the match and build up a team from there.
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that’s why I try to avoid survivor unless i’m with friends. it’s not that I need swf because I do play solo...just not a lot because it’s always a bad experience.
to me it’s basically why wait 10-15 minutes to find a match just to get “toxic” survivors who fail, new survivors who don’t know how to play, people who dc, and farmers? it’s also hilarious when you join a match with three obvious swfs and oop the killers offering doesn’t flip over so yaaay.
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The sad part is, 4 actually good Survivors who have experience and know what they're doing will ride a killer down the rails ALMOST as effectively as a swf will. While I see these lucky breaks when I play killer, I never draw the good teammates when I play survivor.
For added fun, some of us burn a shroud of separation in these cases just to keep a tally of how many people "crash" before match start.
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Insert "killers have the worst time" comment here
Yea this community is pretty bad...I just avoid solo when I can because, like you said, solo is hell.
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Solo survivor is going to be miserable until they finally implement a decent ranking/matchmaking system. That's pretty much the only reason why it's so terrible right now. If you can get decent teammates it's still really fun.
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The problem seems to really be the queue times. 30 mins is beyond ridiculous.
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The devs could do 5 things to help solo survivors:
- Add a totem counter to the UI.
- Add chase indicators for all survivors, not just the obsession. Who will now have a different looking indicator.
- Show survivor loadouts in the lobby. That way only one survivor needs to run kindred.
- Show who is in a SWF group in the lobby. But only for survivors.
- Add a hook stage indicator to the UI for each survivor.
In exchange for these QOL buffs for solo survivors they should give some QOL buffs for killer too:
- Show killers who was in a SWF group in the endgame screen.
- Allow killers to be able to replace cleansed hex totems by lighting dull ones.
- Show killers what lit hex totem is for what hex perk in-game.
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It was hyperbole. My queues as solo are 3-5 mins on average at rank 3.
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It's not hyperbole. It takes literally 30 minutes to find a game on PS4 and as you can see by the image I posted I'm a Rank 4.
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Yeah, the matchmaking is really bad (it's gonna get fixed soon), but why are your queue times so big.. I mean as a red rank survivor i have to wait like 20 sec to maximum 3 minutes for a lobby and as a rank 5 killer i get instant queues.
Im on PC though, i don't know about console queues
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The first and third killer changes, alright. The second one though? NO WAYY. You do not understand how massive that would be.
Devour hope cleansed? Nah let me just relight this totem now I can mori you.
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Most people only want to blame killers for Solo being "difficult", so thank you for mentioning other things.
Yes, I agree solo can be frustrating at times, but it's the challenge of it that I find enjoyable. If I'm in a SWF group I'm 70% sure I'd win more than lose, and that's no fun for me. I've always believed that solo being difficult isn't because of killers, it's because you have selfish and toxic survivors. If I'm in a lobby with 3 SWF the match can be really good or they hang me out to die.
And yes for some reason survivors in solo are severely allergic to gens lol.
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I know about the shroud trick I do it sometimes lol but trust me, you see three p3 nea’s with flashlights...that offering is 90% a mori. plus you know. I end up being the one moried.
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Oh that must suck. Even at their longest my queues haven't even taken 10 minutes. NA xbox
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Wow these changes would be awesome! I never even thought of lobby loadouts!
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Thanks. My idea for the survivor changes was to give solos the one thing that make SWF powerful: easy to access information. Once solos are closer to groups it will make it that much more easier for devs to buff/nerf/create killers. Right now that's difficult as they have to take in account two very different kinds of survivors.
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Solo survivor is enjoyable for many. One game that you got to snap a screen shot of isn't going to make people feel differently. First of all, very unlucky to be a rank 4 and somehow get into a match playing with all brown rank survivors. I have never had that happen to me. But the matchmaking is a bit broken. Still I'm going to assume that you're going to see that one in maybe 50 matches, if not less then that.
Solo survivors are under no disadvantage as anyone else in the game. These forums are full of NERF SWF TEAMS! When solo survivors run the killer all day long too. Maybe there's more skill and game knowledge needed to get to that point. But once players have thousands of hours into a game they're going to adapt. Like any game out there. DBD is also very easy to climb ranking in. You can carry a team. Maybe not the one in that screen shot. But 90% of the time you can carry your team to a victory if you have the ability to waste a killers time.
If you really hate solo's, that's fine. But realize that requiring voice communication to win is just as much of a crutch as any perks that you claim a killer is using. Everyone has a game like you did. I tend to just laugh it off. Sometimes things just go REALLY bad. Usually due to us survivors being over confident and screwing around with a killer that takes advantage of it. You don't have to win every game to have fun. But seeing as you're up to red rankings. I would assume you win almost every game and one bad game still bothers you.
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I'm pretty sure good killers aren't usually run by one survivor the entire game. Although there are exceptions on some places in some maps, a good killer would avoid those chases or use a killer that circumvents them such as Nurse or Spirit.
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I mean. Pretty close to that. If you manage to have a decently long chase, let's say two minutes. Probably 3 1/2 generators are already done. So as long as one of your teammates can then follow with a 1 minute chase, it's an easy GG with no one dying.
I don't know if I've really run into good killers though. Guess it's hard to judge if they're good or having a good game and the right map. But the days of seeing killer players with 2k hours that are dominant seem to be in the past. Killer is frustrating and you have to try way too hard to try and get a couple of kills. So I'm going to assume the good killers have moved on. But I have no proof of that of course. I just haven't seen them.
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Me neither
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This post seems strange to me. I have always played solo and I have never had 30 minute wait times. That's insane. It is a couple minutes, at most.
A killer using his ebony? Myers using an add-on? Are people not allowed to use the items they get from the bloodweb?
If you want to survive solo play go into each match with the mindset "do the best I can" vs "I have to escape or else it's not a win." I get rank 1 solo every month with this mindset. You don't need to escape to pip and frankly the game is more fun when you take the stress out of it.
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playing solo does help teach fundamentals of survivor as opposed to relying on comms to circumvent the game. (I’m not saying you as OP are this) if more survivors had to go through the learning process there would be far less potatos in higher ranks. That in itself would help the Q and matchmaking. Institute something akin to rb6 where you can’t play ranked until you hit a certain level... I.E. can’t swf until rank 14 (the 14 is arbitrary. For example only) would help potatos
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My solo games have been really good so far.
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If people can beat something like dark souls, you should be able to beat rank 1s
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I know match making is messed up, but I find it really weird that a level 4 would get mixed into that team if you weren't with someone. That's bizarre. Also, I am assuming you're console? I'm PC and never wait longer than 10 minutes for a lobby. Lastly, you are right, solo survivor is the crappiest position to be in, in the game rn.
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First off, you're probably playing on PC, I'm on console and luckily I was trying to get footage for a video that I'm editing and I have tons and tons of evidence of the survivor queue taking a ridiculous amount of time.
Secondly, you're missing the point, I don't care if every 10 or 20 or so games I go against a killer that needs to let off some steam or have some fun of their own by using OP offerings or add-ons, that's not my frustration. (Though please rework Ebony Moris and keys, BHVR.) My frustration arises when I'm constantly up against these kinds of killers back to back, or when I'm paired with terrible teammates, and this ties into my third point:
I like to be competitive, and I want to win. People's conditions and definition of "winning" in Dead by Daylight usually vary but my conditions, at least for survivor, are that I escape and get at least one pip. It really upsets me when almost every game I play I'm sent out of it early due to a mori, or I die super quick to an overpowered add-on, or I get paired with baby teammates that don't know how to play the game, in which case I obviously don't even blame them for being bad, they're learning, I blame this game's stupid matchmaking. It makes me constantly lose and lose pips and I feel completely helpless in these kinds of situations. (Honest to God, I don't even know how I'm still even at red ranks anymore.) And I don't want to go into the game thinking "I'll do the best I can." because that just isn't really who I am. I want to go into the match thinking "Okay, I'm going to do whatever it takes to win."
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Haha you can still be tunneled with an Ivory Mori in case you didn't know
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That's true but I say Ebony because despite being an "Ultra Rare" offering, they're still the main offender.
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Tru, tru.
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To add to your idea, a practice mode with bot killers might not be a bad idea either, though it would probably be a pain in the buns to implement at this point.
I know I was a horrible Jason in Friday the 13th until the solo mode came out and I was pretty much forced to learn how to adapt my tactics. Once I took what I learned into matches with other players, I noticed my skill level on both sides increased.
In DBD, I play solo queue most of the time because I record my matches and most people that I game with are into battle royales and MMOs.
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I kinda like the solo-struggle, as it makes me improve.
But whe I get 5 games that are 4 Ebony Mori's, 5 NoEDs then even I'm gonna scream "######### KILLERS? WHO HURT YOU?" And I play killer too. And before you even ask, hardcore tunnelling Huntress who only cared about their obsession, two were Spirit then played the same Hillbilly twice with faster saw both times. Hillbilly didn't spread damage that much either
Not much fun to be had there.
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solo is how the game is ment to be played survivors working together with out communication to escape
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Oh lord. Solo survivor. Its like playing killer, except as survivor
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The wait time isn't because no one wants to play killer.
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sure it is. fewer killers mean fewer games. What else can it be, in your opinion?
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Rank 4 survivor vs Rank 15 killer. If your Rank is a measure of your skill you should have been able to run the killer the whole game. The fact that you are complaining about baby teammates is funny and a few bad games frustrating you probably means you will find the negative in almost anything. Everyone starts out new and learns to get better. I'm sure your sucked when you started.
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None of my friends play dbd, and honestly I usually have fun playing solo survivor.
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I feel you. Sometimes feels like whenever I'm survivor I only get the potato teams, but then when I play killer it's nothing but SWF Death Squads. The real problem right now though is those horrid queue times. If finding the match takes longer than the game itself, something is very very wrong. And it is.
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Played two survivor games today.
Game 1 against Leatherface on Father Campbell's- I go down first around 1:30 into the game. I have Kindred. Every teammate is crouching and doing nothing. Get rescued and solo a gen. A teammate goes down. I've still done the only gen despite being on a hook for most of the game. Kindred shows every teammate crouching and doing nothing. We all die.
Second game against Spirit on Badham- I do a gen. Steve goes down. Steve gets rescued and healed. I eventually go down. Steve body blocks and takes two hits while I'm being carried. He didn't have DS or missed it. I get hooked anyway because I went down 10 feet from a hook and bodyblocking was pointless. He lets go on hook.
Red ranks btw. I gave up and played killer the rest of the day. BHVR can never balance this game because the majority of the solo survivor population is allergic to generators for no apparent reason and couldn't identify a pallet in a police lineup full of humans with 1 pallet thrown in there. It doesn't matter how much you lower the acceptible skill floor in a multiplayer game. At least 50% of players will actively seek out the new floor. It just alienates the veterans who are trying
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Agreed dude. I played a lot of solo survivor and now playing a lot of killer and holy bejeezus. Solo survivor and playing killer are both frustrating. As a solo you experience the worst the game has to offer and now as killer I'm getting constant SWF groups of red and purple ranks and I'm a freakin baby rank killer.
It's like if I play solo survivor I just get facecamped, tunneled, farmed off the hook, all of it.
Then I play killer for a reprieve from that madness and I just get flashlight clicking, teabagging, dying state (not even hooked yet, mind you) rushed, and 360'd and framerate dropped.
Like srsly.... #########
This game is broken AF
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they need to make playing solo a lot more lucrative like Hunt: showdown that gives bonuses for playing solo. Or make SWF a completely different category because it really does make that big of a difference when playing killer or being the odd man out that gets left because the friends can all escape. it's literally leading to killer buffs which balance against SWF but makes it that much harder for solo players.