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Hey, devs. The grind is still unbearable for new players...

Maybe it is time to fix it. I say this as someone who switched from PS4 to PC, 8 months ago. Still working to get where was. Seriously, you want player retention, deal with this.

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  • Member Posts: 678

    You can run double BP perks on both killer or survivor. Killer in particular can farm BP hard, 80k+ a game if you perform well. BBQ + Survivor Pudding will let you get up to 96,000 BP a game. Sure, the grind is brutal if you don't have BBQ or WGLF, but WGLF is free, and many new killers level up bubba first specifically for BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 594

    Yeah just to get a few perks from other characters. Takes millions of blood points. Say i want burrow time, spirit burst, iron will and we'ra gonna live forever or say ds on Bill. That is going to take a few million blood points right now, just to unlock the perks. Than even more blood points, to get them on Bill, with even more needing to be spend, to get them to tier three. Which as they add more perks, well that going to be even more blood points to spend, if i wanna try them out. With most perks [since there are a few where a lower tier might be more useful] having no point to take tier one or two over tier three. So one way to get rid of part of the grind. Is to make there be one tier. In the case of the few perks like discordance, they can always let someone choose the effect the perk has. Be it a alert every, 8, 10 or 12 seconds. So these who liked the old tier one version, can use that. While these who liked the tier 3 version, can use that.

    Interesting. I was thinking of the idea of a better daily ritual, with say higher blood point rewards. Seems like i'm going have to do some research into how the mobile version handle things. For it does sound like it might be a great idea, for the game on other platforms.

  • Member Posts: 94
    edited April 2020

    Be nice to see some type of improvement, and it's interesting how mobile works. They could at least link all accounts on all platforms so we don't have to start from scratch. Like wait a month or so for mobile. You purchase the bundles for survivors and killers to show support but then you have to repurchase them again on a different platform.

  • Member Posts: 704

    I agree,they should give like 200% extra bloodpoints to new player for 30 days or so,that would give them the head start they need.

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited April 2020

    Yep. At this point they seriously need to remove the perk tiers, or at least remove 1. It's literally only there to pad out progression to a ridiculous degree. I started playing the beginning of last year and I'm not even close to getting all my killers and survs to level 50, let alone prestige 3 (I only just got Laurie to prestige 3-50 and still don't have all teachables on her. I don't even have all the killer and survivor teachables unlocked either.)

    I live for the day where we can just play the game and not have all this padding that's ultimately destroying the player experience.

  • Member Posts: 678

    If you only play 2-3 games per day you are most likely at levels where you can deal without the hardcore builds. Probably 70-80% of the perks in the game are garbage as it is. It's not like you need to level more than 3-4 killers/survivors to get almost everything that is meta. But hey, if you need cruel limits just that bad, go ahead and P3 demo.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Problem is the perks are completly random as well so it's very possible you need to go through the 70-80% garbage perks to get the good ones

    And it's not because i don't play 6 hours a day that i don't want variety. I like messing around with quirky builds it's fun

    Not saying the grind should be completly removed but it could be a little less extreme

  • Member Posts: 594

    Yeah random luck, can really make getting certain perks a pain. I must of spend like half a million or more blood points, just to get pop on my Oni and max it out. For my bloody luck is awful. That all before getting into certain killers that might relay heavily on their add ons, to be the most effective killer they can be.

    Which the cheapest decent/good build i can think of for a survivor just starting out. One that will be useful to them. Would be if they go with Claudette, max out botany knowledge to tier three, self care any tier will do, max tier spine chill and resilience. Which relays on a bit of random luck, to get the perks you want. So the cost of it will be a bit random. Yet you might be able to get it for under a million blood points, if you are a brand new player and have not unlocked any other teachable perks.

    Since resilience, faster gens, vaulting when injured. Spine chill, warning about the killer and works great against sneaky killers. Along with faster vault speed, making it combine well with resilience when injured. With both of them helping to boost up your healing ability, for yourself and others. Making self care not take forever. Along with being able to do a nice 99% heal up trick, to keep that gen speed boost. Than heal to full when in danger. Of course this would relay on the new player, knowing about this good combo and going for it first and not something else. Since any other build i can think off the top of my head for a survivor, would take easily a few million blood points just to unlock all the perks as teachable.

    Which a simple and easy way to cut down on the grind a bit, would be to boost up the rewards for the dailies. Like make even the lowest one 50k. Which would be enough for a single level 50 blood web, if one spends their points wisely.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I think the devs are a bit iffy about increasing the amount of bloodpoints because they ran into the problem that the higher rarity offering/items were seen every single game

    Imo the best way to combat the grind is to get rid of random perks all together

    Make it so whenever you pick a perk in the bloodweb you get to choose wich one

    It doesn't really reduce the grind to get everything but it will make it smoother to play the things you want to play

    If you suddenly came up with a funny build on a killer it's only a maximun of 12 bloodwebs away

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    They mentiond cross progression enough that I haven't bothered going back to PC. I would rather wait.

  • Member Posts: 328

    It was nice they did something in the bloodwebs so you can get at least 2 perks from level 40 and onwards. But I also think that is not enough. I don't even bother to get more DLC on PC and PS4 (I play mostly PC nowadays but still like the PS4 version too).

    On the PC, I almost have every survivor to 40 and then I need at least 12 perks to tier 3 on my Kate that I main again to get her all perks again on tier 3.

    I won't even bother with the other survivors to get them all perks or even prestige. Only person I got to p3 level 50 for the achievement was Trapper, because the grind is way too long.

  • Member Posts: 594

    Yeah that does sound like a good idea, to cut down the grind. By getting to choose at least one perk you want to show up in the bloodweb. Still got to earn them bbq stacks and make them blood points. Yet it would cut down on the rng and make it so you could, well as you say. Get that build you want way sooner. Which could also be useful for people who prestige their characters, to get certain perks they want back sooner rather than later.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Just to be clear, it takes about a million BP to get all teachables from a character. And to maximise a character with ALL teachables unlocked takes about 5 million. If you don't have all teachables unlocked, it will be way less than that, to get a maxed out character. And with just the personal 3 perks and 3 more unlocked, that should with the current bloodwebs give you already a maxxed out character at about lv 50 - 55 which should be below 2 million BP.

    And during a BP event, if you can dedicate a bit of time to the game over a weekend, it is no problem to get 2 million BP during a weekend.

    Sure, you have no "builds" ready, but I think it is ok to learn the basics of the game first, before you start to run meta builds.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Having to explain to my friends the overly complicated grind of this game AND teach them how to actually play (which can take a very long time) AND teach them all the perks AND how to play against all killers we face is extremely aids. I’m fine with the gameplay part, the grind really needs to be reworked.

    ive said it before but WoW just shortened levelling by a ton so DBD is probably a bigger grind now which is kinda sad

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I've played a lot of DBD over the past few months, and have every survivor and killer to level 40. Meg has every perk (at the highest tier) so now I'm trying to work on getting Pig and maybe a couple other killers some more perks. The grind is still pretty bad. BBQ helps a bit, but it really feels bad trying new killers when I'm facing higher rank survivors with a killer I'm not used to and without the perks I want. They should at the very least change the bloodweb system so you can pick which perks you unlock.

  • Member Posts: 648

    It would be nice if they removed Tier 2 from all perks and just renamed Tier 1 to Standard and Tier 3 to Premium

  • Member Posts: 175
    edited April 2020

    As someone that plays on both PS4 and Xbone, I would very much appreciate cross progression. I'm simply not willing to pay twice for DLC only to have to spend the time to level up characters twice.

    I love Nea and her perks but not enough to level her up all over again on Xbox and the same goes for Ash on PS. Not to mention, Warframe has taught me that RNGsus hates me and finds me to be a most egregious sinner.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I've only recently gotten every one of my characters to Level 40 for every teachable perk and I already clocked in over 1.3k hours of playtime. I agree, the grind does need to be cut off somewhat. Because people who play it casually probably won't be able to experiment and play around with the perks as much as people who play this game everyday.

  • Member Posts: 204
    edited April 2020

    To honestly dodge the grind as im on ps4 I started playing killer and sending msgs to survivors " wanna farm" and we all just grind points. . Let them drop pallets on you. Evade you. Do chases. Kick gens. Let them do totems. Hit survivors then let them heal

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    That should not be necessary by any stretch of the imagination.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    The latest change to the Bloodweb that came with the Stranger Things chapter was nice. But I think people dont realise how much of a BP boost Archives are. Its introduction made it easier to go through levels by increasing the amount of BP you get. I realised this halfway through the second Rift. I was getting Zarina levelled up pretty fast.

    The problem is, why did you unlock those "80% of perks that are useless" as a new player if they are useless to you? For example, when I started playing on Steam, I really liked the Pharmacy + BK combo. I only levelled up Claudette to level 35 and Quentin (my main), and went on playing with that one perk setup as well as WGLF (David was my third character, I think?), with the fourth perk being whatever I was getting as I was levelling up. I got my desired build very easily, only having to level up 3 characters and focusing on those perks, rather than making everyone level 40 and then building up a character. Sure, lack of foresight sucks, but its a given if you are one of THOSE.

    Only once you have a functional build you should consider getting more teachables.

  • Member Posts: 76

    it takes 210 ten minute games to be able to have enough shards to buy a new character. (math using lvl 50-100)

  • Member Posts: 204

    I know but I'm giving you another option cause facts are the grind isn't going to change anytime soon.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Well like i said i like variety so i play all killers and i like to swap my build around

    Survivors don't have to deal with this as much cause they only have to level up one character, my feng min has all the perks i want too

    For killers it's a bit of a different story who have to level up every single one. Survivor mains don't really feel the grind so much

    If a new character for survivors comes out they have to level it to 40 and then 9 levels on their main and they are done

    If a new killer comes out they have to level it to 40 and then 9 levels times 19 to get it on them all on the other ones and that number just keeps increasing

    Once again though if you're a survivor main or a person that only plays 1-3 killers then this doesn't affect you that much. This is mostly a problem for those that play both sides and like to switch killer once and a while

  • Member Posts: 617

    Cross progression would only help a small part of the population though. Doesn't do anything for new players.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Seems to me most people here agree the grind is too much.

    Wonder if the devs will listen.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2020

    good luck with that one.

    p.s ######### having to grind till im blue in the face for a game i already bought

  • Member Posts: 1,118
    edited April 2020

    Your post is vague and open to interpretation which shows by the mix comments presented in it. So I'll address them accordingly.

    BP gain - Max you can get with nothing to enhance is 32,000 flat. Throw WGLF or BBQ into the mix, it's 64,000. Throw Cake/Pudding into the mix, it's 96,000. This doesn't include any additional BPS thrown by other players or BP events. Everyone knows for a fact that it is easiest to gain BP on Killer side since you naturally meet your objectives as you chase and hook Survivors. Everything else follows through. BP gain is fine where it's at (in my opinion). You kinda lose track when you spend time playing and before you know it, you capped on BP whether it's Survivor or Killer.

    Leveling Characters - I found it pretty easy to level Killers since there are far fewer than Survivors. It takes roughly around 1.3M BP to get a character to 40 if you go the cheapest route possible in the Blood Web by spending it mostly on brown and yellow items. If I had to give an estimated guess, it's prob around 1.8-2M BP to get a character to level 50. When it comes to the end state, my intention and goal is to get all my Killers P3-50 with all perks on them. For Survivors, I will only use one Survivor at P3-50 Max while the others are leveled enough to where I have all their teachable perks. For the time it took me to make that happen on the Survivor side, it took me about 2 weeks of farming on Killer with BBQ, no events, and minor boosts for offerings such at 50% in specific categories. Killer side, I so far have 3 Killers at P3-50 with all perks and currently working on the 4th. And it's taken me a couple months since I play other games and do can't play back to back.

    Essentially, yes it does take time if your goal is to get every maxed and all that. But the grind isn't that bad honestly when it comes to BP. Now onto shards since I've seen someone mention it.

    Shards - Let's be clear on shards. We are privileged to be able to buy DLC content and most Cosmetics with shards. While a lot of people support the game by just outright buying the content, others choose to farm for shards so that they can eventually unlock a character. So someone who has bought the base game and has grinded for new characters and perks, they essentially saved a ton of money while BHVR loses money due to the grind. In a way though, this still supports the game because it promotes players to continuously play the game in hopes of attracting new people into the fold. So it's questionable on whether or not BHVR loses money. I doubt they do but the possibility is still there.

    When it comes to cross-progression, I am down for that. I love a lot of progress when I switched from console to PC. But I feel as though that's in the works and we'll just have to wait and see.

    Bottom line is, the grind is needed so that players can be maintained. If we obtained everything so easily, not as much people would be playing because they have nothing to look forward too besides longer queue times for matches. There would be no strive or challenge.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2020

    i supported the game by buying the ######### game only to be smacked upside the head with 1/4th of the survs and killers in the game and 100 hrs to be able to buy one more

    it takes 210 ten minute games to be able to get 9k shards for lvl 50-100

    the grind is killing this ######### game. no new players wants to buy a ######### game then realize they aint got ######### but hey maybe theyre hopeful till they realize how insane the grind actually ######### is and think to themselves #########? i gotta waste my life on this game just to unlock everything? and hope theyre still in the refund window and go buy dark souls instead

    maybe if this was f2p the looney tunes grind and micro transactions would make sense. but its not

    not to mention the slap in the ######### face of dbd mobile being free and way less of a grind. what a joke

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Because I like to play multiple killers and leaving them at level 30 just so I don’t have to unlock their godawful perks for everyone else is just unfeasible? Because I unlocked a lot of ######### perks before I realised how monstrously huge the grind in this game was?

    Seriously, if you want to ~optimise your teachables~ you have to start this game with a ######### spreadsheet and battle plans. Ok I’ll level up Clown but only to 35, then Hag but only to 30, then I want to unlock X perk but it’s the third teachable so I’ll have to take Y or Z first...

    Very few new people are going to bother. You just unlock everything because you’re enjoying the game and figure hey, more perks to choose from, cool. You don’t realise that by unlocking too much stuff you’re condemning yourself to an ungodly grind of useless garbage. God forbid you just try to have fun with a game and don’t spend 5 hours pre-planning your optimal paths through the bloodweb with the wiki and a spreadsheet. A lot of games with the ability to unlock skills on characters also give the player the ability to reset their choices for a very good reason. Not this game, though!

  • Member Posts: 906

    I started playing just after Spirit DLC was launched and I'm still grinding. I would never start playing this game from zero in current state.

  • Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2020

    The problem in the grind is how long it takes to get all perks on all characters in the game. Not everyone can play 5-6 hours like me or like Ayrun or other streamers. So the best thing for this is to:

    • Remove the requirment for unlocking the slots for the characters. All characters starts with the 4 slots for perks.
    • All characters should start with their personal perks at tier 3 already.
    • Teachable perks can be unlocked in level 20/25/30.

    What do you think @Peanits

  • Member Posts: 649

    They could make simple qol changes:

    1 day x2 bloodhunt per month

    Unlock teachable Once you get its tier 3 version (got my tier 3 corrupt intervention well over lv 50 on my plague)

    Make bps appear more often on bloodweb

    Give a slight boost on base BP gain

    On perks like distressing for example, make bonus points be awarded after trail

    Make completing a gen give a token for WGLF

    These are just a few thoughts out of my head

    I read what people are saying but can't fully agree. You're not going to get 32k that often, and if you just started the grind IS over the roof! After almost 2 years I'm getting to the point where 75% of my grind is done but I'm about to jump to pc and the idea of starting over is urh!

    And even if i stay on ps4, getting that last 25% is still going to take a long time, and this is without getting the last killers.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    I find the grind is tolerable once yuu run bbq or wglf every game. 60% of the perks in game are niche or crap anyway. It would be nice if data was cross platform but that won't happen. Less money for BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 420

    first of all, most killers are not getting 20k base games let alone 32k base games. Second, they are talking about new players who are definitely not getting those scores.

    and to get a single person to level 40 is around 1.6 million BP. So even if they do decent and run BBQ that’s 40 games as killer to get a single level 40 perk unlocked. FOURTY games..

  • Member Posts: 887

    Maybe if they reworked the bloodweb, even more, so that you can get the perks you want/need quicker without wasting BP's buying perks and items that you will never use.

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