Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

[Suggestion] Survivor mini-icons for Active Hex Totems

Hey there - I thought it'd be neat if there were little mini icons for every hex perk like so.

It's a targeted change for newer players, as experienced players will recall and know what hex totems are active, so it's more of a quality of life change rather than a balance change, per se. What do you guys think?


  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235
    No. You already get the icon of a Hex totem, there’s no need for no QOL change, because all it will do is make people ignore totems that aren’t Ruin, etc. 
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    @Twix nobody will ignore totems that aren't ruin, because when you're not in a swf, the 3rd seal is annoying and as a survivor, hope devour is my worst nightmare.
    But it's true that with Hex: Haunted Ground incoming, adding those mini-icons would be a huge nerf

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Survivor already have to many notifications.
    Asking for even more is not "neat" but outrageously greedy af!
    This is nothing about QoL, if you are to bad to remember what is running, you do not to know it anyway.
    It's already sad enough that you get exposed icons for the oblivious idiots playing survivor.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    @Twix said:
    No. You already get the icon of a Hex totem, there’s no need for no QOL change, because all it will do is make people ignore totems that aren’t Ruin, etc. 

    In what way would it change anything? The game literally tells you what the Hex perk is that has been discovered. Like working on a Gen you get told it's Ruin, or when someone is downed in a single hit with Devour Hope the game points that out to you.

    All the OP is asking for is the icon of the perk to stay there, basically.

  • Twix
    Twix Member Posts: 235

    @Twix said:
    No. You already get the icon of a Hex totem, there’s no need for no QOL change, because all it will do is make people ignore totems that aren’t Ruin, etc. 

    In what way would it change anything? The game literally tells you what the Hex perk is that has been discovered. Like working on a Gen you get told it's Ruin, or when someone is downed in a single hit with Devour Hope the game points that out to you.

    All the OP is asking for is the icon of the perk to stay there, basically.

    Let’s say there are 2 Hex Totems in the map, Devour Hope and Third Seal. As of right now you don’t know which one got cleansed unless the killer hits someone or in the case of Third Seal if she downs someone. However, if the icons of the active Hex perk are shown, let’s say you cleanse a Hex then it would automatically tell you which one it is you cleansed and then you’d immediately start looking for the other one.