What warrants clown having a slow cooldown after throwing a bottle?

Seriously, what is the purpose of it? It lowers your speed to such a crawl that your bottles aren't worth throwing most of the time. I understand that huntress and Deathslinger have cooldowns after using their ability, but their ability at least has a high chance of you getting a survivor injured if you land your shot. Both of the feather addons are pretty much required for his base kit.

Even throwing bottles ahead of any survivors out of CQC still slows you down enough that they can make a regular loop and ignore the gas.

Why not make the yellow feather basekit and leave him as is? It wouldn't take too much effort.


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Clown was made for a different era of dbd. And he wasn't even that good back then, not once people realised that early pallet throws were, as with all killers but especially him, his bane. His slowdown was likely implemented so he wouldn't be too powerful (bottle-hit combo) in very specific circumstances. That's my guess, anyway.

    Clown just needs a full rework. If you want to play a similar killer, and already have him unlocked, play Freddy. Freddy's snares even have a longer slowdown duration and he doesn't slow HIMSELF down while placing. It's so dumb, but playing Freddy and ignoring gen teleporting the whole game is actually stronger than Clown. #########.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Freddy doesn’t get slowed and doesn’t have to reload, and his power is a better version of Clown’s and he can teleport and he can delete Borrowed

    think about that

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, the game was slower at the time of Clown's release and having a killer who could end chases with an AoE effect AND give information was huge. He would have been designed with all that in mind.

    Then survivors learnt how to counter him naturally.

  • Bill_I_Am__Overbeck
    Bill_I_Am__Overbeck Member Posts: 312

    I still felt like the game was faster paced - BNP were 100% of a generator, etc.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I remember when people said new Freddy was a worse Clown because his snares are garbage... yeah. Things have changed a bit

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I don't think he is in different era. Clown isn't a old killer as compared to other ancient killers such as Huntress and Trapper. A major issue in DBD is that a lot of older maps have a lot of pallets. Droping pallets early, Using exhaust perks and running forward in a straight line is effective strategy to waste time. I wouldn't advice always using this strategy as you can get far more out of pallets by learning effective pallet and window looping and juking, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of killers are very vulnerable to these strategies. Clown feels a killer that is suppose to punish these tactics. He has add-on to remove exhaustion, he can throw bottles to slowdown survivors who don't look behind them and he has slowdown at pallets such that he should be able to play them and yet, he doesn't do good job at any of this. The cooldown+slowdown removes any incentive to hit bottles from a far, throwing pallet hardcounters his power and he just doesn't really impair traditional looping.

    Freddy is just better clown. I think if they remove feather add-on and remove cooldown altogether with clown, Clown might have some merits to be played. Current clown is just a waste of space and only worth it for his signature Pop Goes Weasel perk.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    You know you can hold the bottles with no movespeed penalty right? It makes landing them very easy, and personally I don't even notice the slowdown on release.

    The only time I use the feather is with the pinky finger add-on so I can shotgun out bottles at close range for an instadown.

    Clown is add-on hungry but by no means a bad killer. I feel way more confident taking clown into a red rank game than say trapper / demogorgon / bubba / pig / deathslinger (if I haven't had coffee); unless I am rocking godly add-ons for them. Bleach + 15% ether makes for some really nasty bottles. People say bleach is only a 5% extra slow but im not sure, it feels like way more.

    But I like the garish makeup kit + 6 bottles / faster reload. You just throw the bottle in their general direction and get a hit. 6 bottles or cork stopper come close in terms of efficiency in when put into seconds of reload per bottle, and I usually don't like going into a game without one of them. I would take them over the feather any day.