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Gonna cry about matchmaking a bit

Member Posts: 94

So yeah, when is matchmaking gonna be fixed? Before 2077 maybe? It can't be that I as a rank 9 killer have to play against these Toxic SWF that aren't even playing but just want to make DbD a bully simulator. No wonder I always find a lobby as killer right away and wait as survivor for god knows how long, because nobody wants to deal with that toxic #########. Have the Devs play their own game, but that's probably what they're scared of, or they only play KYF.

How about you make it so that each rank can only play with the same and one above? There are literally rank 20 killers getting harassed by these bully squads.

So red with red and purple, purple with purple and green, green with green and yellow, and so on.

Alright, I'm done crying about it. Guess I'll just have to play Bubba, do some basement camping with an ebony mori in hand.

Enjoy your day, lads :)

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  • Member Posts: 94

    It wasn't a competitive game, I only got that many points because they ran around in my face, unhooked each other right away and such stuff with their toxic flashlight clicking and teabagging. If they had delivered a normal game, with good plays, it'd be all good. But these red ranks don't want to do anything else but to give killers a stressful unfun game. But God forbid they get what they deserve and pour their salt and demand more chances to make the killer's more and more laughable

  • Member Posts: 167

    I feel ya. There is a huge skill gap ( even at red ranks ) I'm now red rank on both sides. And I see it all the time green rank killers the thing is IF YOU are an experienced Survivor you CAN TELL if you are facing a green rank killer or just a killer you shouldn't be matched with. It's wrong and the people that bully these killers are human trash that need to look at themselves in the mirror. Although just run noed. Every single time I've run into noed in the last 2 months it's been a killer that I shouldn't have been matched with. Use the experience to grow and learn from it. That is what I've had to do. I was green rank killer 2 months ago playing the same rank 1 survivors I'm playing now as a rank 2 killer. It's not easy ( nothing is easy as survivor tbh ) just keep it up. Watch YouTube learn new tactics. Don't let the human trash run u away from a game. Play dirty don't take crap tunnel camp have fun making their game unfun once again I'm sorry hope to see you in the red ranks soon😉

  • Member Posts: 136

    Since I can't post due to people getting hurt off a meme, what I don't like is how killers can see who survivors are and choose to lobby dodge. As survivors we should be able to see the killers name, since I've played some toxic killers and I mean really toxic lmao

  • Member Posts: 94

    They only dodge if they see that the survi are all carrying flashlights and speak the same language. I have NEVER seen a killer send out a salty message. Killer would just play a normal game but because I have to face so many toxic potatoes that think they are the ######### when they hit their DS skill check I now try to run killer builds that are as cancerous as possible. Respect the killer, and they respect you. If not, then live with the consequences

  • Member Posts: 476

    I mean. That sucks. But in all fairness. It's kinda good that they were willing to mess with you. It's 100% worse when you're getting bullied and they don't give you a chance to do anything. So they at least helped you farm some points by being so confident. We all have games like that though. Even at rank 1, sometimes I have games where there's nothing I feel like I can do. And then I just go switch to survivor for the rest of the night.

    Just try to have fun the best you can. I can't anymore. Killer stresses me out too much. I switched sides and I enjoy the nice easy games. I'd really recommend it if you enjoy survivor any. At least once in awhile. You can't just pound that killer queue over and over again without being driven mad.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Not gonna lie, while it doesn't personally bug me that as a survivor the killer can see my stuff, I still sometimes wish, like you said, you could see the killer's name even if not the killer chosen. I keep an eye on names too and would love avoiding people that burn memories of awful games into my brain.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Lmao killers literally tunnel you for playing with friends. You have no idea how many times a killer has told me "that's what you get for playing swf" there's even killers who've messaged me " I just like being an a-hole to people" or "I'm just in here for my fun" you sound just as toxic as they do. "Live with the consequences" really? Lol so if other survivors were to bully you, you'd just bully any other survivor who's trying to have fun? I play killer and even when survivors are toxic I don't care, keep tbagging, pointing, flash light clicking, ect. I just want to have to play game where my teammates or killers aren't being toxic lol

  • Member Posts: 476

    This isn't really a healthy thing. It takes me back a long time ago. I was playing killer and faced this TTV person. I like to support people. So after the game ends I go turn on this person's stream. I watch them for awhile. Back then you could check recently played with to see who your killer was (Don't know if this has been changed.)

    They saw my name. The streamer said something along the lines of, "Oh it's that good trapper from a few games ago." His SWF teammate said, "Oh ######### that guy." And they all left the game.

    Why is this a healthy change that's needed? It's not. People just avoid people that can play well. Oh that guys likes to main Freddy! DODGE. That guy is a little campy, DODGE! I hate nurses, he plays nurse DODGE! Like this is a really bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Yeah, nor is it "healthy" to have people that make it a point to just play like a dick. But it still happens. I just think it should go both ways: if a killer can see who a survivor is then it should work the other way around. Bringing ebony mori and tunneling the hell out of people and mori off first hook every game isn't "people that can play well." Either way, people can always change their screen name, at least on Steam, if they really care about that. Or just don't play like an absolute jerk.

    Anyway, by your logic if people just dodged to avoid "people that can play well" then no games would ever go on because killers would be dodging all their strong opponents...

  • Member Posts: 877

    I just want to vent on here because of today’s experiences...

    I would love to have a ######### match with a team and Killer that are similar Rank to me. This is the line-up I just had from my most recent game:

    • Rank 2 (SWF 1)
    • Rank 2 (SWF 1)
    • Rank 12 (SWF 2)
    • Rank 19 (SWF 2)
    • Rank 6 Killer

    How on earth is that supposed to be alright?! I’m starting to lose my patience, continuously getting killed by my team-mates and not being out-skilled by a Killer. I would love to escape or die knowing the team were within 5 Ranks of each other and not hang on the hook waiting for the scared Rank 19 to do something because they’re new to the game.

  • Member Posts: 476

    What do you mean would? Killers already see the names of people in their lobby. Don't they? Maybe not? I'm pretty sure they do. And I haven't seen a single killer dodge a lobby in two weeks.

    And if you have this problem where you get mori'd often. You've probably earned them. Since it's a LOT more common to play a game without a mori active then it is to find a game where a Mori is active.

  • Member Posts: 1,480
    edited April 2020

    I simply disagree with the mori part. I feel like at least as of recent, maybe a little under half my games have a mori in them. I wouldn't call that "a LOT more common" to play against somebody without a mori. But I'm not going to argue with that because you're talking from your experience and I'm talking from mine there.

    As for the part that includes "I haven't seen a single killer dodge a lobby in two weeks" -- that's my point. Killers can already see the names of their opponents, and you acknowledge they could dodge but don't. So why wouldn't it be any different for survivors?

    Also, don't just assume I "earned" the moris. I'm not the kind of player I imagine people would find plays "toxic." I don't even run "sweaty" meta perks or anything a lot. Moris are simply common for me to run into nowadays.

  • Member Posts: 476

    I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings here. But I think that it's a pretty well known thing that survivors care way too much. It's kinda crazy. Of course there's bad examples on both sides. But survivors will get mori'd and wait 10 minutes for the game to end to talk crap to the killer instead of moving on, they used to DC to prevent BBQ and Chili stacks, they will camp your profile for 48 hours if you kill them. If you've ever turned on some of those low viewer twitch streams... They cry and whine and get super angry when they die.

    I'm not trying to make this a point of toxicity. But I feel like when you're playing a killer.... If you see a survivor that beat you before and you notice. Then this time you're challenged and you're going to try really hard to kill that guy. It's like an extra challenge. That guy got you the last time, now you're going to get them this time. A healthy feud. Survivors tend to want to win. There has to be a reason that they made it so you can't look at recently played with to figure out who the killer is. Just saying.

    It'd be less of a big deal right now. Since killer queue's are instant. But back in the day when killer queue's were like 5 mins and survivors were instant, it wasn't that fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    just so you know, NOW if you get a killer that lobby dodges, they don't get rewarded, they get penalized, and the survivors are as they stay in the "killer" lobby and another fills their spot. The original killer has to get back into the queue and hope they get a match. HOW EVER it is true if survivors dodge, it can take them a bit longer thank killers in the "HIGH RANKS" but again not always. but lower level killers who dodge as they see a group of p3 clauds and they are rank 16 and just starting out they have to get beat down, loose their offerings and add ons and then sit in queue again to chance getting another group of seasoned people and they have 5-10 minute queue times that low ranking...

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I prefer to keep bias out of my posts, because I see it more as "people" doing it. Not "killers" or "survivors." You never even know what the person you're playing against prefers to play more. I like playing killer more, but sometimes I like to play survivor for a change/because the games can go more quickly. But just because I play as survivor, now these mentalities apply to me? I think you get my point here.

    Anyway, I don't want you to take it as I'm bashing or trying to call you wrong. Our experiences are just different from each other. I just personally run into about as many (I don't keep track) killers acting like jerks as I do survivors acting like jerks. I might run into more jerk survivors at once but that's usually because I play killer, and there's just more of them to go against than there is killer against survivor. In terms of frequency, I constantly run into killers that act like jerks (like with the mori being common for me). It's just how people are, so I have no reason to believe survivors will act like that when I feel that killers can match their childishness, and I don't see them dodging often.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Man, I really understand, it's very frustrating, when I play as the killer, happens to me too.

    I think that maybe this survivors bullied you (happens with me too).

    But try to see something good, in this match, in the case, you get nice points in the end, so it's not too bad a lot.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Ugh i miss disconnecting. Was great. Still can, but im not gonna be that stupid to be temp ban matchmaking for limited amount of time. But dcing was great while it lasted... R.i.p. dc

  • Member Posts: 1,522
    edited April 2020

    As a new player, I can confidently say that the new player experience as a killer is basically,

    -Be rank 20. Play other rank 20's mostly it seems? Must be some ceiling on matchmaking at first? Get a reasonable amount of survivor wins, 3k's, 4k's, generally believe things are normal.

    -Get to rank 17. Join lobby, get looped and teabagged for 10 minutes, see that it was a SWF with at least one red rank and no one equal or below my rank.

    -Join another lobby. Repeat.

    -Repeat again.

    -Repeat, but this time it's 3 Claudettes on Yamaoka who spam GGEZ.

    -Start wondering if there's matchmaking at all or if it's just throwing me into the first lobby or if there's really so few people playing that this is the result.

    -Realize that this is basically acting as a "Amuse everyone else at your expense" simulator and log off to do something less painful like, "Catch the Porcupine".

    Ok, yes, I don't know what I'm doing yet. Need to git gud. All that jazz. But jeez. At least I learned I could dodge a lobby.

    (The worst part is when you do "sorta" well so people act like you should be happy with it. Example: Just had a game with me at rank 17, survivors at 8, 8, 10, 10. Got one kill, and a total of 55k BP. Except I felt like it was just a joke the entire time. Only got the kill because of a lucky trap. Everyone else just teabagged at the exit. Yeah, ok, got points but it wasn't entertaining to anyone but them.)

    Post edited by Bovinity on
  • Member Posts: 2

    Here you are crying about toxicity, but then goes to explain basement camping with bubba. Yea cause that's the reason you're ranks probably lacking they changed matchmaking and you would know if you actually payed attention, basement camping wont save you, its god awful that people really have to rely on bubba to even get any kills, its TERRIBLE, and i honestly cannot wait for bubba and insidious to be nerfed

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    One of the reasons I stopped playing dbd. I don't want to bring my OP killer and perks every single game. I want to mess around with GF, trapper, meme builds and stuff. Before I could wait till reset and have some fun. Now no matter my rank there's a high chance of running into reds.

  • Member Posts: 94

    Entitlement right there. I would have never started to play toxic if the survivors didn't encourage me to. If they wanna ruin my game, then oh well, I'll fight fire with fire. Best is when I got my mori ready, hooked a person, then another survivor I already hooked approaches, I swing in the direction of the hooked survivor, they go unhook and both get downed and moried. Not very smart, to say it friendly.

    In my opinion it's God awful that survivors have to rely on their million crutch perks, and here you are complaining about God damn INSIDIOUS

  • Member Posts: 698

    I agree with you but please don't basement camp with Bubba. I would like to play the game and toxicity only breeds more toxicity.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Match making has been broken since forever

  • Member Posts: 96

    They removed the way to see who the killer is through 'recently played with' because it was the only way to message a killer before or during a match and people abused this to spam killers or generally be disgusting.

    I personally get moris every other game with ebony being the most common. Even had a killer show me that he had over 250 ebony's on two different killers after a match, but he was devotion 11 soo.

    My first game today got a R12 trapper with Franklin's, brutal, noed and an ebony. Was R1 before reset, just got back to R2. He was mori'ing off first hook. Second game, got a Legion that did the same thing with the added bonus of proxy camping for the save. Can't tell randoms not to save. Fun.

    I mean what's even the point? You screw yourself out of points to take people out of the game early and put us back in an hour long que, but I guess most killers actually don't mind quick games as long as it's in their favor. 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 170

    The devs play the game all the time. Go to twitch and watch them play the game live before you talk #########. They play survivor and killer. They answer a LOT of questions as well. I have learned so much about how the game works from watching.

    Also, you complain that they bullied you but you scored over 30k, almost a perfect 32k game. What more do you want? You don't deserve a 4k every game and survivors don't deserve to always escape. It looks like you all had a good high scoring match. I bet they didn't even bully you and just played normal red rank level play. You assume that's bullying because you haven't played at red for an extended time. I'm sorry but I play constantly, daily..... Actual bully squads are extremely rare. This is clearly not a bully squad as well because they only brought a yellow flashlight and a brown actual bully squad, like the ones I've gone against, have multiple purple flashlights with batteries or iri bulbs and purple medits.

  • Member Posts: 270

    I agree with the guy that said there isn't much difference between ranks, I got to rank 1 but I'm not a pro or anything. The game has tons of flaws and the developers would rather hide ranks and pretend they've fixed it while they spend all their resources on a mobile cash grab when the base game hasn't been fixed. That being said it doesn't mean you need to take it out on the survivors, its not only killers that experience the brokenness of this game and by basement camping with an ebony Mori you're making the game more toxic and spreading it. Someone is much more likely to be toxic in their next game if they get facecamped by a Mori weilder

  • Member Posts: 132

    Lmao I've gone against 3 full red rank SWFs a few days before reset

    It was hell, I always seem to get Coldwind as Nurse and it's so annoying, especially since I'm rank 14, a far cry from rank 1. Also there are people who smurf ranks which is annoying asf too

  • Member Posts: 10,114

    Yes it's always 'crying' and 'complaining' about the game, because that's just how people like to put it when it's something that's against their side. You're right on that.

  • Member Posts: 11

    I completely understand the frustrations. Survivors get way too comfortable when mass swarming a hooked player. The risk vs reward just isnt there imo. I think a few things need to change to make hooked survivor abuse a thing of the past

    1. Killers camping a hooked player suffer a greater point loss than they do now. This added with some sort of "entity warning" prior to the huge point loss may persuade them to seek out other survivors.

    2. Survivors hit while unhooking a player instantly go into the dying state. That, or instantly get picked up by the killer.

    Tbh, just these two changes would greatly reduce the amount of abuse players on both side receive given their individual scenarios. I play both killer and survivor equally. As a survivor, all my fair play mentality goes out the window when i see a killer camping hooked survivors.

    As a killer, when i have to deal with obvious sjw teams swarming me on a hook. I make it a huge point to focus on the player they freed. Instead of playing around and actually giving them a chance to recover. No remorse hooking them 3x in a row at the expense of losing the match lol.

  • Member Posts: 11

    I feel like the only scenario career killer players deem a win is if they sacced all four survivors. This game is pretty grey-line on what exactly is a win or a lose.

    All survivors escaped? Survivor win.

    All survivors didnt escape? Killer win.

    Any other variation? Survivors win... For some reason lol.

  • Member Posts: 101

    I know right? I played like 5 matches as killer last night to clear my dailies and for whatever reason it was like every single survivor was super extra completely toxic. And it's usually pretty bad, but this was just worse. It didn't help that they were all rank 1 or rank 2 as most of my opponents at rank 9 or 10 are. It was miserable. I figured some toxic killer main must've been streaming or something but I couldn't find any info.

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