the deathslinger isnt fun to go against



  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919
    edited April 2020

    The difference between Huntress and Deathslinger is that you KNOW when Huntress is winding up her hatchet and you get a clear visual cue of when it is fully charged.

    Deathslinger has instant ADS and is basically walking around like a Huntress with a fully charged hatchet. You have no visual cue of when he is going to shoot because it is instant and you’re bobbing and weaving because there is no indication of if he is gonna shot or not. There is basically no counterplay, it’s all determined on whether the Deathslinger can hit their shot or not.

    Deathslinger can still easily lose though if survivors split gens because he sucks in a 4V1 scenario due to his mediocre snowball potential and low map pressure. He’s extremely strong with low counterplay in a 1V1 which makes him seem “boring” to a lot of people because their skill as a survivor isn’t determining whether they are going down or not. They’re just guessing on when Deathslinger is going to shoot.

    Huntress is throwing semi-trucks and Deathslinger is throwing needles. Difference is that you can see the semi truck coming for your ass but the needle you cannot until you’re already hit.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    I see where you're coming from. But I don't think they intended it to be that way. Because, you have to land your shot in the first place. I personally think if you gave the survivors more leniency with the chain, his power would be a coin flip. In which, you could land a terrific shot but still not be rewarded for actually hitting the shot. The chain break time is already so minimal when there is anything in the way. Currently, it's only 2.66 seconds for the chain to break when the survivor is wiggling and the chain goes through a wall. I think more free movement for survivors would annihilate his power and he'd be punished more than rewarded for hitting his shots. If you gave survivors more movement on the chain, you'd have to increase the charges required to break the chain.

    He's a very complicated killer. In the sense that bad players will struggle greatly with him, but a great player will pretty much win every chase he takes. He reminds me a lot of Nurse in that sense. But, this is just my opinion on it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    See I don't think it takes all that much skill to hit these shots. You can popshot and instantly fire. At mid to long range there is some skill, but at the average distance where jungle gym loops take place, for example, it doesn't seem very skillful to me. The projectile moves fast enough it might as well be hitscan at that range. By contrast both Nurse and Huntress still take skill to land hits at this range. Huntress because of wind up time, and Nurse because you do need to charge a certain amount to ensure you go through the wall (also the fact she is slower than survivors and NEEDS to blink means she probably won't be right behind you anyway when she starts a blink).

    On PC, this problem is even greater because you have a mouse. On console there is at least some small amount of skill in aiming at close range, but with a mouse that skill is nonexistent, sorry to say.

    I don't want him nerfed, I just want there to be some more counter play to getting speared than "hope you can wiggle behind some fat tree or rock".

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    I'm personally on console and I think the large majority of the shots take plenty of skill to hit. I agree, on short loops I don't think it takes a massive amount of skill to hit certain shots. For me, I think it takes a lot of skill to hit mid-long range fairly consistently. The spear itself has a relatively small hitbox, this means you have to be precise and understand the movement the survivors will make before they make it. I put him on the same level as Huntress. While she has that windup, she also receives some compensation via the hatchet hitboxes, or latency, whatever you wanna refer to it as.

    If you were to add more movement for the survivor, you would deal a massive blow to his power. I think if you're landing your shots, the majority of the time you should be rewarded. If you were to give more movement, it would hurt the most skillful part of playing him imo, long range shots.

    In the end, I guess we can agree to disagree. Thanks for being respectful throughout our discussion. Have a good night :)

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    We're talking about quickscopes here, keep up with the times.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    I'd be fine with buffing him in other areas to compensate. It's just lame to get speared and it's like "I am going down and there is nothing I can do about it" outside of just getting lucky really. I compare it to old Legion because it's pretty much the same thing there is no chance to avoid going down. People want to compare it to Spirit too, but I don't think that's valid because you can do something about it, it's just more difficult to pull off the better the killer. Same with Nurse. The chance to outplay them might be low, but there is still an outplay to be made. With Deathslinger (and old Legion) there IS no outplay, it's just purely luck or the killer messes up.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    So if the spear hitting you just did straight damage, you wouldn't be frustrated at the lack of avoiding damage, but because it DOES have a way of avoiding damage, you're mad that you don't get to avoid damage as often as you feel you should?

    That's... just plain illogical. There's no other way to put it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020


    If the spear did straight damage, the initial problem of not being able to do anything against reeling would be solved (as there is no reeling) but now there is a new and even worse problem that the hit is unavoidable. His power would be completely overpowered. It's like saying "if Frenzy just downed you like a normal hit then old Legion wouldn't be a problem". He still would 100% just not in the same way.

    The reason that it's acceptable for Huntress to have hatchets that inflict straight damage is because there is a wind up time, and the projectile moves slow enough that you can dodge it after a few meters.

    What's annoying about Deathslinger is he spears you, and as he is reeling you in you SHOULD have some ways to counter play it but you really don't. The down is inevitable, and it's lame. FOR THE SAME REASON that old Legion being able to hit you with Frenzy and just follow you until you go down is lame. Because there's no way to counter this tactic. You could argue that if you dodge before he shoots it's fine, the same way you could argue that you could dodge Frenzy hits, but it doesn't solve the initial problem of what happens after the hit. Furthermore, dodging the spear isn't as realistic a counter play as dodging a hatchet. You have time to react to a hatchet and Huntress has to start leading her shots past like 3m because of travel time. Spear at the same range has 0 travel time, hence why I say it might as well be hitscan. It's only at the very outer edge of his range where he needs to start leading his shots, and even then not by much. It is infinitely easier in the ranges most chases occur to popshot the spear and get a hit without the survivor having a chance to react than it is to land a hatchet at the same range as Huntress.

    There is also the issue that Deathslinger controls your movement and position way too much. Huntress hatchets you, that's all there is to it. Deathslinger spears you, not only do you get hit but you get pulled WAY out of position allowing for an easy follow up.

    What I'm saying is that survivors should have more control during the reeling period. Again I'm fine with buffing Deathslinger in other ways to compensate, maybe allow him to break pallets by pulling you up to them, or increase the range of the spear, or maybe allow him to walk forward while reeling to close distance, or something else I'm not sure what. But right now, you get speared and there's nothing you can do, when you should be able to do something that isn't based entirely on luck that the nearest object is just big enough he can't swing around it. THAT is the problem.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    edited April 2020

    Sounds to me like it's a you problem. I've seen and experienced instances where Survivors have plenty of control and I as the Killer feel like I was punished for hitting my shot. The fact that I even have to do more than hit my shot to do damage to the Survivor already feels annoying as is. Hell, the fact that the chain can break at all results in instances where I land absolutely sick shots worthy of an Overwatch Hanzo montage but it just doesn't result in anything substantial.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    I have yet to see this outside of players using macros, which as I said shouldn't even be a thing because it's basically cheating. If you watch any YT'er or streamer this almost never happens either (again except macros). So you are doing something wrong or you get a lot of cheaters.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Or the Survivors just don't know how to work with the altered movement and break the chain. There are STILL people at red ranks who don't realize that holding S makes the chain break faster. I think the only time that the chain really is completely unbreakable is low-wall loops with a lot of LoS.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I play on console so things are different, but a good Deathslinger is still going to get a hit on you unless you have a very large object inbetween you.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I think Deathslinger is completely effing broken in a chase. I'm just saying, the fact he has NO counterplay is really pushing it in my opinion. I do agree though that there isn't ENOUGH counterplay and he feels like old Legion with a gun because of it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    When I say "no counterplay" I'm specifically referring to the spear mechanic, not the killer as a whole.

    Legion could be countered by doing certain things in the overall scheme of the match, but the problem was they were uncounterable in a 1v1 chase. Again, people say this about Nurse or Spirit and it's just not true, you can do something it just becomes increasingly more difficult to succeed based on the skill of the killer. But when it comes to old Legion and Deathslinger, there really is nothing you can do, regardless of the skill of the killer. Deathslinger at least has an edge over old Legion in that he takes SOME skill to land shots, but it's very easy to become competent enough with his power to get to that level (especially if you are an FPS regular).

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    It's like a reverse skill curve: You get rewarded in chases for hitting the basic anti-loop shots that anyone can do, but if you're actually skilled with your aiming and hit something like a Sharpshooter or manage to spear a Survivor through a really tight spot? There's a 99% chance the chain is going to break and there is nothing you can do about it. You get punished for being good at the game. It's terrible design.

  • KayK99
    KayK99 Member Posts: 94

    Any killer that isn't a rank 20 baby nurse isn't fun to play against, huh? :P

  • MontyBurger
    MontyBurger Member Posts: 26

    If the odds were in favour of the killer then no one would play survivor and it would take forever to find a match.

  • MontyBurger
    MontyBurger Member Posts: 26

    But I think the difference is that huntress has a long wind up time whilst the deathslinger is practically instant

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's only punishing if they are already injured/DW. If they are healthy, you get rewarded for it.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    But who cares if they're healthy? Hitting a healthy Survivor doesn't give you a downed Survivor.

    Plus if there's one thing Legion taught us, being "rewarded" for using your power well by eating a 4-second stun is the worst thing ever.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    If it were impossible to m1 that survivor, and instead you inflict damage from a distance or over some obstacle, yes it is indeed rewarding you.

    That's like saying "who cares if they are slugged? Having a slugged survivor doesn't give you a dead survivor". Yet slugging is highly effective at slowing the game and gaining pressure, same with getting a long range hit where it would otherwise be impossible for any killer besides Huntresss/Deathslinger who have a long range attack. The act of slugging the survivor leads into the death of the survivor, just as the act of injuring a survivor leads into the downing of a survivor..

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't see the problem, there are many killer who if played extremely well don't have any real counterplay in chase. Prime example is Nurse and Siprit, followed by Freddy, Hag, Trapper and so on. All of these you can't do anything about if are playing to their killer's max potencial. Killer aren't always designed to be have much chase counterplay if they have weaknesses in other aspects which all of these do.

    You're a team of 4 vs 1 so you have to adapt your strategy against these killers and evade chases more then normally or outplay them in some other manner. Some people may even enjoy beiing chased by killer with powerfull chase ability.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    The difference is, a slugged Survivor is fully disabled and will eventually die. An injured Survivor is not. Being injured is not a big deal.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    1v1 he’s oppressive

    1v4 he’s weak

    its not unlike old legion

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    Here's the thing about deathslinger, most people who main him have past video game aim practice. Like COD or Fortnite. So by himself in the game he is bad, but what mad lad would run deathslinger without past aim practice. I genuinely think he should have a startup like huntress. Because if he runs STBFL, its an easy 2 tap if you know how to play him, which they most likely will. At least with huntress you have time to react. Him? You do not.