Massive White Ward Bug

Zamblot Member Posts: 270

So I just used a pretty nice flashlight with some good addons and a white ward which I very rarely use but hell, I wanted to keep my addons. So I'm in game and find a ghostface just teabagging and trying to farm. Overall it was an awful game where the killer tried to be nice and give us bloodpoints but just wasted everyones time which is pretty damn annoying in itself. So at this point I'm a little bit triggered, I've just wasted my white ward because this wasnt even a game so I just get out of there as quick as possible to relieve the pain... then I notice, my addons are now gone.

My addons are gone because I escaped the game even though I had a white ward equiped... if I died I wouldnt have lost it. I got punished for escaping... It seems this is a completely ridiculous oversight that the devs somehow missed when implemeneting the escape system but surely this is easy to fix. I assume its been a bug for as long as this system has been out and ill now be killing myself after using my next white ward because there is no point in survival other then a few bloodpoints...


  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    White ward says it protects against loss when you DIE , doesn't it? So, not really a bug then.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828

    It says "Burning this offering grants you protection against the loss of your item and add-ons." so the description isn't clear.


  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Ah, gotcha. Have never actually picked one up. Always thought it specified.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You should have made the killer kill you so you can make more bp. (Escaping gives less bp than keeping add ons using White Ward)

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2020

    WHAT IS THE POINT, that is NOT a feature, they just having updated the perk description. Just before posting this I read the definition and I have determined one thing. The definition of a white ward is as follows: Burning this offering protects you against the loss of your item and add-ons. It literally doesnt mention dying. I think it use to but they updated it because of the new system I'd imagine... and even if it wasnt the case (when it is anyway so your comment is already invalid) that would be stupid... rewarding you for dying.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    If they changed the addon loss on escape to get consistency with killer addon loss, then they should change the White Ward also for consistency reasons to ALWAYS safe the addons at the end of the game. I think the current wording and idea is pretty misleading and also unfair.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    They changed the text to say that you keep the items and addons they removed the in the case you die so im assuming this is a bug....? I mean why would they change the text but keep the effect the same? Then again this is a bhvr.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Burning this Offering grants you protection against the loss of your item and its add ons in the event you die.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    I guess its just the Devs using the classic case of: Its not a bug, its a feature

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828
    edited April 2020

    I took the description from this post:

    So either the screenshot is edited or the description is different on plattforms.

    Edit: Nevermind, @supersonic853 cleared that up already, they changed the description and removed the "in the event you die" for some odd reason.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    Yes, if you die you keep the add-ons, but if you escape you lose the add-ons, even though White Ward description suggests you should keep it in either case. I've tested this myself.

    It should protect them either way. It's honestly stupid that the only way to protect them from loss if you escape is to use Ace In The Hole.

    In fact it's stupid you lose them at all if you escape. If you have charges left on the item, you should keep your add-ons. It's not like killer add-ons where you can easily replenish them after each game. Killers have 20 add-ons. Survivors have 55, plus 18 items, for a total of 73 possible bloodweb objects. I could easily play every game of Spirit with Mother Daughter Ring and Yakuyoke Amulet if I were to dump BP back into Spirit after each game. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to play with an Emergency Medkit with Gel Dressing and Gauze Rolls every game, especially because you earn way less BP as survivor.

    Wiki is outdated. Check the description in the game.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Not only does the description falsely advertise it in its current state but at the very least I think we can all agree that its stupid to punish you if you survive but reward you if you die.

    Do you guys agree with me in this aspect, whether its intended or not its completely ridiculous and if the devs claim its intended either whoever thought of it has no sense of balance (i wouldnt be surprised judging by half the stuff in the game) or they are being lazy and just pretending its a feature.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    Yes, they did it to 'bring it more in line with killers' but not only do killers get more bloodpoints in general but one of their primary perks give you 2x bloodpoints so the average killer gets more than 2x bloodpoints that a survivor gets. It was a stupid change that they should never have done because its stupid. If they want less addons balance the bloodweb, dont take them from us

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    100% agreed to this post.

    Yesterday I zapped into a Stream and the Streamer was just saying "I want my team to live and the Killer should kill me, I burned a White Ward, why should I want to live?"...

    This is the worst thing, the Survivor should not be better off by getting killed.

    But well, once again, no Dev will say anything about this topic...

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    if you are talking about BBQ and Chili, then I will also say survivors have the exact same idea in We're going to live forever. this can give you 100% more blood points just like BBQ does. so you want more points, dedicate a perk slot to it, don't try to make it out to being that you don't have anything like it. nice try, also killers do not get more blood points than survivors i've seen survivors get 28-32K bps when the killer only got 20K or even less. If you come out and say well that's not the norm, I'll inform you that killers do not always get more than the survivors. and generally when the killer and survivors are evenly matched, the killers fall in the middle of most survivor groups. so two survivors are above and two below the killer in points. Now if you get a killer that has the skill of a rank 8 versus a group of rank 16's, YES the killers are going to smash the survivors.and when you get a group of survivors that are the skill of a rank 8 versus a killer rank 16, the survivors are going to smash the killer and they might be lucky to pull 12K!

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    1) Getting 4 hooks is infinitely easier than getting 4 safe rescues consistently.

    2) BBQ has value as a tracking perk. WGLF has no value other than BP boost.

    3) Play Legion or Freddy. You will easily earn 25k or more per game whether you aim for it or not (unless you suck THAT BAD as killer).

    4) Regardless of #3, you can consistently earn 20k BP or more per game as killer if that is your goal. You cannot do this as survivor consistently.

    5) If the killer sucks, you will get 10k BP max assuming you do all the gens AND get chased for a long time. If survivors suck you are walking out with 15k BP or more, plus 4 stacks of BBQ.

    6) Did you miss the part where I mentioned above that killers have 20 add-ons while survivors have 55 add-ons PLUS 18 items, for a total of 73 (SEVENTY THREE!!!) possible objects that can appear in a bloodweb. It is insanely easy to sustain add-ons as killer. It is NOT easy to sustain add-ons or items as survivor. You'd be lucky to get the things you want once per 5 webs as survivor at p3 50. I get Mother Daughter Ring or Yakuyoke Amulet at least once every other web, usually more than 1 of each per web at p3 50.

    7) White Ward states "Protection against loss of item or add-ons", yet when you escape you lose your add-ons. Basically false advertising.

    If you completely use an item, I can see a valid reason to lose the add-ons even if you escape. But if you have charges left, or use a White Ward, you should keep your add-ons.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    1) you can get protection hits as well.

    2) you mentioned nothing but the blood points so i kept with that. sorry you didn't make your argument that way at first, my point still remains, YOU CAN GET 2X blood points if you desire.

    3) I play them i earn between 10-25K and it varies. as I said, if you have evenly matched players in the match my comments stand, even with freddy or legion.

    4) I guess my efforts are not up to your red rank 1-4 killer standards. again my comments on #3 stand even the odds the killer will over all be in between the 4 survivors in point total, if you have disparet skill levels killer will have way more points or way less points.

    5) again you are proving exactly what I said about skill levels

    6) so? you have more add ons so you can get different powers.. killers are limited to what power they are designed with (a much narrower way of playing than the survivors), the killers add ons are instantly known when observed (darkened traps, 3 blinks, speed walking nurse, multiple traps instead of one, pallet freddy, swing chains, and even more) yet killers have the idea oh you have a med kit, no indication a styptic agent, extra charges, syringe. how about a tool box! hey who knows what's in there! flashlight is it a battery? is it an odd bulb? Oh what kind of tool box is it? what type of med kit? is that a broken key or a dull or even a skeleton key? Take into account 3 years of killers loosing their add-ons and constantly having to re-buy them, your argument here holds no water.

    7) that was never anything I disputed. perhaps there is an issue, and because before it was "if you die" and YES I verified that the ward says add-ons are to be kept. THIS IS A RECENT CHANGE and they have since that edited the description, and there is a mid chapter patch coming perhaps this will be fixed as things have not been specific about the mid chapter patch and the PTB does not encompass the whole of all the changes they have made and even changes after.

    If killers don't completely use an item, then they should not loose it. oh wait they are forced as it applies directly to the item used. so in your instance ONLY time i'd accept your description is if you didn't use your "POWER" at all. I'd be happy that if the item has 100% of the charges it went in with this means add-ons are not lost. this includes not being affected by franklin's demise, nor being exchanged for an item in a chest. once the item leaves the original surivor's hands or even used for a micro second then the add-ons are toast. You will also notice my response to you was not in reference to the white ward but your complaint about a perk that killers can use (if they have it) that gives 100% blood points, which survivors ALSO have... I will also say this: killers are required to purchase a DLC, spend blood points to get Leatherface to level 35 (bbq's teachable level) or purchase the perk in the shrine for 2000 shards. Survivors get David in the default game without purchasing a DLC so they are only out the time it takes to use blood points to get we're going to live for ever (I think level 30, but i'm not sure).

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You completely missed the point that it is very easy for killers to sustain add-ons while it is near impossible for survivors to sustain items AND add-ons. Both in terms of average bloodpoint earnings and in terms of the sheer volume of things that can spawn in a bloodweb.

    I regularly have to spend bloodpoints every maybe 10 games as killer to avoid hitting the cap. I can play all day as survivor and MAYBE have to spend about 100k once to avoid it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Wow... so you're complaining about hitting a cap of blood points? I have to spend blood points to avoid hitting a cap about every 3-4 matches survivor OR Killer. that still does not invalidate my points, and rebuttals to yours. you are all about points points points. when it's not that. you obviously are lightyears ahead of me in killer and survivor skill. You know what? I know so many survivors that have so many add ons it's not even funny! they are litterally begging people to take their stuff just to get rid of items and add ons they don't want. killers don't even get to do that. alright, we now need to remove survivor's abilities to give items to other survivors except by leaving what they find in a chest there for others' to pick up.

    STILL does not invalidate that the answer to your charge that killers have a perk that gives 2X blood points and survivors do not have a perk that gives 2X bloodpoints. your actual argument here is not that the white ward isn't protecting the things you want, but that you don't like that you can't get a secondary use out of We're going to live together like BBQ and if you had phrased it that way I'd have 100% agreed with you. but no you had to make it "killers get a perk for 2X blood points, while us poor, poor survivors do not get 2X blood points" Guess what YOU HAVE IT! thus your complaint was resolved by what I said. you however didn't like that and changed what you said and yet I STILL countered every comment you made.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Just bring Ace in the Hole if your add-ons are that important to you

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "Wow... so you're complaining about hitting a cap of blood points?"

    No not at all. Re-read what I said, it's obvious you don't get the issue. Even better I'll make it clear...

    As killer I can make sure I have an infinite supply of whatever add-ons I want.

    As survivor this is impossible.

    This is because I can earned BP at a significantly faster rate as killer, I can find games at a significantly faster rate as killer, and I have way less objects that can spawn per bloodweb meaning I have a higher chance to get the exact things I want in fewer bloodwebs.

    WGLF is not the same as BBQ. BBQ is super easy to get stacks AND has value outside of extra BP. WGLF is not as easy to get 4 stacks AND has no value other than BP boost.

    You clearly don't play survivor or this discrepancy would be crystal clear to you.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Welcome to DBD where nothing makes sense anymore . Clearly the devs didn't think this through. I mean entire survivor lose addons change... The white ward is just the prove

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    wow you are still arguing this? I countered each argument you had according to your ORIGINAL comment. You keep changing it every time to get me to "UNDERSTAND". I can not help it if you decide to say something that leads someone else to the conclusion that you didn't want. You said and I will quote "but one of their primary perks give you 2x bloodpoints so the average killer gets more than 2x bloodpoints that a survivor gets." you are talking about a single part of ONE PERK. this is what I replied to and you decided to change that to the fact that BBQ has a secondary aspect yet WGLF does not. which I even told you IF that is how you had said it I'd have agreed with you that WGLF should have something else other than just blood points. but you keep running on about anything and everything BUT the fact I answered your original complaint. with this I, myself, am DONE. Your arguments hold no weight and are countered by one comment after another.

    i could and have shown where the sheer fact that your survivor add-ons have no visible effect in the game that survivors know more about a killer at all times than a killer ever knows about survivors. I don't give a damn you have to spend more blood points to keep your reserves high, why? because it's not even part of your argument and countered by almost 4 years of survivors keeping their add-ons when the killers have always lost theirs. I don't care, the killers have one way to hold on to their add-ons since the game began and that is to use a black ward. survivors before now could walk out the trial with the add-ons in their pockets and could use white wards to even protect them when they died. NOW you can use white wards (once this issue is FIXED) OR USE ACE IN THE HOLE a perk none the less! that now lets you keep your add-ons! when will the killers get a perk to keep their add-ons... oh wait that's a perk with a function that's secondary, much like your complaint about BBQ! wow.... what do you know, survivors STILL have one up on the killers in keeping their stuff! and killers have one up on survivors in knowing where you are... shall we go into perks like kindred and even dark sense? sure why not... dark sense allows any survivor to see where the killer is no matter where the killer is when ANY gen is complete (detection perk OP!) killer's version: bitter murmir where the killer can only see survivors within a certain distance to the gen completed (detection perk not even close to OP!).

    GET used to loosing your add-ons and saving your blood points for the survivors you want, and stop spreading them amongst the other survivors... you don't need to P1,P2,or P3 anyone anymore anyways! I'm done here, I've proven your original point null and void, countered every time. your new points I am not even trying to counter because it's pointless to argue something when that something keeps changing.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    Dude reread everything I wrote. I never changed anything that has been my argument the entire time. SMH. And no you didn't counter my argument because you never understood my argument to begin with, proven by the fact you keep talking about stuff that has nothing to do with my main point.

    "You said and I will quote "but one of their primary perks give you 2x bloodpoints so the average killer gets more than 2x bloodpoints that a survivor gets.""

    I never said this, that was @Zamblot You should pay attention to who you are replying to.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Not gonna lie, I've been reading the whole thing and it's like @thesuicidefox is talking to a brick wall.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2020

    ######### me, you've obviously never spend any amount of time as a survivor. We get WAY less base blood points without perks in mind and we are going to live forever sucks. I mainly play survivor now but I use to play alot of killer and BBQ would be on every build of mine because not only are you almost guaranteed double bloodpoints (unlike we're gonna live forever because other teammates will take unhooks etc) but it gives you a great side bonus of seeing through walls after hooking someone temporarily which makes it alot easier to get the domino effect and get another down immediately after. We are going to live forever down right sucks.

    I'll be honest, I'd have likely used BBQ and Chilli if it didn't have that bloodpoint bonus.

    I've used We are going to live forever before but it still doesn't give you nearly as many bloodpoints as a killer. When I played killer I could easily afford to bring good addons every single match but now I'm a survivor (and I'm not terrible since I make it to rank 1 while playing casually) and I am conservative of the add-ons I bring, hell even before the change I was much more conservative of them then I was before. Ace of the hole has been ruined by this as the best part about it was sharing items with your teammates who now don't get to keep the add-ons you give them. Its as simple as that. I've went against killers that have got 0 kills but they still get more points and thus base bloodpoints than a survivor and guess what, that isn't rare at all. It just takes a little bit of perspective and playing on both sides to realise how many more bloodpoints you earn as a killer and thus how much easier it is to keep good addons and use green add-ons every single game.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I will answer you, because he isn't worth answering before. of my 2000 hours i've spent maybe 800 as killer and the rest as survivor. I have made it to rank 5 before I stopped trying and let rank resets take me to where my actual skill level is yellow/green ranks. if I face someone rank 1-6 I generally get 5-8K blood points unless i'm with a group of much better survivors. If I am facing someone close to my skill rank I end up with 10-20K as survivor I usually don't survive if i'm facing a rank 1-10 killer. My killer matches I get in general 8-32K, depending on the skill level of the survivors I face. If they are high rank I barely get to chase anyone thus i get 8K, and when I face people below my skill level i can get upwards of 20-32K easily. when facing survivors equal to my skill level I get 12-18K blood points.

    I agree the "FUN" of giving your crap away is destroyed but they have not DESTROYED ace in the hole what so ever. They made ACE in the Hole more than a niche perk that when you wanted to screw with the chests to something you use to keep your stuff. so if you want to give someone something they need to equip ace in the hole. Apparently MY experience in this game is way different than yours in that I will do things differently and look at it differently. I started playing killer and thought oh why do I not keep my add ons when I kept my add ons as survivor! I was confused then friends set me right on that and I thought this isn't fair but I guess I can see that. now I like the fact that if I use something up I will still keep the item if I get out. I was told that in the initial release of the game (first 1/2 year to year) it was a reward as you didn't survive all that often. So that made sense, and when I kept playing and surviving I enjoyed having my add ons still and everything. When they said they were changing things to bring it more in line with killer I was hey great, I just have to not care about the add ons but i keep the items when they get used up! SWEET! This is the difference between me and you (and the other ones), I look at it from a balance perspective. Survivors had it great for almost 4 full years now things are changing and they get a taste of what Killers have had for years.

    Still killers only have one way to protect their add ons, survivors have two. The second is functionality of a perk that killers don't have, yet WGLF doesn't have a second functionality of a perk that killers do have. I still think something should be added to WGLF to balance with BBQ, and I've admitted this in every post about this but no one has even seen that because unlike your response everyone else "read between the lines" and I was the bad guy when people didn't even READ the lines I posted and see that I agree that WGLF is something that needs a bit of an addition to. survivor privilege is definitely in play here.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I mean, you couldve just waited the Endgame collapse timer out if he refused to kill you sooo

    You made your choice by escaping, this isnt a bug lol

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Holy necromancy, Batman. This thread is two years old and I'm fairly sure White Wards were changed so that the items are kept on escaping anyway.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Oh i didnt pay attention to the date posted lol

    But were they?

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408
    edited July 2022

    Did they have Franklin's? I learned the hard way that WW doesn't work when you lose your item because of Franklin's even if you do escape or die 😢

    Pls ignore this ^ I didn't see the date of the OG post...and can't delete this comment either 💀