Chapter - Stormy Waters, The Pirate & The Cabin Boy

MetasActReon Member Posts: 3
edited October 2018 in Creations

Chapter - Stormy Waters

Killer: The Pirate

Name: Lucius Jones
Looks: About 35. Past shoulder length dark hair, hooked right hand, fancy tailored outfit available in different colors, tricorn hat as well as no hat options, few pricey old fashioned male jewelry pieces. Extra special outfit is mostly a dark bluish silver tattered tailored outfit with a tattered red cloth belt that hangs down past the knees. (Special outfit based on my crowntail betta, Lucius.)
Captain Lucius Jones wasn't a well known pirate, which only made him better at what he did, and what he did was capture ships and take all, leave no survivors. Due to his last name, anyone who claimed to know of Captain Jones’s success would have his stories feed into the lore of infamous pirate legend, Davy Jones.
Lucius Jones was a strict captain and not all of his crew were happy under him, but his ways kept them with enough rewards to live comfortably when visiting land. Jones, however, didn't spend his riches but saved them, hoarded them. The only thing he loved more than his wealth was his ship and he only spent a lot of money to make his ship greater and change up its looks.
One day, one of his crew tried to steal the captain's savings, but Jones caught him and keel hauled the man before leaving him to the sharks. The next week, Jones and his crew scored big: gold, jewels, scrolls of secrets... Jones locked it up, as he always did before splitting things evenly amongst the crew (with bonuses to anyone who went above and beyond, as well as himself for being captain) but this was more than his ship had ever held before. It excited him and the fresh memory of the mutineer made him fearful. He procrastinated paying the crew and upon questioning he knew he couldn't keep company with them any longer. He snapped and held a celebration, feeding his crew well and filling them with spirits. While they slept off their food and drink, he tore out jugulars and tracheas, one by one, silencing and killing each crew member. He saved his first mate for last, almost as if he had hoped to be stopped before that point.
How he managed to sail the ship to harbor alone was a story to be wandered about by anyone who heard the tale of the captain without a crew returning from sea.
Jones became paranoid, knowing that those who stepped on board were there for his riches and he'd have to kill them before they could escape and spread the word. The fishing village he was located at quickly realized the solitary captain was murdering people and formed a mob, ready to burn down the ship with him in it. No one knows what happened, exactly, but lore tells of a kraken stealing the ship away into the sea, enveloping the ship in darkness. The name the ship had painted on it upon its disappearance was “The Chameleon.”
Main Weapon: Hook Hand
Power: Cutlass - A quick tap of the power use button leads to a huge sweeping slash that hurts any survivors around The Pirate. A longer tap results in a sped up frenzy of sword strikes forward until the button is released or a hit has been made.
Add-ons: Different types of poisons that can lead to adverse effects, saber upgrade that increases blade range, different materials that can make the sword lighter and faster, red special blade or poison that turns the blade into one shot one kill
Mori: He places his hand on the victim’s mouth, pulling up their head. With his hook he rips open both jugular and trachea, silencing and killing his victim.
Perk Options:
* Locked Valuables: Treasure chests are locked. A slightly/moderately/severely difficult skill check is triggered whenever people try to break the lock. The skill check must be hit in order to search the chest.
* Booty Trap: 1/2/3 extra chests are placed on the map, but these are trapped. If a survivor searches one of these chests they will be hit with a dart, poisoning them, making them instantly drop a health state. If they don’t get completely healed within 90/60/30 seconds they will drop another health state.
* Treasure Trove: 50%/75%/100% chance to receive an auditory warning when people search chests. An ability to see chests within a 10/20/30 meter range OR See the auras of survivors that are within 5/10/20 meters of a chest.
* Dull Hooks: When it comes to breaking spirits, you know what to do. You dull your hooks to cause extreme pain when hooking a survivor. The survivor's scream is 30%/50%/70% louder when hooked. Survivors within 12/16/20 meters at the time of the hooking receive the exposed status for 60 seconds.
~(Perk recommended from EQMonkVeeshan)

Survivor: The Cabin Boy

Name: Joshua Sposito
Looks: A 17 to 19 year old boy. (Can be 21 if needed.) Clothes tend to be worn out, not many bright/unnatural colors. Different hairstyles with different hair lengths, a couple cloth covered head options. He’s usually barefoot. An old british navy uniform would be a special money only outfit.
Joshua never knew his parents. He grew up on the streets, stealing what he had to in order to survive. He donned the last name of “Sposito” from a foreigner he met who showed him kindness. He snuck onto the ship the man went to leave on and found himself amongst pirates.
He became their cabin boy, happy to escape from lonely street life; cleaning for his keep and share of the rewards (and the food.) Him and the foreign pirate grew close, and he began to see the italian man as a father figure.
Then the foreign pirate was killed when he protected a young maiden that happened to be on one of the ships the pirates attacked. After that, Joshua found himself feeling queasy around the pirates, how they bragged about murder and especially about taking the lives of those who cowered. Joshua couldn't take it, all of the merciless killings. He tried to escape with some navy men one day, donning a stolen uniform, but Captain Jones and his crew located the lifeboat and fired their cannons. Joshua was the only survivor, clinging to what remained of the lifeboat for dear life. He succumbed to exhaustion, knowing he would never wake again... But he did, dry and alive. He stood by too many times when those he worked for murdered with glee, and now he was cursed to be hunted by murderers, trying to save not only himself but the victims around him as well.
* Honor Amongst Us: When working together, your teammates are more at ease. Skill checks are less common by 10%/20%/30% OR success zones are larger. Works with survivors within an 8/12/16 meter range.
~(Perk recommended from EQMonkVeeshan)
* Within a Crew: When working with others, you are more at ease. Skill checks are less common by 10%/20%/30% OR success zones are larger. Works with survivors within an 8/12/16 meter range.
~(Perk recommended from EQMonkVeeshan)
* Captain’s Quarters: You are on high alert while snooping around the lair of the beast, when in the basement see the killer’s aura within 20/30/40 meters.
* Swab the Deck: Every 120, 90, 60 seconds when you pull down a pallet you also pull down a bucket of soapy water. For 10 seconds, the area under the pallet is super slippery and can send the killer sliding forward out of control for 8 meters or until he hits something OR it can cause the killer to fall on his butt/back.

Map options

Map: The Chameleon.
A pirate ship. The exit gates are on the docks. (Rainy)
The Docks.
Ships and docks make up the map and maybe even part of the fishing village, one of the ships is the one Lucius sails, The Chameleon.
Barrels and crates would make up obstacles, along with hammocks in the sleeping quarters, cannons in odd locations around the cannon windows, and so on and so forth. On the pirate ship there would be three entrances to the lower decks from the top. A larger staircase from the top to the bottom, a small staircase going from the captain's quarters into the small dining location, and an opening to fall through. (Rainy)

Thank you!!!

Thanks so much for reading through this, I would love to get some feedback. I have 4 perks each in order to add some wiggle room on making more ambitious perks that may not work out in the grand scheme of things. Thank you, EQMonkVeeshan for helping me out with my perk ideas and thanks to all those who helped edit my bios. Thank you, Lucius, for inspiring me with your gorgeous looks.

Post edited by MetasActReon on


  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2018

    looks great props you really put a lot into the lore and story of them nice job props to you!

    Post edited by EqMonkVeeshan on
  • DrVonKrumm
    DrVonKrumm Member Posts: 59

    I’ve got to say I like this idea, I’m a big fan of pirates and think having one as a killer in DBD would be an outstanding addition. I really enjoyed your backstory for Captain Jones too and how you’ve made the Mori tie into it. Having some perks to mess around with the Survivors ability to search chests is a pretty cool idea as well

    I can really picture a map for the fishing village you mentioned in the story. Small ruined huts dotted around some tall palm trees, a small beach at one side of the map with the Chameleon beached and partially capsized where Captain Jones just had to run aground while manning the vessel himself, maybe a hole in the hull that leads to a treasure room with a generator in it there could also be a small jetty running alongside the ship, a bit battered from the emergency landing but conveniently lines up with a cannon port that could be used like a window to give the room two entrances/exits. The basement could be located underneath one of the huts.

    Seriously, you’ve got a great idea here.

  • MetasActReon
    MetasActReon Member Posts: 3

    DrVonKrumm, your idea sounds even better than what I was thinking, so totally going to be supporting this map schematics now. Some trading buildings with shops (that may even still have the fish up for sale) ... Yeah, that's working out really well. Thanks!

  • DrVonKrumm
    DrVonKrumm Member Posts: 59

    No problem, happy to help

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2018

    @DrVonKrumm said:
    I’ve got to say I like this idea, I’m a big fan of pirates and think having one as a killer in DBD would be an outstanding addition. I really enjoyed your backstory for Captain Jones too and how you’ve made the Mori tie into it. Having some perks to mess around with the Survivors ability to search chests is a pretty cool idea as well

    I can really picture a map for the fishing village you mentioned in the story. Small ruined huts dotted around some tall palm trees, a small beach at one side of the map with the Chameleon beached and partially capsized where Captain Jones just had to run aground while manning the vessel himself, maybe a hole in the hull that leads to a treasure room with a generator in it there could also be a small jetty running alongside the ship, a bit battered from the emergency landing but conveniently lines up with a cannon port that could be used like a window to give the room two entrances/exits. The basement could be located underneath one of the huts.

    Seriously, you’ve got a great idea here.

    I like the sound of this as well! you both really have some interesting ideas here! I just wish others would leave some feeedback I would love to see some devs actually get behind this as i think a Pirate would be pretty amazing addition to the game. but then I think I would love to see the devs work with the community on a killer idea. or a killer idea some one posted to make it a reality. there is a lot of good ideas here and some like this one should really be looked at when i first read the chest type perks i was like Omg!! we need these in game asap they so different and fun. and it really fits with the entire theme of your player designed chapter. the lore of it fits together and so on. it would be the perfect way to implement these very perks.

  • LvGamer34
    LvGamer34 Member Posts: 76

    VERY nice Meta! i like the idea!

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
    edited September 2018

    @LvGamer34 said:
    VERY nice Meta! i like the idea!

    yea the more I reread it the more I want to see this killer made! I think this kind of map would be really refreshing in DBD.

    Post edited by EqMonkVeeshan on
  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    @DrVonKrumm said:
    No problem, happy to help

    @DrVonKrumm said:
    No problem, happy to help

    @DrVonKrumm said:
    No problem, happy to help

    do you have any chapters you have done id love to see them if you have.

  • DrVonKrumm
    DrVonKrumm Member Posts: 59

    I’ve got a few ideas floating around but I’m trying to flesh one of them out before posting. It’ll probably just be a killer and maybe a map too. I really don’t play survivor yet so I wouldn’t know what would be useful from that side of the game.

    I keep coming back to an idea of a killer called ‘The Chemist’ so that’s probably the one I’ll post about when it’s ready.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    @DrVonKrumm said:
    I’ve got a few ideas floating around but I’m trying to flesh one of them out before posting. It’ll probably just be a killer and maybe a map too. I really don’t play survivor yet so I wouldn’t know what would be useful from that side of the game.

    I keep coming back to an idea of a killer called ‘The Chemist’ so that’s probably the one I’ll post about when it’s ready.

    let me know when you post them i want to make sure i see them my friend!

  • MetasActReon
    MetasActReon Member Posts: 3

    @DrVonKrumm said:
    I’ve got a few ideas floating around but I’m trying to flesh one of them out before posting. It’ll probably just be a killer and maybe a map too. I really don’t play survivor yet so I wouldn’t know what would be useful from that side of the game.

    I keep coming back to an idea of a killer called ‘The Chemist’ so that’s probably the one I’ll post about when it’s ready.

    Sounds fun! I'd love to check it out as well.