At least DEVs have sence of humor xD

Now seriously, we know matchmaking is dead, question is how LONG it takes to FIX???????

First right step will be info your playerbase dear DEVS. Dont you mind?


  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    Thats honesty the most extreme case of killer getting facked by matchmaking i have seen. When I derank in the end of the month to rank 13 it isnt bad. It is for me when you hit the most depressing rank 11 or 10 when you are Being matchmade with rank 1 survivors....

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    MMR is coming soon, hopefully that will alleviate ######### matchmaking

  • Martin99CZ
    Martin99CZ Member Posts: 77

    Well maybe they dont know but is kinda easy find ranks of your oponents by plays they do. I just wonder, what devs will do after lobby times for survivors will be +20min. Because it doesnt looks like killers are going to stay ....

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Propably in chapter 16, When they will announce it on the 4th year anniversary.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited April 2020

    Actually, it is, because most matches i get as killer look like that.

    One of my highlights i played as a killer

    I can post some more if you want.

    Sure, its not from today, but matchmaking didnt get better since then.

  • Martin99CZ
    Martin99CZ Member Posts: 77

    Trust me bro, if this matchmaking will keep like this, only what survivors will see is lobby screen. Cause there will be like 5% killers in whole playersbase. People dont see reason to play killer

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Looks like my matches. Hell NO it's not fun. They need to fix it before dead by daylight just becomes dead....

  • Martin99CZ
    Martin99CZ Member Posts: 77

    I will try my best with my bad english. For devs little changes maps, breakable walls, reduce cop action is just little to late, damage is done. Red- Purple rank killers are mostly likely done. This is reason why green- yellow killers are matched with reds. It is simple, there are not enough killers especially in better ranks. And worst part of this is: new matchmaking cant simple fix lack of killers in game. It is basic logic, if you dont have red rank killers equip to number of red rank survivors, no matter how perfectly you repair matchmaking, you lack of people. Devs need to maek game actractive for killers to stay. But now killers just feel cheated by SWF and Coms. There is hundreds of posts about SWF and game balance. So many post how COMS are free perks in one pack. Some people on forum agrument by: friends talk about how was their day ect. But even single sencetece: it is pig / i am chased / killer have spirit fury/ this gen is 90%/ he is camping - hook dont come/ are serious problem. I just feel like game will be not heathly balanced since SWF will be not touched. Changes are simply not enough.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Here's mine from a while back. I have more.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    I agree. Little basic changes aren't enough. The developers reworking over half of the maps in the game to remove most of the bs and make them more killer sided is not a little basic change, it's revolutionary. I've seen the maps, they're completely different and I love it.

    So yes, new matchmaking can't fix a lack of killers. What an excellent thing the follow change has many killers returning, and will make winning games as killer easier than ever so more people can reach higher skill points/ranks (depending on which system we're on about here). This leads to less of a deficit of skilled killers which leads to fewer outlier situations like this. Hence why I brought up lots of killers returning in my oringal response.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Do you have visions of the future, or do you just hope killers return? Because there is a long list of games i left during my days, and i seldom returned to one, no matter what they changed afterwards. Because, usually, i only lern about the changes much later, because if i dont play a game, i dont follow its updates.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    You had insidious and were leatherface that's a dead giveaway

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I actually have to say that the only time matchmaking is unusual for me is in the evening. During the day, I get fast queues for survivor games against red rank killers, and only in the evening do I see myself being matched against green rank killers. I think this is simply due to the fact that a lot more survivors play with their friends in the evening, and a larger percentage of them seem to be purple/red rank, so they have to pull killers from all sorts of ranks to keep queue times tolerable! I think that's why I get near-instant (no more than 10 seconds!) queues when playing killer and 3-5 minute queues when playing survivor in the evening.

    I wouldn't say that matchmaking is broken whatsoever.... I would say rather that the killer-survivor ratio is crazy. The only way to play with your friends is to play survivor or custom games, so it does make sense!

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    I can't quite see the dismay of people against the new MMR matchmaking instead of the ranking matchmaking. Sure, it might increase the matchmaking times but *since when was it ever short anyway?* It takes ages for me to find a match as a killer and survivor in both parties, and the matchmaking in general is already focked, with newbies being paired with *Ultra mega super tryhards flashlight blendettes* all that BS. At least the MMR matchmaking would HELP in some way. I've had 3 matches in a row where I, a Killer, just trying to grind and have fun (How is that even possible, anyway?), is being placed with Rank 1's who have demolished me each time.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    This man gets it. Half of those SWF red ranks will drop down to rank 10 after their precious infinites are removed anyways

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    That is not for you to use, killer's fun is irrelevant

  • dfntlynotSCP049
    dfntlynotSCP049 Member Posts: 23

    You can see that either this was a serious coincidence or a SWF group. Look at the perks, this was calculated and coordinated.

  • FixUrGame
    FixUrGame Member Posts: 5

    Killers have it ReAlLy Ez GiT GuD Ur BaD FiNd AnOtHeR GaMe

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I know this is about matchmaking, but I would seriously recommend using that fun-rating thing. The data from that helps them to identify problem areas in the game when it comes to player experience, like particular maps, killers, perks, items, etc. (although matchmaking, of course, is something they already know about and are working on fixing).

  • Zolvez
    Zolvez Member Posts: 19

    I'm a rank 16 killer and I get put in matches with ranks 3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9s

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    Looking at your prestige i think your matchmaking could be fair tho

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    No im not psychic. But I have hope founded on some pretty solid evidence. One guy yesterday asked me to play despite not touching the game since 2018, I bought him Demise Of The Faithful and we had some fun messing around with Head On. He said he had a blast and he might come back to see what it's like for killers when the update hits. Here's some proof (names censored cause he didn't want his name shared and cause I don't wanna be stalked to insta or whatever):

    He was a hardcore killer main who left because was sick of the bs, but asked me to keep him updated on any major changes. Ds change wasn't enough for him, breakable walls wasn't enough, but these changes clearly were.

    I have other friends who said they'd return too.

    Basically yeah I'm hoping, I don't know for certain, but I have some evidence to found that hope off of

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    mmr will be what we have now.. but hidden! so problem solved right?... right?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i am a survivor main, for the first year i played survivor only, then i started slowly playing killer (mainly to learn about their weaknesses).

    I have no main killer, i play them all, so i mastered none, and i suck at chases, because i play the game as survivor as hide and seek, not catch.

    I can juke killers, but i cant loop them. As a killer, thats a bad thing, because you cant win chases against good loopers. (thats why i prefer killers you dont see coming, or better dont hear coming).

    I play killer for a change, and i am really content not to be a red rank killer of high skill, as long as i would get matches in my skillrange, instead of red rank survivors. And swf only makes it worse, because all the surprise you have from using a stealth killer are gone the instant you meet the first survivor.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I mean we all know 4+6 =13 so i don't see a problem (ironic BTW)

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    You should be quick to find survivors then, all sneaky players know the best/common spots to hide. You should also know all the maps pretty well, all tiles and combinations.

    Just as some tips if you want them because chases are a chore game mechanic (even for stealthy killers):

    If you are good at locating survivors but struggles in loops, huntress could be good in your hands (with some aim training). Running loops as killer is pretty straight forward, run if you can't mindgame, mindgame when possible. Pallet down? Fake break. L wall? Fake follow. When the survivor realises that you are always mindgaming, start faking the fake(play normal) and at that point you have won half of the chase every time you chase because the survivor will start to gamble with you and that's when they will start making mistakes. It's as simple as that, killers play a gamble with chase time, survivors play a reaction game until they realise you are gambling.

    The above mentioned is why a lot of survivors hate Spirit. They are weaker when forced to guess instead of react.

  • AbsolutelyAmel
    AbsolutelyAmel Member Posts: 146

    "Most extreme" this is every second game for me i stopped playing and when i occasionally try to i stop after one match and call it a week

    always knew DBD would shovel it's own grave but maybe it's good

    if they can't fix such basic mechanic things as matchmaking within 4 years what hope is there?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    BHVR - Cease your complaints or you will be EXTERMINATED!

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Dude insidious and leatherface means camper so in that match or gameplay the matchmaking don't matter youre playing a 50 50 tactic that only ######### or trash killers use or people who have a swf with flashlights so if you really run insidious its probably a standard since there aren't any challenges for it so dont complain about matchmaking if youre not good enough to not camp because you most likely didnt even try to kill them all like you should

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    still not the point.