Why is everyone running Ruin again all of a sudden?

So, in my Survivor games, it feels like the Ruin rework aimed at addressing the fact that it was so heavily used has lost effectiveness, because I have legitimately seen it in almost all of my games now. And it's not like I go against a Billy or an Oni or some other Killer that actually has a chance of getting value out of new Ruin—No, I'm talking Ruin on Ghostface, on Legion, on Deathslinger... ESPECIALLY on Deathslinger, for God knows what reason.
And my question is: Why? Where did the sudden wave of people thinking new Ruin is good come from? Because looking on the forums and other places where the DBD community congregates, I CERTAINLY haven't seen any threads praising the new Ruin at all. Me, personally, I think it's currently the worst Killer Perk in the entire game right now—at least Perks like Monstrous Shrine aren't Hex Perks and/or LITERALLY PREVENT YOU FROM USING GEN REGRESSION PERKS THAT ARE ACTUALLY GOOD.
Ruin 2.0 is genuinely the No Mither of Killers. You waste one of your four measly Perk slots on an effect that hinders you more than it helps you and completely destroys your ability to get usage out of other Perks, in exchange for a theoretically powerful bonus that is made far too situational by the fact that your Perk is ridiculously easy to both identify and counter, to the point where it will only really be useful if your opponent is already under a lot of pressure, at which point you likely don't need that powerful effect anyways. The difference is, Killers can't equip Resilience.
So why? Why do I suddenly see everyone running this F-minus tier Perk now?
Because it’s underrated. One people get over their emotions about it being changed it can be really strong.
However I’m not sure why ALL killers are running it. Its incredibly strong on the top tier killers, more so than old ruin I would say, but quite inferior to old ruin on low tier killers.
I’ve never seen a Spirit without new Ruin. Never not once. Most of the Billys seem to be switching to it as well. Its incredibly powerful on these 2 killers.
Beyond that I see legions and pigs take it but thats about it. I havent played in a few weeks but never really saw many of the other killers take it.
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Its not bad on high mobility killers AND, as usual, if survivors are bad and they dont touch Ruin. xD
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I only really use it on Deathslinger, but that is because his map pressure is so low there is no point in kicking gen, even with pop. All other killers I run pop it is just better all around.
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I'm using it because I'm leveling Hag and I don't have any other regression perks and I thought Ruin was actually pretty ok.
In all honesty, is it truly THAT bad? It seems pretty useful, I don't have to choose between kicking a gen or chasing, and when survivors just panic and leave a gen because of a skill check fail or popping one of my nearby traps, I get regression on those without even being near them.
But again, I'm a pretty big noob, so it might seem a lot better to me than it is.
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Even if it was being run on someone like Billy, Spirit, Oni, etc., my friends and I could still make it garbage by doing the same thing people did to old Ruin: Finding and cleansing the totems. Its existence as a Hex made it awful before; now it's a Hex with a mediocre effect at best.
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You do realize that even if you don't want to kick the gen, you still have to, you know... walk over and pressure it, right? At that point you should probably just run Thana since it's one of the only Perks that affects gen speed while Survivors are repairing it instead of while they're not, which is MUCH better for a Killer who struggles to approach a gen before it's done being repaired.
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It's an anti-gen Perk that doesn't work if the Survivors do gens, prevents you from using other anti-gen Perks like Surge or Pop, only increases the regression speed to half of Survivors' base repair speed, and it can be disabled entirely by just finding a glowing pile of bones and holding M1 on it, leaving the Killer with just three Perks.
Yes, it is that bad.
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Maybe they're just fooling around and want some chill games..
If i run ruin, i'm using it with surveillance and chill. But if it's destroyed within first 30 secs, i'm activating my sweaty mode :)
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I use it because you dont need to kick gens and, well obviosly it regresses the gens faster. And with Surveillance you'll always know if they're going back.
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I uh...did you just say that Thana is better than pop? I'm sure I misread something in that statement. =/
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Ruin is still very strong (especially with Surveillance). It's awesome on Killers with map pressure like Oni, Billy, Nurse etc. who can get Survivors off generators and keep them off.
It's less optimal on Killers with less map pressure, but it's extremely low effort to use. You just select the perk and done. And Survivors will still usually waste time hunting it down so it has decent value.
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I wish the killer i face could run ruin i want those easy win
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How did you make it garbage when it did its job? It stalled you and took one or 2 players off gens. Keep in mind a higher tier kill like me will go over and check on it now and then and I've gotten hooks just by doing that.
So not only did I waste your time. I brought you out to me.
When killers take ruin we don't go " let's fk up gens for them." Its to give you another objective and waste your time. And if you're stupid enough to ignore it then.. Bonus yeet.
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It shouldn't be a Hex Perk.
There should be a way to make it fair for both sides without making it a Hex Perk.
Maybe make it work like Pop and Blood Echo when you hook someone is automatically does it to all gens for like...30 seconds or something.
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Yeah, I prefer to use devour hope or huntress lullaby right now than new hex:ruin
but sometimes I run ruin together with surveillance.
or ruin + haunted ground
That ruin even lost touch in s rank it's still pretty decent. Maybe ruin right now still in a or b tier.
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Considering one of my friends is a dedicated bone-hunter and tends to hit the ground running for a totem, Ruin doesn't last long at all. Plus, that's one singular person taking the time to do the bones when one other person is probably looping the Killer, so that means the other two are doing gens. What this almost always results in is Ruin lasting for about thirty seconds to a minute, during which Survivors are still getting gens done at an effective rate of one gen per forty seconds. And as soon as that totem is gone, bam, now three-quarters of the Survivors are doing gens before someone's been hooked.
You use up an entire Perk slot to temporarily pull a portion of the Survivors in the game off of gens for the first minute of the match. Man, what an amazing stall tool.
"And if you're stupid enough to ignore it then.. Bonus yeet."
In Ruin's current state, unless the Killer is Billy or Oni, you'd probably be better off NOT doing Ruin since that practically wastes more time than the regression if you just split up and DO GENS. Unless you're a dedicated totem hunter like my friend, or you're a dumbass who gives the Killer free pressure, you likely aren't going to think anything of Ruin because it does NOTHING if you do your objective like a normal human.
So frankly, it's more along the lines of "If you're smart enough to hammer gens through a Perk that deactivates when you're doing gens, then congratulations, Ruin accomplished nothing."
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The forum or the Subreddit reflect the opinion of maybe 1% of the game's population, do not take what you read here for the general consensus of the community, just the vocal minority.
The new Ruin is actually decent because Survivors stopped respecting Hexes and don't go around looking for totems anymore, if they happen to run by it sure, they will cleanse whatever glows, but most don't spend the time to learn totem spawns nowadays.
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"Man, I love Pop Goes the Weasel so much. It lets me regress gens so incredibly much and stall the game—oh never mind, they completed the gen in my face."
—Every Deathslinger who uses Pop Goes the Weasel, ever
For a 110 Killer with no mobility, yes, Thana is leagues better than Pop.
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The fact that you only list oni and billy shows me your knowledge. Like I said even if I waste a minute of your time. The perk did what I wanted it to. What u don't think killers have ways to protect ruin bones? Stop living in a fallacy thinking its a complete waste when killers don't have that much going for them when it comes to perks. On a lot of killers. More then oni and just billy.. i prefer ruin over pop. But it sounds like your one of those survivors who try that swf seal #########.
"Hit the ground running" yeah. Sure.. OK lool
Like I said vs a normal team not a full swf try hard. Which is the circumstance it sounds like u wanna put it in. It does pretty well.
And even in the situation that it is vs a swf. It still holds up pretty well. It will always depend on the killer dearie. But it is far from a bad perk.
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I ran Ruin for a full day just to see what all the hype was about. Every single time, it broke before the first gen was done.
Survivors don't ignore Hex totems. Only a fool who ignores Hex totems would say that.
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Oh, it's not that they ignore them, it's that they often won't look for it instead of doing Gens.
With a decent spawn not next to a Gen a Hex Totem lasts a while in my experience. Of course it's not ideal and I don't think it's a good perk still, all I'm saying is that it's better now than what it was right after the nerf.
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So, an anti-gen Hex Perk that has such a miniscule effect that in the majority of scenarios, stopping to cleanse it wastes more time than the actual effects of the Perk is good? Alright then.
And I don't know what you don't get about it, but let me repeat: ONE SURVIVOR TAKING THE TIME TO HUNT BONES IS NOT STALL. If so much as two Survivors are on gens, they're going to go at a speed that WILL put pressure on the Killer to get hooks very quickly. You stalled one out of four Survivors for the first minute of the match with your Perk. That's more a waste of your time than the enemy's.
Also, I keep referencing Billy and Oni because they're the two Killers that are most capable of actually pushing Survivors off of gens and making Ruin kick in on them due to their high mobility. There are plenty of Killers who are better at "protecting" the totem, but getting the totem to actually do its job is something that those two Killers in particular can pull off exceptionally well—because what's the point of having bones up if they don't do anything?
"The fact that you only list oni and billy shows me your knowledge" The fact that you think one Survivor taking the time to do your bones is "wasting our time" shows me your knowledge.
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Considering Inner Strength is a very popular Survivor Perk, I'm still going to say that you're wrong. Survivors love doing bones now more than ever, especially since so many Killers have resorted to NOED ever since the Ruin nerf. And now that Ruin is apparently becoming a thing again, they're even more likely to hunt bones.
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it's quite obvious you don't play killer. Like you said that is one less survivor working on gens. Are you that slow? By the time you find bones. I pressured one of you off a gen and am chasing that's 2 of you off gens. What are you not understanding that any amount of time i can get a survivor OFF a GEN on a mobile killer is a great addition in an already gen rushed game
And now with the patch that ups gen times? Come on kid surely you see the benefit.
If I hag. I can put my ability in proximity. Not right on it. But welly thought out. If u do not know I'm hag. You're #########. If you know I'm hag you crouch and go at it even slower.
Nurse and spirit. Its a givin I don't have to give you an example you should be able to think that one thru.
Legion? With M a A thats a given as well. Its situational on killers but my point is its not a waste of a perk spot if you know what you're doing. Hence why I use it in red rank and still destroy the whole map w it.
So ether call the survivors im facing ######### or admit your wrong. Come on swf.. its not that hard dearie.
If u want other killer examples I will be happy to give them to you. Otz himself has said its still a great perk. Not that I give a crap.
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Strongly disagree, from my experience Self Care is still much much more popular than Inner Strength and the "meta" build of Ex Perk/DS/BT/Unbreakable with one sometimes replaced by Iron Will or similiar is a thing, I actually almost never see Inner Strength nor do I run it since I don't own that DLC.
I wonder if the differences in our experiences are tied to different platforms or different regions or if they are just a big coincidence, maybe it's just a matter of attention and I've actually played against many IStrength without noticing. It's interesting to me.
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I'm gonna guess a difference in rank. The fact that you don't even see the Spine Chill + Resilience combo, let alone Inner Memes, says a lot about the Survivors you go against.
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Because it's actually a very decent perk and actually strong when used correctly. I underestimated it after the rework, I'm not going to pretend otherwise. I generally run hexes only for fun, but Ruin is far from being a dead perk. Of course, it does little against optimal survivors, but so did old Ruin.
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I run it with Legion every now and then. It's actually pretty good for high mobility killers that can run survivors off gens. Other than that, it's better used with surveillance.
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It's quite simple really.
If you know what you're doing, then new Ruin can be really powerful. If you're a slower killer, then you can now chase a survivor and the generator is regressing. You have now saved time not kicking and it regresses faster than normal.
Some of us realised very quickly that new Ruin is still really good. A lot more people didn't stop and think about it or look into it. A lot of the latter have also switched to NoED to cover up for a lack of skill.
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I do see Spine Chill and I know that combo but I'm baffled you think it's THAT popular.
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Just drop it to 150% effectiveness, instead of 200%.
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"it's quite obvious you don't play killer."
I wish there was a way of tracking the hours played as Killer vs. hours played as Survivor, because if there was I would make you look like the biggest fool on planet Earth right now.
"Like you said that is one less survivor working on gens. Are you that slow? By the time you find bones. I pressured one of you off a gen and am chasing that's 2 of you off gens. What are you not understanding that any amount of time i can get a survivor OFF a GEN on a mobile killer is a great addition in an already gen rushed game"
Have you considered that, I don't know... the other two Survivors can also do gens?
Have you also considered that once the Ruin is gone... the person who cleansed it will also do gens?
Again, stalling a small portion of the enemy for a small portion of the match is nothing to feel victorious about. You'd get more stall from the 3% debuff given by hooking someone with Dying Light at that rate.
"And now with the patch that ups gen times? Come on kid surely you see the benefit."
The base gen times are completely unaffacted; the only thing that is affected is when you cooperate on gens. And considering the following:
-Everyone doing gens separately has always been the most efficient strategy
-A 15% penalty for both Survivors can still result in a fully repaired generator in 50 seconds
-Prove Thyself is getting buffed
It's really a pathetic nerf at best and will accomplish nothing.
"If I hag. I can put my ability in proximity. Not right on it. But welly thought out. If u do not know I'm hag. You're [BAD WORD]. If you know I'm hag you crouch and go at it even slower."
-110 waltz your way on over to Ruin
-Place a trap
-Trap gets triggered
-You chase
-You haven't placed any other traps yet so you're a 110 M1 Killer
-Three Survivors are on gens while Ruin does literally nothing
"Nurse and spirit. Its a givin I don't have to give you an example you should be able to think that one thru."
Spirit's power is on a cooldown and she's a 110 Killer in between. You can't just use it for solely map pressure because once you're in a chase, you cuck yourself. As for Nurse—the cooldown on her blinks means that unless you're on a map like Hawkins or Gideon, her average movement speed across the span of two blinks and a fatigue covers less distance than a 115 Killer just walking forward
"Legion? With M a A thats a given as well."
Thinking Legion is capable of doing literally anything other than screaming in pain every time he uses his power
"Its situational on killers but my point is its not a waste of a perk spot if you know what you're doing. Hence why I use it in red rank and still destroy the whole map w it."
I can destroy red ranks as Deathslinger without ever firing my gun. I can destroy red ranks as Demogorgon without ever using my portals and only Shredding. I can escape against an Oni while he has his power up constantly because I have No Mither.
Doing well against bad players with a bad build doesn't make your bad build good.
"So ether call the survivors im facing [BAD WORD] or admit your wrong. Come on swf.. its not that hard dearie."
Well, you just said so yourself that the Survivors you go against suck ass, so... I think you're the one who should admit being wrong.
"Otz himself has said its still a great perk. Not that I give a crap."
Otz also said that I'm All Ears is a great Perk and that Legion not having a good 1v4 when that is LITERALLY THE PURPOSE OF HIS POWER is okay. I don't trust Otz as far as I can throw him.
Also, if you didn't care, you wouldn't mention it. Just saying.
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I see it at least once per game. At LEAST.
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Do gens.
Or bones.
Bam, Ruin doesn't exist anymore.
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It gives you a miniscule effect that is countered by doing what you should be doing normally to apply pressure to the Killer and prevents you from using other gen regression Perks like PGTW and Surge. I honestly think Monstrous Shrine is better than Ruin because at least Monstrous Shrine isn't a Hex.
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Pick one.
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can you stop being ignorant and saying everyone?oh no someone ran ruin in a match againts me,everyone is running ruin!!!!!!!!!the perk is mediocre at best and barely anyone still runs it
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That's in line with what I said. I specified it does little against optimal survivors. The fact is, optimal survivors are rare. I rarely verse them even at rank 1. As such, Ruin is still pretty darn good. It's simply not mandatory, but neither was OId Ruin, despite what everybody on this board used to say.
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Old habits dies hard.
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"That's in line with what I said. I specified it does little against optimal survivors. The fact is, optimal survivors are rare."
You know what isn't rare? Average Survivors. And Ruin does nothing against average Survivors, because basic game sense and realizing that there's only one Killer to pressure the four Survivors is enough to make Ruin entirely pointless.
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I've been seeing Ruin in 9 out of 10 Survivor games for the past week or so, so it definitely wasn't just one match.
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Going thru the replies you're getting it seems you argue just for the sake of arguing. So try and seem smart on an old ass game all you want. Proclaim yourself the God of all killers and survivors but if multiple people call you a schmuck it must be true as it applies here. If multiple people told you it has its uses and is underrated more then so people calling it useless then it must share its weight in gold.
So argue with every killer all you want. But in the end you look like an ignorant buffoon. You didn't start this post for opinions OP. You just wanna fail at being a smart ass.
The perk again is situational and I will keep it in my kit on my certain builds while you go play with your swf and continue to pretend like you know it all.
Already a bunch of people telling you the same ######### over and over. Not my fault you wanna be " duh gorge!! WhY iS thIS PeRK gud it hAs tO Be BAD Gorge cause I SaY iT DOes"
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"You are nitpicking and biased. I win, bye bye."
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Cool story, bro.
Now move out the way so I can do these bones. I have Inner Strength.
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I'm a Legion main. I get 3ks rather regularly. Moreso than any other killer
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I 4k regularly as Deathslinger at red ranks, and half the hits I score are done without using my gun because I don't trust the hitboxes and servers half as far as my gun can shoot a spear. So even though I'm a 110 Killer with no mobility who goes M1 half the time, clearly Deathslinger is just a really OP Killer and it has NOTHING to do with the Survivors not being good at the video game.
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Ok, so that means you're good. I'm only a rank 10. Though, with the MM, I still go against red ranks. And the only killer I ever stand a chance against them with is Legion with a slow-down build. At this point, you just feel like bragging about your mad skillz. This isn't even a discussion anymore.
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I'm not bragging about my mad skillz. I don't even have "mad skillz" to brag about—if I were actually good at the game, I wouldn't be playing Deathslinger; I would be playing Huntress.
What I'm trying to highlight is not that I'm good, but that the majority of Survivors, even at red ranks, are bad. Like, really bad. I'm talking "Don't even realize that holding S while speared makes the chain break faster" bad. And we shouldn't assume that just because we can do consistently well against bad Survivors that a Killer is good. If anything, Legion is MORE likely to do well against bad Survivors than other Killers because the fact that the counterplay to his power is so basic means that he thrives against people who DON'T understand this basic counterplay. Legion is one of the best noobstompers in the entire game, but against good or even average Survvors who understand that splitting up automatically makes their W key irreversibly stronger than his? He's one of the worst Killers in the game, if not THE worst.
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Ruin is very powerful on middle and high tier killer. Now how people stopped complaining they accepted that new Ruin is stronger than it previously was and started using it.