im not crazy! it's ture

so just had a strange game were in the middle of the game three survivors randomly joined my session, and only a few days before that i went into a game were a killer joined me when i was host killer. but the match failed and it got canceled.
both these strange events lead me to believe that a another game mode is coming to dead by daylight weather it be a 2v8 mode or something else but the reason i think that this is another game mode rather then the endless glitches related to dedicated severs is because something like this is also happening to other people.
they are experiencing it in a different way instead of more killers they are getting more survivors and they are connecting to pc from ps4 but the difference between my encounter and theirs was that i wasn't just in a lobby and it failed i was in middle of game and they joined and it didn't crash the game or cancel the match.
the last fact i have to give is that i found that the devs with the dedicated severs they have fully killed the two killer glitch for ps4 because before when pc couldn't do two killer anymore in costume game ps4 still could.
me and my friends did it alot since it was lots of fun and it didn't affect any real game but when the servers came it now appears to be an built in protection from the possibility of two killers which i think is sad so if i am right and their will be a 2v8 mode then it will make up for the lack of the glitch
edit:okay spacing and readability is improved
I think you should report this to developers
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N-no...sentence s-s-tructure....can't con-continue.....reading....!
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@tony42545 this is definitely not a new game mode. Are you on PC or Console - if you're on PC can you send me your log files please?
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No sentence's "ture"
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Can you please use periods and commas please :)? It's so hard reading your post
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sorry it took so long to reply im on ps4 same username as on forms
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sorry about the grammar i wanted to get the information and the idea and thoughts i had behind across as fast as i could while still playing the game
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proof it actually happened