The lost of addons change need reverting or at leats polishing

Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109
edited April 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am sorry but for every killers who says "it bring survivors on the same lvl as killers ectect so its fair" no it isnt

killers have 20 addons only and some offerings to have in their bloodwebs and thats it , making it very easy to get what they need or what they lost after a match , in general a killer can obtain the addons he/she wants or need in 1 single bloodweb 2 or 3 maybe if they are unlucky

survivors have 5 items and a total of around 60 + addons + offerings , survivors can go throught sometime 10 bloodwebs in a row without ever getting 1 of the addons or even item they want or need

and also killers in general gain more bloodpoints and thats not counting bbq that double this ammount of bloodpoint a perk that survivors don't have and no "We're gonna live forever" isnt comparable , bbq rewards you for doing what you would be already doing anyway and also give you massive information potential , WGLF rewards you with bloodpoints only if you go suicide and give no advantages in game

and also they didnt even fixed white wards to at leats do what they are suppose to do , so protect the lost of addons and items so they wanna make it "equal" but don't make white ward equal to black ward , even if they did it still wouldnt be equal anyway , the facts that when you bring a white ward and a good item you would rather die to keep your addons than escape is beyond ridiculous and show how badly done and thoughtless this change was

this change didnt make it equal between killers and survivors it made it very unfair for survivors

Post edited by Gonourakuto on


  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I guess I'll post it again since this is more or less the same topic:

    The change only makes sense on the surface and if you don't think about it.

    With how little Survivors earn compared to Killers and how many items and addons there are compared to killers, it definitely feels like it was a nerf made for the sake of nerfing something instead of it being changed out of necessity.

    Either survivor BP gains need to be raised if not equal or the change needs to be reverted, it just feels awful to use addons now given how rarely you use a full item.


    This doesn't work either as Killer earns VASTLY more BP.

    Think of it like this:

    As Huntress, lets say I run Infantry Belt and Begrimed Hatchets - 12k Loadout

    As Survivor, I run a Purple Flashlight, Green Battery, and Low Amp - 15k Loadout

    Now, as Huntress with BBQ, I can earn around 50-60k, a 38k Profit minimum

    As Survivor, average games net around 18-25k assuming no WGLF and I escape with my flashlight, thats still only a 9k profit on the low end, 3k if I die.

    The concept of "bringing in line with killers" doesn't work when you factor in logic and math

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    So why not play more killer?

    Just spitballing here, if Killer gets more BP why not just get that BP?

    BBQ & Chili can help get loads more BP, and you don't even need to tryhard or pip to get a lot of bloodpoints.

    I know some people here are diehard Survivor/Killer mains but I feel like this change should encourage more survivor mains to play more killer.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    why should we play killer to get what we need as survivor ? i should be able to get what i need as survivor by playing survivor

    lets make the role feels bad to make people go play the other role 5Head and still the bloodpoint isnt the only issue if anything its the smallest one , it doenst change how much harder is it for survivors to get anything of value in their bloobwebs what is the biggest issue

    If i had the choice between having x3 bloodpoints for free without needing perks each game or have the chances of good items and addons for survivors to be increase i rather have take the second options , as no matter how much bloodpoints i have if i take 10 bloodwebs like i said to only get 1 decent addons or items it doenst matter and they would have to increase the chances of getting good items/addons by A LOT

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Im just saying a lot of the arguments in the forum stems from people only ever playing one side of the game. Both survivors and killers.

    And ideally it should be enticing to play both.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    And 50% of these are garbage, and 25% are useless.

    All flashlight add-ons are garbage (except battery.. and there is also a purple one completely useless).

    Toolbox and add-ons are very weak now (they deserve the nerf but now is pretty useless)

    All luck offering are garbage.

    Green key? Maps and their add-ons?

    Just remove some sh*t from the bloodweb please.

    What's the point spend BP on survivor bloodweb once u reach all perks, if 80% of bloodweb is useless?

    I regularly spend bp on "all-perks" killers and it's not that depressing.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    When they first announced the change I didn't mind it. I thought it seemed fair. But really, the more you put thought into it the less it makes sense. Especially considering the medkit and toolbox needs.

    To be completely honest, and this is my personal opinion based on no facts, I think they made the change because on mobile they wanted to increase the grind even further, but it would have been too obvious that's what they were doing if only mobile changed. So they changed it for consoles and PC, too.

    All it does is increase the grind. And maybe to throw a bone to diehard killer mains who think Bhvr is secretly a survivor based deep state developer out to make their game experience as miserable as possible.

    Ok, tin foil hat coming off now..

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Killers have to do more for their bp..they're outnumbered and are much more reliant on both items and addons can be farmed in game as survivor especially with perks

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    It's that way for a few reasons.

    1. To bring it in line with killer
    2. Discourage bringing double addons
    3. Encourage using different items each game
    4. Gives BHVR less incentive to balance survivor addons since they'll be used much less

    I completely agree with the change, but I would also agree that the survivor Bloodweb is pretty cramped.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Survivors should gain BP faster, but rank slower. Right now, the BP is not really enough, especially since the bloodweb is not optimized very well (that's true for both sides).

    Survivors should get more BP for being on the hook, even more during the struggle phase. They should get a good amount of BP for recovering while slugged. Not only would this give more BP it would encourage people to not suicide or DC while on the hook and to recover so they are ready when a teammate comes to pick them up. Something a lot of survivors can't seem to remember to do, but tie it to extra BP and I'm sure they will suddenly remember. Safe rescues should be rewarded more, and unsafe rescues should be punished more. etc...

    That said, these contributions should not affect advancement, and some that currently do, should be reduced. Survivors rank faster than their actual skill dictates. They should be put more on par with killer ranking. Slower, not killer ranking increased. Many survivors, myself included, don't deserve their rank. Which is fine, people should be playing at the rank they deserve. But their BP should be increased allowing them to increase their builds at a decent rate.