Cleansing kit?
I know there are plenty of perks that work on totems, but what if we had an item to use on them? Idk what the item itself would be, but one add-on could make cleansing a bit faster and another could tell you the number of totems remaining on the map.
What that be too much in the survivor's favor? Or would it be a waste with the items we already have?
It could be interesting but without building another mechanic around I think it would be too much for survivors I think totems are pretty weak and this change would make them even weaker so even fewer people would use Hex perks.
I wouldn't use it tho, it's completely unnecesary. I can already clean all totems by myself, have a chase and repair 2 gens with no effort, imagine doing it with an item xD
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maybe some totems could give an effect if they had a perk where every totem you cleanse, you get a special effect for every totem you have cleansed. It lasts for the rest of the game, and it can stack so it gets stronger every time you cleanse a totem.
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I think the indicator telling you how many totems are left on the map no matter if its lit or dull would be handy, because it just seems that most of the time im the only one doing the bones and would be good to see if team mates were doing them or not.
I don't think it should be an item though.