If we don't want campers and genrush why still on game?

I'm not on one side, I play a game, like all people here,

Okay, lot of devs said camp, tunnel, slugg, is a strategy. But I see lot of people complain about this,we don't want that.

Gen rush is other problem they are fixing but never get fixed,we don't want it too.

Why don't hear us?

Is so easy to add a punish if you camp or tunnel like the hooks get down or the blood don't run. (sorry, forget about the one camp is not an option, that person wants to play too)

GEN RUSH , add I few more thing to do like find fuel and tools to repair every Gen and the survs have to cooperate to find all things and repair. Not repair 4 genes on every corner and get two in the first minute.

If the killer close the hatch you are problaby death cause 90% of times both gates are so close and u don't have enough time to open it cause killer is going to search u there... Normal. Add a new way to open gates or just let survs open the hatch again without a key and will be more balance cause a surv who have 10 seconds to open the gates can't do it and will die for a spawn problem not a skills problems.

Last thing is "hitbox" and perk crashing the hit adding a micro lag on the game, lot of times you get hit at killer's back or so far of them. And when I play killer I see the weapon correct the hit lot of times,. Devs said the hitbox is okay cause if is 100% real killers will fail a lot... Well they fail a lot and survs eat the hit getting the problem to the surv not the killer.

That's all, I play on Xbox.


  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Its almost like these forums are basically just a joke and nothing seems to come from them.....

    Idk man but its sad to be on these forums a decent amount of time and see people come up with the same topics and same suggestions over and over and over again and nothing ever happens.

    It reminds me a bit of Warframe, there is a frame in there called Limbo, now Limbo is a tough nut, nobody likes to play him or likes to play with players playing him.

    On of the devs remarked on a devstream that the amount of complaints about Limbo had died down over the last year so she gathered from that that people must have learned how to play limbo and not mind him so much.....

    Yeah OR....ORRR...people got tired of making thread after thread about it with nothing ever happening, seemed like a rather pointless endevor at that point.

    Now im not saying the DBD devs do nothing but they dont do even 20% of what they should be doing imo. compared to the warframe devs its absolute night and day.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    We must also understand that making a game isn't all that easy.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    The thing is as well, is that there's STRATEGIC use of tunnelling/camping/slugging and then there's being a dick about it, since killer is technically the power role of the game. Survivors can influence the flow of the game, but it is largely the killer that can control it.

    Gen-rush is also a realisation of survivors as a whole that everyone working on a different generator is really fast and Discordance was a perk that had been growing in popularity. Discordance broke up multiple people working on a generator, now people know how good splitting up is and dividing the killer's attention.

    In a sense, both sides are punished for going through a game very quickly through minimal emblems and less rank progression. Problem is with this is that BOTH sides are punished when a killer camps/tunnels/slugs because they weren't even allowed to play the game.

    There is also the poor mindset of some killers of "I payed money for this game, I can play how I want" to which all I can say is I did too, and I literally can't play when you play like that. This is an attitude that needs to be removed from the game, and we also have to realise that "KILLER" isn't just a killer, they are a predator.

    Freddy Kruger didn't just appear out of nowhere in someone's dreams and murder them, and Pennywise didn't just eat kids whenever he came across them, John Kramer didn't straight up kill those he wished to test, so why do their DbD counterparts get away with acting like B-Movie slasher villains? Yes, Myers and Leatherface are slasher villains, but one is evil incarnate and the other is a mentally handicapped son of inbreeding in rural America. Dead by Daylight is labelled as an asymmetrical HORROR experience, though. Friday the 13th is more of the typical slasher style.

    Hatch is fine as it is, and is a way to force out the last survivor. Depending on the killer and door spawns, it's also quite easy to get out when the hatch is closed.

    Most of the problems such as camping, tunnelling, slugging and gen-rushing are issues that we have to accept as a community and band together against. The devs have given us tools to deal with them, such as perks like Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Surge and Pop Goes the Weasel but it is up to us to discourage the use of such tactics. If they say they're legitimate tactics, then they are. But George Lucas calls lightsabres "laser swords" when all the science has proven them to be plasma, so I'm going to go with the devs aren't 100% correct. It's like I said in my opening: There is strategic and then there is being a dick about it.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    People exploit the game to a whole another level to the point it's barely fun anymore.

    • Camping puts at least 1 survivor to completely lose the game while giving the killer at least one guaranteed kill.
    • Tunneling is similar so no further explanation necessary.
    • Slugging is also a so-called "strategy" to force the survivors to either save someone or save their own skin. Either way, you'll look like and idiot or an #########.
    • Gen-rushing is a huge middle finger to killers which sadly may include good ones too. Game gets boring, survivors get BP and killers cry in the corner and swears revenge.

    It's a cycle and it needs to be broken.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    So in November they released stats showing every single killer had a killrate over 60% in red ranks.

    Since then they nerfed ruin (big killer nerf), toolboxes (survivor nerf), will reduce map sizes (big survivor nerf), halve the bonus for hitting great skillchecks (survivor nerf) and increase the penalty for working on generators together (survivor nerf).

    What do you think Killer redrank killrate should be ? 75%? 80%? Maybe let survivors survive 1 in 10 games, so 90%?

  • icareaboutstories
    icareaboutstories Member Posts: 16

    Well i would like to point out the example of using a fictional setting for video game mechanics, might be rather poor. Since star wars has the force, Vader who medical suit looks like it heavy based on sengoku armor[ might be due to star wars being influenced by hidden fortress in more ways than]. What is most important about a fictional setting, is consistency. That and a setting can have different rules from our own reality. So science might be hard to fully apply to it. Since it often working on different rules. Like say berserk. We have trolls, elves, god hand, giant swords. In the case of Guts, since a young age he was always training with and using a sword that would be oversize for him. The dragonslayer sword he uses, was created due to some rich high born lord holding a contest, to create a blade that slay a dragon. So the blacksmith created one, that could slay a dragon. Only it turn out the blade was not very usable for a normal man and dragons don't exist. With it all coming together and making sense with in the context of that setting, as to why Guts can use the giant blade and why it was created. It has more context to it, than just giant blades are cool. IT all comes together to make perfect sense, with in context of that setting, even if using a giant sword in our own reality might not be the best idea. That and authors or creators tend to be gods of their world, so they have final say over how things work. As long as something is consistence and make sense in their setting, how it works in our real world doesn't matter at all or else we would never have fantasy races, supernatural elements or magic. Since gundam mecha should be a massive big target but due to minovsky particles, something that exist in gundam but not our own reality, it makes the mecha seem like a very good idea, due to things that only exist in that setting. Sure it might be impossible in our own or simply a bad idea, yet in the context of gundam, it's a good idea due to things that only work in that setting. Now if it lacking in consistency and the rules change all the time or simply make no sense, like in rwby or disney star wars. Fair game to point that out. Since that is a legit flaw in the writing. That or if it claims to be historical and get something wrong related to history. Than yeah fair game to point that out. Since well part of the point of being historical is to be historical, not create your own fantasy world.

    While video games mechanics are massively different. Since it always effects the player, in some way shape or form, good or bad. It has a often clear real effect. That and failing to notice bugs or other issues, like balancing issues. Can have a clear effect on the player experience and can't be written off as it just being part of that setting's rules or the way things work there. Someone getting something wrong like a certain number, could make a skill way stronger or weaker than it should be. Since you can more easily prove, if a certain mechanic is working as it should or if a skill is to weak or powerful. Like oh yes this thing is very useful or this certain skill is worthless or simply anything else would be a better choice than picking x skill, due to other skills having better effects or bigger pay offs for their usage. Same can be said for mechanics working together, you can show off how poorly or well they work together. So if someone messes up the code and creates a bug, that can be prove to not be working as it should.

    While in a fictional setting, something that is not a copy and paste of our own reality aka stuff they got wrong about our reality, well might be well part of the genre or someone playing with an idea. Like gurren lagann and spiral energy, that allows humans in that setting to do many things that would simply be impossible in our own reality, throwing galaxies due to pure will power. Yet makes sense and works, due to being consistence with in that setting, even if science in our reality would say that impossible. For the fun part is, it's not our reality but a totally different world from our own. So using our own science and applying it to that world, might not make alot sense due to the setting following massively different rules from our own reality. That and just due to not following our own reality. Doesn't mean it bad, in fact it could still be very good. Even if science screams at the top of it's lungs this is impossible for a fictional technology they might have no idea how it works, unless the piece of fiction goes into great detail about it. Since something being wrong in a video game, you can clearly point to it and say this is not working as how it should. While something not following our reality 100% in a fictional story, might just be the point and everything is working as it should, due to all the pieces fitting together nicely like a puzzle aka it being good writing.

    Now onto the point of this thread. Well, slugging has a clear easy meaning. Put a person into the dying state and leave them. While camping, i seen people have massively different meanings about this. So if we had a clear meaning of it and a face camping buba and not going from gen to gen in your three gen plan. That would be helpful to this point. That and having a clear meaning of tunneling. Since is it tunneling if a survivor runs into the killer over and over again, jump scaring them or just the survivor playing badly? That and well, if these things are a legit plan someone can use effectively. Well the question is, when would this be a effective plan to use or in other words, when would it be ok to use and when would it not be ok to use?