Why even show a secret offering?

I dont understand why knowledge of a secret offering is shown before a match. If people get nervous and disconnect when they see a secret offering just dont show them in any fashion until after the match is over.
Yupp that’s stupid. There is no secret offerings that make sense except for mories either. So if u see one, you know it’s a mori already which takes away the secret.
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yes, devs, why? xD Dont call it "secret", if its not a secret.
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It really should be invisible when/if they nerf it because then they have no reason to dc.
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If they have no reason to dc there's no reason to hide it.
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actually yeah, now that you say it, that would make it a little bit easier for the other players to not leave.
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You know people will still dc or tryhard even if its nerfed people just dislike moris.
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I agree. The only reason most people leave in loading screen is because they see a secret offering.
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Ah so it will still cause dcs so should stay hidden. You're probably right.
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I'd like all offerings to be hidden with the exception of match wide BP offerings (Ex: Bloody Streamers/event offerings)
Survivors will obviously still see all the survivor offerings.
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When killer queues are instant I sometimes like to bring shroud offerings. 75% of those games never happen due to someone leaving. I find it kind of funny when they start talking trash about a mori before they see it was a shroud all along.
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Honestly if they just made it so only the person who made the offering could see it (that includes Survivors), it would make it so much easier for me as a Survivor.
Because my teammates tend to DC the moment they see a mori.
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Agreed! If a lot of people DC because they are about to have something potentially 'tough' to deal with, then make ALL offerings invisible.
Poor babies......
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Imagine that.
"Uh-oh, a tough obstacle. I'm outta here."
DC babies...boo-hoo. How can you eventually overcome something unless you face it a few times more?
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The thing you want people to "overcome" is just a straight up 66% reduction of the Killer's objective.
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If a killer brings a secret offering, 99% of the time it’s a Mori. Rarely is it a Shroud of Separation.
Offerings should be visible for BOTH sides. If a survivor brings a shroud of binding or Vigo’s, that will give the killer some good info as to their location. If a killer brings a Mori, knowing which variation will help the survivors know how to play. If it’s Ebony and the killer is proxy camping the hook, survivors can just work on gens.
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Killers dodge lobbies too. Too many survivors load in at once? Dodge. See a survivor you don't like? Dodge. See a couple items? Dodge.
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what is the point of showing any offering to the other side before the match start? even showing BPS is dumb since it may encourage the other side to want to farm, something you may absolutely hate.
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If it affects the match gameplay itself (like a map offering, mori, shroud) then I think it should be shown. You’re right about BP offerings, those wouldn’t have a reason to show but why single them out? Might as well have all of them show.
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Okay, I'm not sure which offering you are referring to - I'm sure there is one - but doesn't my point still stand?
So the killer just made it easier on himself? Time to quit?
I just don't understand NOT playing because it's tilted one side that game.
So, the Killer DC's because he is a trapper and the game just went indoors because of an offer. That's a GOOD reason? Same both ways eventually.
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IMO Even map offerings makes no sense showing. Every time a Meyers burns Lerry's or The game everybody knows his build. This is unfair. There is no point showing any offerings.
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aint even a secret anymore thats funny part
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I think it shows them for transparency to help newer players. That's all I could think of.
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I already got tunelled out of the hook because I had Balanced Landing and some other survivor had burned Haddonfield. Is it fair? Even if it was my offering, still not fair.
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Yep. It works both ways and would even out over time. Just play and have fun for TLOG. I don't know why this bugs me so much..LOL
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ok, make it visible between rank 20 and 15. not red ranks, lol
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It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out if it’s a Scratched Mirror Myers, period.
I think it’s more productive to see what you’re getting into before versus complete obscurity.
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Exactly what I meant.
You are going to see what you are getting once the trial starts. Still no point showing offerings...
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For the same reason the killer can see survivor items.
To prepare.
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That’s not the same. If you see a killer burn an indoor map offering, you can start figuring out your gameplan. Like you said, if it’s Lery’s and you see Myers running around without stalking then you’ll know what’s up. Or if it’s the same map with a Ghost Face or Wraith you know they’ll probably have Nurse’s. If a survivor burns Ormond or Coldwind Farm, you know they’re trying to be sweaty.
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Prepare what? Mentally?
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survivors don't have to prepare for nothing, it's an horror game, not fps. they have to get surprised, they have to be thrown on the unknown. the killer knowing what survivors are bringing makes more sense, but survivors may change chars on last seconds, making it impossible for the killer to truly prepare.
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Yeah because as it is moris are so unbalanced that the last thing you should have to worry about is if someone notices the secret offering.
The game being a horror genre has nothing to do with how unbalanced this offering is, secret or not.
Also, for the record you get more killers dodging lobbies than survivors disconnecting because of a mori.
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Mori balance isn't the topic. Killer dodging doesn't make 4 other people to wait for a endless loading screen followed by a Match canceled pop up
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They should add more secret offerings with extremely minor game effects to keep people guessing. I dont hate the idea of them.