Playing Killer is Easy

DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

Wait wait wait, hear me out for a second here.

Before you scream entitled Survivor main, or call me every word in the urban dictionary, please hear me out.

I have reason to believe playing Killer is easy for the time being, and yes I know how absurd that sounds. But please, like I said, hear me out. (If you don't want to read the text-wall, I added a tl;dr)

I've been gone for a couple week's hiatus from DBD and I finally came back to play with Deathslinger a while ago. A while back I thought that playing Killer would have me sweating every game, since that was my experience prior to today. Which is why I took that break because I couldn't take playing DBD anymore.

But when I came back, obviously I was lower ranked but the survivors I faced just felt... Easier. Playing Killer felt more like a breeze, even in Green and Purple ranks where I feel the survivors there are more brutal than the survivors in Red Ranks. I even got a chance to try out and succeeding with killers I don't normally play as including Legion and Oni.

That is not to say playing Killer itself is easier, it's just that I think the skill level of Survivors are getting worse overtime. I noticed this too whenever I play solo Survivor. My teammates tend to either leave me to die on a hook because they need to self-care, or they do risky saves without Borrowed Time. It's getting rather frustrating to see someone tap a gen knowing full well the killer has Pop Goes the Weasel and is about to hook another person. It's like my teammates cannot preserve pallets and make easy deadzones for killer to down you with.

These survivors are becoming more and more common, even people who use OoO in SWF teams feel like they're getting easier to deal with. And no I'm not talking out of my butt, I've faced multiple survivors with OoO who suspiciously look like they are in-comms (going for saves the moment I chase someone indoor, or working on generators far away from the obvious spots they would normally look out for, heck even coordinate on where my Hex totems are.)

There are times of course when I feel like my teammates are competent, last game I had as Survivor someone with Unbreakable helped turned a 4k NOED win for the killer to a NoK all escape win for the Survivor. That's brilliant. And that is the kind of plays I would expect in the rank I am usually in (Rank 6). But those times are very few and far between.

Take this game as me as Ghostface for example. I got looped for 4 minutes because the window and pallet spawns were not in my favour and the Feng Min who ran me around knew how to use it effectively. I had the sunk cost fallacy and just said "Screw it, if I am getting a kill it's from this Feng Min."

But this is the end result instead:

4k. I hardly believed it myself. And this wasn't because I was a godly Ghostface, I actually got looped for 4 minutes yet I still got a 4k. Because her teammates didn't do any generators. They followed her around trying to rescue her to get unhooked. They fought with each other in the endgame chat but I didn't censor their names and I'd rather not be banned on the Forums.

With that said, I can see why Killer is still stressful for a lot of people. It does demand you to split your attention between 4 Survivors and be able to keep track of all of them. Not to mention with the added pressure of generators popping left and right which doesn't help with your mentall psyche when playing as Killer.

But. Right now I think Killer is easy purely because the Survivors themselves, or at least Survivors in the Western Australia region are not as good as their rank should be. I mean I literally just got off a game as Legion where I double pipped against a 2-man SWF with OoO (I know it's 2-man because those two simultaneously gave up and let me down them.)

And I suck at Legion. I missed a lot of my Feral Frenzy swings that game.


I think Survivors are not able to keep up with Killers in rank. Both from my experiences as a Solo Survivor and a Killer. I know rank doesn't mean anything, but the fact this is becoming so common is making me concerned about the kind of players Survivors that are becoming common in high ranks. I'm not asking Survivors to git gud or get better immediately, that would be unreasonable. But I do hope this isn't becoming more common, because the challenge of playing Killer is to juggle 4 Survivors at once. It's a 4v1. Not a 1v1v1v1v1, which is what it feels like.

I'm not making this thread to incite hate or antagonize anyone. But I am mainly concerned the kind of survivors I play with and fight against are making the other side easier than it should be. The challenge is gone when the survivors do suicide hook dives and continually run into you.

I hope you'll understand where I am coming from, I don't think playing Killer itself is easy. As it is hard to pick up on the go, especially when you do meet up with survivors who know what they are doing. But right now, at least in the WA Region, I feel like Killer is not as hard as it should be.



  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I never said I was, I just said I got looped as Ghostface in a Corn map. I think I am decent at the game but nowhere near godly enough to match with someone like Otzdarva or Zubat.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    Just stay rank 1 killer in a week.. later you will be frustrated... for not using red mori for each game...

  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301
    edited April 2020

    Here's the truth im telling you you double pip and pip when you go against easier survivor's. When the rank reset hits I go to rank 10 and once I hit 5 the survivors are harder. Then even when I 3K and destroy all the pallets and kick gen's i get brutal killer for some reason. So I'd say keep playing until you hit like rank 6 or 5 if the games don't get harder whatever rank your currently. Then come back and update us. Tell us if you still feel the same I'd like to know. I'll agree that survivors can play bad but optimal survivors that know what there doin will have you basically noed camping in the end.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Considering I've been double pipping in Red Ranks, I actually welcome some challenging survivors right now. Bring on the OoO Sweaty SWF Tryhards!

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I'm currently Rank 3, almost Rank 2 again. (I've been Rank 1 before)

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I'll admit I was using what I think is meta for Ghostface, but what does have to do with anything? The point of this thread is that I think the Survivors I face are getting easier and that's not good, because Killer needs to be challenging.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I agree the ranking system is flawed.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited April 2020

    @WRussoW Regardless of whether he’s “good” or not, he’s still destroying teams despite making mistakes which confirms his point.

    I completely agree - playing killer in MOST games is a cakewalk, even against SWF teams. I have no idea why people complain so damn much.

    That being said, I’m glad infinites are being removed and large maps are getting reduced in size. And there are some maps that just have way too many pallets (Badham with Shack God Loop, the school with at least 2 completely safe pallets, the basement house with a safe pallet, and lots of strong filler pallets like the car loops).

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    look guys I got a 4k againts rank 20 survivors,killer so ez duh

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    yes all your games must look like that "right"?

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941
    edited April 2020

    Ignore them people who find it necessary to disagree with your opinion in an aggressive way without any valid arguments.

    But yeah, Killer sometimes seems easy because matchmaking and the whole Emblem System is a problem. You'll get matched with purple or green ranks, sometimes even yellow ranks as a Rank 1 Killer, therefore making a Killer Game seem very easy.

    Sometimes you'll be matched with other red ranks but since it is quite easy to pip as a Survivor that doesn't mean that those red rank Survivors are very good at the game and will cloud your judgement for the match.

    But then there are those experienced red ranks or purple or lower (some people intentionally derank to bully lower rank Killers) who will definitely give you a hard time with most Killers. And those are the type of Survivors who tend to usually exist on red ranks for the majority of time.

    Me as well is getting alot of 3 or 4 k's which also doesn't mean that the game was easy, but experienced Killers will deal better with that.

    Sometimes I get 4 k's and I am not even nearly satisfied with the match because the gens went very fast and I had to slug for the most part. With some Killers it doesn't pay off to use your power if you get those teams. I played Trapper yesterday against a good team and I couldn't use my power because I had no time, playing only with my M1.

    So basically the main reason people don't like Killer is because of the stress you get and sometimes you inability to use your power which shouldn't be a thing, you should always have a chance even if it's a 1 % chance, it's still a chance.

  • gamemaster1
    gamemaster1 Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2020

    people that think you are wrong, " Um, excuse me, you are wrong in every way, because killer is very hard. You see ( roman word to make them sound smart ) I for one see that killers are stupid in every way and I need you to see that I am right because, I used a roman word on you."

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I do agree, playing Killer can feel absolutely hopeless and I understand why people think playing Killer is stressful. It's why I took a break in the first place.

    But right now, going back after that break, it definitely does feel like there is an abundance of people who shouldn't be where they are at right now.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941

    There are matches sometimes where you can't use your power with certain Killers. If you used it, the match would've been over because the gens would've been done at that point.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You mean killers like Oni, Trapper or Shape who depend on survivors getting injured by them or survivors unaware of their presense? Or do you mean someone else?

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Yes, OP. Potatoes exist. So the premise is the potatoes are multiplying and the thread title is bait.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    It depent on survivors, the matchmaking.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941

    Mostly Trapper, maybe Hag as well if you don't have time to set up. Michael also gets hurt alot if they stay out of your LoS.

    Oni as well but I use Monitor which makes it easier to get the first hit but yeah Oni can also get really hurt. But all of them are decent if you have time to set up.

    There are Killers like Clown, Leatherface, Legion who aren't very good in any way.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yeah I can see why that would make you feel hopeless as a killer. But that's the point of getting better at the game ^^

    Even if today you aren't able to get kills, there's always tomorrow to try your luck next time and practice to get better.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941

    It's not really because you play bad or you aren't that good at Killer. You could be a very good Killer and still lose because of those reasons. Had it many times as or against Killers.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Fair enough I suppose, I just have a mantra that if I lost in the game, it's entirely my fault. Unless it's very obviously the game's fault (and that rarely happens)

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    I mean ut could be a multitude of reasons. New players are still coming in, a lot of players who took a break are coming back and their skills are rusty, and some folks are just geniunely bad at mechanics. There was a huge amount of discord with a lot of tweaks before Deathslinger came out that caused people to stop playing.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    You contradict yourself a little too much. You call this thread " Killer is easy" but based off of what? A few lucky matches in lr. Or a few garbage high ranks in matches.

    You should have titled this thread " I have been having some easy matches" at this point

    You played ghost face and the fact that you got looped for 4 minutes is a red flag. Compentent survivors which is what you should become by red rank would have destroyed you.

    The sheer fact that you are getting looped for 4 mind says the opposite its not that killer is easy OP. Its more like you got lucky.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Yes and no

    It all comes down to the survivors

    some are hell, some are easy

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    What I appreciate about your 4k pictures is that none of the survivors have 3k points. Which indicates to me that you probably play fair and with consideration for others. 👍️

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    Survivors do need to get good, way too many just get carried by the meta so hard

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    In the past I have played killer over survivor simply because I found it to be less stressful. Would I occasionally get a sweaty SWF that ended poorly? Sure. But for the most part it was random teams that didn't play well together. I don't find playing killer to be particularly hard. What I have found, though, is that it is harder to rank up as killer vs. survivor. If I gain 25k points as a survivor, I absolutely pipped up. If I gain 25k pts as killer, I may have depipped. I think the ranking/pip system is way too broken. You have survivors in red ranks and killers with a similar skill level in green ranks. My inclination would be to make it easier for killers to pip, as easy as it is for survivors. If killers didn't have to sweat so hard to pip, they might be more pleasant to play against and I think you would have less skewed matchmaking.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I can emphasize with killer mains. Having to chase 4 people around a map isn't easy. I always say that if the 1st kill can happen quickly, then the trial gets easier from there. The games I play on PS4, the killers that are green rank and up are pretty good, for the most part. There are some powerful lower rank killers too, but I'm not sure if it's skill, or they've deranked on purpose. However, I get on here and all the killer mains are saying nerf everything that belongs to a survivor. So is it that the bad killers are the only ones with gripes?

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Not my experience at all. Exact opposite in fact. As survivor I'm leaving 80% of the time. I switched to killer main because of the queue times. I doubt I'm getting a 4k even 20% of the time.

    It was different before they changed the matchmaking. I might get lucky and get players of my rank or below. That seems to be the only time I do well if I'm using anyone but my main killer. With my main,it's a toss up. Usually someone is escaping no matter what,but sometimes I'll overcome better players... usually because they do something trollish or cocky.

    The purple's and reds I encounter are usually pretty good. They are either real good at looping,or know ever trick in the book and don't have to be. God forbid you get an SWF with an infuriating set up. You'll find tons of posts saying playing killer is making people want to quit,or ruining the fun factor.

    Also,can't back it up with numbers,but I'm assuming the player base in Western Australia is way smaller than somewhere like North America,so that might factor in as well.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Interesting. I keep getting those tryhards in purple ranks more often than not. You play in the EU? Generally they bring a ######### farm offering too so just by walking around I lose games as deathslinger. Only facing reds btw since rank 10. Sometimes though, they play like a rank 17 they really are. But even than it takes ages to kill them with all the second chance perks they have, and boosted them to red ranks. Like really..,pick them up even without tunneling—>DS, slug them to avoid DS—>they get up because ######### me. Or just put them on the hook—->they get off without help and it all starts from again.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,124


  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941

    Second chances really need to be looked at. They should either stay the way they are but have strict and hard requirements or the effect should be nerfed. I could go on with suggestions but everybody knows that they are badly designed: Borrowed, Unbreakable, Decisive even Adrenaline for as long as gens aren't balanced. It should work like a reward for doing the Objective, but doing the Objective isn't really hard.

    Exhaustion Perks are pretty much second chances but with restrictions. Sprint Burst, Lithe and BL are in a good spot but regarding Dead Hard which gives you a second chance because you messed up at looping or get greedy, not sure if you deserved that tbh.

  • ZarosNozara
    ZarosNozara Member Posts: 16

    It's not that all survivors are bad, there are just to many op perks for killer right now, then there is bloodlust. Bloodlust is the reason you catch people so early, and you can get looped for 5 mins then win the entire game from NOED. It's not hard I showed my buddy because he plays killer and thinks they are balanced. I don't play killer as often. I loaded up and stayed hidden until they 5 gened me and got a 4k with only NOED equipped in purple ranks. Killers are going to hate on this but they are just facts, but I do agree there are lots of bad survivors, but the only way they will get better is by asking for help and they can't do that without vc, because your average player isn't going to look up get good tutorials

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    indeed you dont, ranking up is too easy, but thats not the point, its people just making mistakes everywhere but its of no consequence because of the perks

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm pretty sure making mistakes will always have consequences

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    It's really confusing to me when I see posts like this. Maybe you're just really good at playing killer? I have a completely different experience in this game. I sit at rank 1 solo survivor and almost every game all 4 people escape. Sometimes NOED comes into play and the killer gets a 1 hook kill on 1 or 2 people. Very curious why it feels like I never face a good killer. But maybe they do exist out there.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    It's only easy cause the matchmaking and survivor ranking is Fawucked and the devs like to take their Sweet Merry Time doing anything about it

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Until players are in the correct ranks according to their skill then I think it's hard to say if killer is truely easy to play now.