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Huntress Humming Should be Much More Quiet

I'm not saying it should be quiet for the survivors, I'm saying it needs to be quiet for the person playing as the huntress. The humming is too damn loud due to you being the source, it effectively removes one of the killers most important ways to track, their hearing. I can't count how many times I've played huntress, injuring someone, losing them, then finding out that they were healing right next to me. The humming should be the same volume for the killer as if they were a survivor right on the edge of the humming radius (Or just remove the humming entirely). I shouldn't have to be punished by survivors escaping because the devs decided to practically remove the Huntresses sense of hearing.

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  • Member Posts: 677

    It would be nice if there was a way for her and Freddy to quiet their lullabies, but unfortunately, this is where stealth perks (such as Insidious, and Monitor & Abuse) aren't so good for them.

  • Member Posts: 678

    @CoolAKn said:
    It would be nice if there was a way for her and Freddy to quiet their lullabies, but unfortunately, this is where stealth perks (such as Insidious, and Monitor & Abuse) aren't so good for them.

    I'm not talking about that, i'm talking about how the Huntress is able to hear her own humming much louder than the survivors, effectively making her def to nearby survivor movements and actions.

  • Member Posts: 487
    I like it! It's so contagious to hum with her however an option to lower it if you want to should be accessible. Just set it to one of the emote buttons since they're useless on killers.

    Normal hum
    Quiet hum
    No hum

    Sounds easy enough to me.
  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes I agree. It's annoying that you can hear yourself so loud. The humming is very repetitive and makes it hard to hear survivors.

  • Member Posts: 43

    I never thought about it before, pretty good idea.

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  • Member Posts: 3,823
    When i play as a killer i main a huntress and i can still hear everything pretty well. It's never been an issue to me.
  • Member Posts: 1,042
    I don’t agree with removing the lullaby from the huntress. I think the humming makes her a unique killer!

    Maybe, they should add an in option AS KILLER where you can lower the sound of her lullaby or mute it entirely, but the lullaby audio wont change when you’re going against her as survivor.
  • Member Posts: 678

    @PinkEricka said:
    Maybe, they should add an in option AS KILLER where you can lower the sound of her lullaby or mute it entirely, but the lullaby audio wont change when you’re going against her as survivor.

    Exactly what I'm trying to say.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    I main as her and I know the pain but its still fun
  • Member Posts: 2,055

    I don't know man.

    I could fall asleep to that, it is a lullaby after all :chuffed:

  • Member Posts: 187

    My question is why? I think it ruins the immersion that you are the killer unless you can hear yourself hum. Try humming right now? Can you hear it? Yes, then it should be in the game for immersion sake.

  • Member Posts: 869

    My question is why? I think it ruins the immersion that you are the killer unless you can hear yourself hum. Try humming right now? Can you hear it? Yes, then it should be in the game for immersion sake.

    Immersion sake? Kindly stfu, we have hatchets that go through player models and insta heal medkits. Lmao "immersion sake".
  • Member Posts: 678

    @Nightmare247 said:
    My question is why? I think it ruins the immersion that you are the killer unless you can hear yourself hum. Try humming right now? Can you hear it? Yes, then it should be in the game for immersion sake.

    Why can't Freddy hear his nursery rhyme?

  • Member Posts: 678

    @Dr_doom_j2 said:
    Nightmare247 said:

    My question is why? I think it ruins the immersion that you are the killer unless you can hear yourself hum. Try humming right now? Can you hear it? Yes, then it should be in the game for immersion sake.

    Immersion sake? Kindly stfu, we have hatchets that go through player models and insta heal medkits. Lmao "immersion sake".

    Also getting hit once with a razor used for shaving your beard, and a hammer/mallet causes you to bleed profusely from the anus without bleeding out.

  • Member Posts: 187
    edited September 2018

    @BigBadPiggy said:

    @Nightmare247 said:
    My question is why? I think it ruins the immersion that you are the killer unless you can hear yourself hum. Try humming right now? Can you hear it? Yes, then it should be in the game for immersion sake.

    Why can't Freddy hear his nursery rhyme?

    Because it is not Freddy singing. It is the children he has killed warning others of their fate and Nancy Thompson (the Heroine from the movies) comments that this rhyme is used to "keep the boogy-man away". So Freddy cannot hear it himself since he is not the one doing the singing or warning others he is on his way.

    It is the reason you can hear him laugh when he puts someone to sleep though. You can also hear the pigs own breathing and other things like that that put you immersively in the killer's shoes.

  • Member Posts: 678

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @BigBadPiggy said:

    @Nightmare247 said:
    My question is why? I think it ruins the immersion that you are the killer unless you can hear yourself hum. Try humming right now? Can you hear it? Yes, then it should be in the game for immersion sake.

    Why can't Freddy hear his nursery rhyme?

    Because it is not Freddy singing. It is the children he has killed warning others of their fate and Nancy Thompson (the Heroine from the movies) comments that this rhyme is used to "keep the boogy-man away". So Freddy cannot hear it himself since he is not the one doing the singing or warning others he is on his way.

    Either way they need to tone down the Huntresses humming a bit. She is basically def to survivors who are right next to her. Not tone it down alot, just enough to were it isn't like your sitting in the front row of a concert.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @BigBadPiggy said:
    I'm not saying it should be quiet for the survivors, I'm saying it needs to be quiet for the person playing as the huntress. The humming is too damn loud due to you being the source, it effectively removes one of the killers most important ways to track, their hearing. I can't count how many times I've played huntress, injuring someone, losing them, then finding out that they were healing right next to me. The humming should be the same volume for the killer as if they were a survivor right on the edge of the humming radius (Or just remove the humming entirely). I shouldn't have to be punished by survivors escaping because the devs decided to practically remove the Huntresses sense of hearing.

    I love the humming she has but my biggest complaint is that its directional. You basically get a free Premonition perk while playing against her as its much louder when looking in her direction.

    I get the humming is there to give you a chance to hide since she has a ranged attack and I don't mind that it isn't effected by terror radius perks (radius) but I think maybe it should become quieter when using terror reducing perks.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Agreed, lowers its volume and remvoe the directional sound

  • Member Posts: 716
    I think she hums because her terror radius is smaller. Plus i think when a survivor hears her humming, you don't know where she's coming from until you actually see her. So her humming is basically something that's supposed to throw survivors off from which direction she's coming from. You can turn a corner trying to hide but actually end up running into her.
  • Member Posts: 44

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    I think she hums because her terror radius is smaller. Plus i think when a survivor hears her humming, you don't know where she's coming from until you actually see her. So her humming is basically something that's supposed to throw survivors off from which direction she's coming from. You can turn a corner trying to hide but actually end up running into her.

    Wrong, the humming is directional. You can tell from where it is coming (although at least on PS4 it seems a bit buggy lately, I sometimes don't hear her humming and only know she is there when I hear her heartbeat).

    While I don't think that the humming hinders you drastically in hearing survivors, an option to turn it off when playing the killer would be great. As cool as the song is, it gets damn annoying real quick.

  • Member Posts: 2,552

    I played huntress a fair amount and didn't have any problem with hearing people. Since she is a strong chaser, they might even have done that intentionally for us to not hear survivors and find them quickly as well.

    For me, the biggest problem is that it is really annoying after a while. Sometimes I even hear that song when I am not playing the damn game. There should be an option to remove it for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 869
    My wife used to love the himming tbh. One of the reasons she was so into me playing this game at first was because the sounds were soothing, especially huntress. Still, an option or just base reduction qould be awesome. But letting us here the humming during the killer selwct screen might be cool, if we're just throwing out random ideas
  • Member Posts: 677

    I do like the humming too, it's soothing and menacing at the same time.

    Perhaps as a stealth option, the Huntress could have one or two add-ons that reduce the humming range or completely mutes it. This would allow the Huntress to get much closer without alerting survivors where she currently can't.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Doctor's breathing muffs out survivors as well.

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