iM DoN wiT DiS SuRVIdUr SiDEd GmaE

The game is survivor sided
The gamechat even admit they played poorly. Congrats you got a team of potatoes to feed you kills.
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This thread seems quite pointless. An image of one game where you get 32k BP doesn't mean anything.
With that said, I do agree that this game isn't survivor sided anymore, especially not after the upcoming update. It's in a pretty good state at the moment.
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you killed em all got 32k and your complaining why?
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As always, one game represents all variables DBD has: different maps, different killers, different skill level on both sides, different RNG pallets and structures, etc, etc. GUD VORK MA MAM
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yikes, people miss the point entirely
*spoiler alert* Its a joke.
im making fun of the people who say that the game is overly survivor sided but i got a 4k against people using metaperks and im using distressing.
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Should i show you my old screenshots of a rank 4 killer loosing against a rank 15 swf now? There are always extreme examples, but also math and facts dude.
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I think you missed the sarcasm in this post.
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What's with the upper and lower case letters? I have seen this a few times and don't get it.
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It's mock. Or they're the victim of demon possession.
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Thanks! Lol
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No it isnt. They are tying to help killers. The map changes ring a bell?
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Bruh it is just a game. Sometimes people just have bad game days
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Math and facts showed that no individual killer character had a kill rate less than ~60%. That means more survivors die than don't. That being said, the game tilts towards survivors it's just that most survivors aren't great at it. I'm one of those not great survivors, but I'm rank 4. Still, things are mostly balanced. And the update removes the infinite loops so it should be all good.
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cya next week
Jokes aside, "survivors aren't punished for their mistakes" is definitely looking more and more like a false statement.
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you've been through 101 levels and rank 17 talking #########?
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Considering the majority of the survivors got 19k - 24k pts, they probably weren't that potato. Just saying.
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You supposed to hide names if you post an end game screen...Especially when you trying to promote a nonsense by winning to a well mixed up team of potatoes that didn’t even care.
Play killer outside of the prime noob ranks. You’ll quickly find out Bubba can’t even use his power against a semi-competent team.
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theres nothing i hate more than tryhard swf/killers hanging around in low ranks to bully new players.
go ######### yourself
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I'm pretty sure hiding names is encouraged, but not required if you aren't flaming them.
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Guys I think instead of getting mad or annoyed we should just vibe. Dead by daylight is a casual game no need to stress over it.
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Honestly they still give us killer and survivor characters and update killer and survivor gameplay/perk updates. So it really is not a survivor sided game anymore. I started in like August 2019 but from what I heard it uses to be a survivor sided game. I just wouldn't know exactly because I didn't play the game in it's early stages.
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At this point in DBD you don't need too much skill. You can really just play the game and zoom through the ranks.
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Do you want me to send some images of my games? Rank 1 Legion main btw 90% of my games are 4ks with 30-32k points where not even all 5 gens get done. If this game is so survivor sided how can I get so many 4ks with the worst killer in the game? Or do you want to tell me that all my players are bad?
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This content has been removed.
1st: rank is not skill if it was your first intention to show us
Second: Play versus a good survive with friends team and then we talk.
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Your Rank, Devotion and character level reveal that you don't play a lot, and when you do you probably don't play Killer.
Keep playing.
Play Killer for an entire week. Record your games - screenshots of endgame don't tell us anything - and upload them to YT.
I guarantee you that by Day Two you will have learned why people with quadruple your hours in Killer say that this game is Survivor Sided.
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Lmao 4k and 32k BP? Give me a ######### break. I go against red ranks most times as nurse, and either they're swf, or theyre idiots. And 32K BP is hard to come by. So stop complaining.
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I do think that the update is very needed; I hope they don't make the new maps update too unplayable. I seen some videos about the update and it looks great, but there is a lot of dead zones that could be unplayable for surviver, but I think I need to see it when it comes out.
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Imagine thinking this game isnt survivor leaning from one game like OP. LOL
60-70% of the changes in the game happen when survivors complain "it's too Op"
You got 32k, good for you, there you got the attention you were looking for, next time just pay yourself on the back. It's not a rare thing. No one is gonna give you a cookie.
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This is gonna be my first and last comment on this forum, since nothing changed appparently to some people statementes since 2016.
Imagine wasting time arguing about how the game is unbalance when you didn't even play when the game was ACTUALLY unbalanced.
I would love to see these baby killers mains play back in 2016 to actually see that the game is COMPLETELY killer sided now, all you gotta do is SLUG. Don't commit to chases that you cannot win, look for multiple pressure and boom, rank 1, as easy as that.
Congratulations you are now allowed to post on Forums since your opinion counts now that you are a Rank 1.
If you actually wasted time reading this, find people to help you getting better if you cannot do it yourself (which is lame since everything that takes skill people avoid, for eg. Flickbilly, huntress no addons, nurse, troll builds for both sides etc.) because you could be the best survivor in the world... Alone, you can't do #########. You think you are a decent killer, then you play a not so powerful killer and you get stomped by people that don't even know what looping is, imagine unique pathing and stuff...
People really think it's worse playing killer than solo survivor, oh boy you need to experience some reality!
On the other hand, if you use those 3 basic rules even a not so experienced killer can 4k with no effort, only one exception, TREMENDOUSLY skilled SWF, not troll SWF, yes they both exist, not only the sweaty SWF. And by tremendously i mean for eg. The 20k hours survivors team experience, etc.
Ps: rank doesn't mean absolutely nothing, on both sides, plus I play both sides equally, being proud of owning legacy for my 2 best killers, billy and trapper, and for my dweety boy, which doesn't make me an EnTiTlEd SuRvIvOr MaIn :)
Now please I want someone to prove me that I am wrong. Please show me evidence, I want to see how delusional people can be.
Also why do killers complain about:
BT, DS, SB, UNBREAKABLE, adren,IW, etc.
When in 99% of my games killers use:
BBQ, NOED, THRILLING, SLOPPY, THANATOS, NURSES, besides the fact they only use broken addons and mostly play uncounterable killers.
Don't you see a pattern here?
You guys haven't realised the ping pong effect, have you?
Hope to hear something from you, I wanna laugh at your poor excuse that the game is 100% survivor sided.
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nice alt account
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Why is that evidence valid but his isnt. Is it cause it makes youre argument look bad or...?
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If everyone plays, what I would call, in a fair manner, then the game is very survivor sided.
If killers play scummy then...well its barely even worth calling a match.
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So, i edited out the names in the picture (cause yeah, its bad to not do that, thanks for telling me)
also no, i dont often play killer (due to queue times). I posted this to show that its possible to win against higher level players as a lower level. the title of the post is making fun of all the recent "This game is too survivor sided" posts (hence the misspelled title and random capitals).
in that game the SWF i was facing had consistently tried to take melees for carried friends (i mention it in the end game chat cause i was annoyed after all 3 of them came off the gens to body block at once). by the end of the game 3 gens total were finished.
I did not make this post to say the game is survivor sided (some of you took it seriously). I made it to show that you could still win with minimal game knowledge and playtime as killer. if i wanted to claim the game was survivor sided i would take a screenshot of me topscoring and dying every round ( i usually do die) but im rank 4. i play solo queue most days and with friends once a week.
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Its Demons....I've seen this before.
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Lol how good is it when you get a clean sweep?
I main Doc & it's not often I don't get 2 or 3. I've had a few 4K's though & it feels great especially when you know they're SWF & you don't play thier game & still hook em all.
Well done mate \m/
PS. Screenshot is from awhile ago when I only had 2 perks unlocked.
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This game is pro killer. Every time you people winge the dev's run over to lick your wounds like you're a litter of new born puppies.
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lmao dude I've had plenty of matches where I haven't sent a survivor skywards. It's all down to strategy of survivors & playstyle of killer.
You lot that sook saying it's all survivor favoured or its all killer favoured are obviously grasping for excuses rather than admit you had a bad match or need to improve.
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I know this I'm simply saying the devs seem to go out of there way to make life easier for the killer side. The survivor side just has to grin and bear it. And adapt to all the killer buffs.
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I'm talking about the math of the game. 80 seconds per gen. You can calculate yourself how balanced it is when certain killers come to play. But you said it yourself. Most survivors that are red ranks atm just dont deserve it.
The infinite removal and map size adjustment is great, i agree on that one.