Why is everyone is so bad even at red ranks and it pisses me off.

Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

I hate playing this game now because everyone just crouches around the map and throws pallets down right away which is not how the game is supposed to be played and is often not fun. I usually die on my first hook because my teammates don't save me even after I have saved them over and over again. This sucks.


  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Plenty of good players out there too, but survivors rank more easily than they should, and you end up with some less skilled players in the lower ranks.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Lol this too funny.

    For 1) in this game, to make it to red ranks as a survivor, the only requirement is to be committed to playing the game. That’s all it does, it shows commitment not skill.

    for 2) depending on the killer, some are OP and you have to throw the pallet down early. Especially since some have add ons that charge up their ability really fast and the game doesn’t give the survivor a chance. Oh... then they gift killers with ebony Mori’s to put in their offering slot too making Your one life, your one opportunity to play with the killer more valuable than the pallet you just wasted. It was worth it. People want to enjoy playing the game, id say survivor is more frustrating looking at it from a solo perspective. Therefore people don’t think about how their actions affect their teammates if it means saving their tail a little longer. Personally I think this game is too killer sided especially with this next update where map size gets smaller, loops get taken away. Who knows if they’re doing anything about Mori’s. More often than not I have fun playing killer more than survivor. That part seems unbalanced to me. Seems consistent that my fellow survivors have no idea what’s going on yet they’re still somehow red and purple ranks. I think it’s rather frustrating that survivors don’t have to actually escape to pip and they don’t make it more possible. I don’t want to die every game because certain killers have more of an advantage and are more commonly used than others. And they show consistency with winning Because they have good anti loop or too much mobility. I can tell you certain killers like Plague and clown need help. I think killers camp or tunnel those hooks too hard as well. Also, playing with randoms you should run Kindred as a lot of people might not know who’s doing the rescuing.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2020

    Some of your concerns have already been addressed - "we’ve concluded that rank does not directly correlate to skill." Rank is more an indication of playtime than skill and ability. Someone can get to red ranks just by playing due to the nature of the ladder system, where you will more often pip than depip.


    The best way to curb those frustrating situations is to find a group using LFG functions either here on the forums or in the official Discord. You can find people that mesh well with your playstyle and will be less likely to cause those scenarios. And if they do those things, you can just find someone else to play with fairly quickly.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    Because the developers believe that rank means nothing to which i agree it does not but the problem that has happened is they've given lee way to survivor players in terms of ranking to combat matchmaking and now we are seeing the after effects of rank 20 players actually reaching red ranks before they even learn the basics.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2020

    Probably because people like me who screw up skill checks regularly and can't loop still gain 1-2 pips every game. Getting close to red ranks now and I'm still a self proffesed potato. The games very, very forgiving for survivors though so even a potato like me can escape as a solo pretty often.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    If you can fog a mirror you can reach rank 1 as survivor. That means most survivors are boosted, and shouldn't be in the higher ranks. The new MMR system will hopefully fix this issue somewhat, we'll see.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    Yea your right, the devs also need to fix matchmaking though...I am a rank 4 and I played with this...yes I just killed myself on first hook and got the most points. SMH

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    I have seen many streamers play against every killer and every type of loadout there is and I have done the same because I have been playing for quite a long time and I can say that against every killer you can loop a couple of times rather than just camp the pallet and waste it, furthermore, most survivors have no clue how to look behind them and just begin to throw pallets down even if the killer isn't close to them yet. I do agree with you though with what you say about mori's because they are just plain stupid. They basically give you one hook life and if you get camped and tunnelled then the games over in minutes and it makes the game boring. I don't think the game is survivor sided or killer sided because I think it depends on the map and the killer and the different loadouts but I do think it leans slightly more to the killer. Appreciate your response.

  • majorkaos
    majorkaos Member Posts: 29

    "This is what happens when you give out participation trophies."

    Hahaha, now all we need is a safe space on each map. sniff I need a time out sniff

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    because we (should include myself) dont belong to the red ranks. this rank system is broken

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    That would hilarious to see if this was how it was for the best players 😂...I would laugh my ass off.