No Mither Idea.

For each hit you take you gain a token up to 4 that increases your wiggle speed by 10 percent for each token you have. All tokens are consumed once your freed from the Killers grasp.
Feedback please.
neet, but it probably needs to be lowered to either 7.5% or 5% because 10% is a little bit too much
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I was thinking that too but there needs to be a reason to run it for solo's to feel like it helps by giving them 10% it gives the Killer a short window to get to the hook while also giving a survivor a fair chance a actually getting of their shoulder. The current wiggle speed is trash and even with Breakout is still trash plus this also gives a counter to Iron Grasp.
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It looks broken on paper, but could be niche in practice, I'd love to see it in a PTB though.
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I mainly put this idea forward because No Mither is a barely used perk.
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Um No Mither does nothing anywhere close to this currently
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Exactly, it doesn't do anything because in the current game any sane Killer won't leave you on the floor to actually get value from your perk. Its basically a hey I'm one hit tunnel me perk. This change would actually see play.
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I think the devs want to keep the core functionality of perks intact. Ruin still regresses gens and DS still stuns the killer.
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I understand looking at it like that but at the same time those perks could be changed in away that keeps their own identity. No Mither can't stay the same or change slightly because no one would run a perk that makes you a glass cannon. You can't take a way the Broken status effect because then you have a better perk than Unbreakable.
The best thing to do would be to completely rework the Perk but keep it as close as you can to David's Identity.
David takes the hits to protect his team and in return he get his own boost.
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I can recall a fair amount of posts on the forum that retained the glass cannon aspect while keeping it on par with Unbreakable. One such example is only becoming broken after being hit and the killer can't see that you're broken.
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Honestly No Mither should just give you a bit of extra movespeed, like 5%. For being a permanent oneshot that probably be pretty fair.
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At that point you would be adding false information to everyone in the game. The only way I see this perk having any benefit while keeping the core perk intact is by completely removing grunts of pain and drops of blood. But that also makes it unfair for Oni players.
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This No Mither + Flip Flop + Breakout = never hook anyone and basically turn every match into a 4-person bleed-out.
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False information, like noise notifications and scratch marks without any cause? Or hallucinations of the killer that can be mistaken for the real thing? What about some killers not having a terror radius? Players shouldn't be spoon fed info all the time.
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That is once again true but at the same time the UI that tells all players in the trial Killer or Survivor information that is relatively need to know shouldn't be messed with.
I had an Idea kind of similar to that where for the Killer side instead of 4 emblems it would be 4 tally marks like the Loading screen but when a survivor is sacrificed the respective Tally turns red.
But like it our not the Survivor indicator is the only thing I would hate to see become bugged.
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That is the beauty of this game the randomness is at its core a huge thing this perk set up might be strong but what if we have a putrid oak offering all hooks spawn closer. What if you go down too close to a hook, what if the Killer brings in Mad Grit.
It's all variables that can change. In some matches it might work and hey Flip-Flop finally sees some action as a perk. In others it won't the Killer runs Mad Grit and smacks your teammates dooming you in the process.
Its all random chance. Your build might be strong but there are definitely time it won't be.
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If they made No Mither give you 100% decrease in giving Grunts and Pains, it'd be a great perk. I shouldn't have to run Iron Will with it.
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I agree completely.
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That's not really a good thing, because it's a PvP game. There's nothing fun in losing because of RNG, at least not for most people. Don't get me wrong, randomness is great to keep things fresh, but random advantages/disadvantages don't keep things fresh. They're the source of all community complaints.
I say all this as an avid fan of Gwent and CCG's in general. Lol, don't listen to me. Imma post this anyway.
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If you complain about randomness then the whole forum will be witch hunting Bhvr for the random tiles that make up the map.
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I see you don't quite understand the difference between fair RNG and finding a key from a chest in Ormond. One is fun and fresh. The other is losing because a number popped up in a calculation. People can say 'oh, it was just an unwinnable situation' all they like, but it doesn't change just how badly your emblems get affected. An already badly designed win system getting ignored because this 44.3222 became 44.3223.
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The perk was designed as a hard mode for survivor. I normally just run this perk with mettle of man and borrow time plus tenacity.
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But for that, you're punishing the killer for doing his/her job.