Why is buba not getting a buff?

I am a buba main and I have played him for months and I think he is an underrated killer , he has a lot of potential but the Devs still haven't given him the proper buff he deserves ,are they ever gonna do anything about it or should they buff him what's your guys opinion
Legion first.
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Bubba is OP when he camps 🤣
Just kidding, I actually don't know how he plays well.
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Because he is a face camping killer and already very effective at it.
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Clown first.
Being serious, his power is really poorly designed because it offers him no map pressure. What do you do as an instadown killer with no map pressure? Camp! He needs better chase potential and something to get survivors off gens imo. Then I would be fine if they nerfed his camping.
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Really? As a Legion main he definitely shouldn't be the next in line for a buff.
On topic, I think Clown needs one first, I think Bubba needs more of a rework than a nerf.
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Aha he's good for camping 🤫🤣 , but he still has some potential to shine
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Legion is just op
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Because the devs want to fully rework him. How they will do so is still an enigma because there’s only so much you can do with a chainsaw. My personal idea is to make him kind of like Legion (ironically) where he runs around and eats up pallets and Survivors like it’s a Saturday morning buffet.
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as others have pointed out, he is the premier camper. They dont want to exacerbate the issue by just blanket buffing him. As to how you make him not as good at camping and improve him in other areas with his current power is beyond me.
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I would not say Legion is op. He is a waste of everyone's time, boring and I would not miss that entire chapter if they deleted it, but not stronger than at least three-quarters of the other killers.