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Do you think facecamping every single survivor to the bone should be punishable if it isn't already?

Member Posts: 42

Title might sound weird, but here's what I mean: a bit earlier today I had a leatherface facecamp already from the first survivor. we did nothing by the way, he started literally like 45 seconds in. But anyways, he hooked the first survivor, and when someone tried to save them he chainsawed them and let them lay there until the hooked one died. And then rinse and repeat, until the last survivor was down and dead. Essentially, he gave us survivors no chance to actually play the game. He took no time to chase anyone if they appeared and made sure that no one could unhook anyone. All whilst he was trolling us.

I do understand facecamping and camping itself is not bannable or punishable, but when you do it to keep the ENTIRE opposite team from actually getting to play the game I think there should be a consequence. Like a small week's ban if reported with footage or something.

Has this every happened to you and do you agree?

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  • Member Posts: 3,965

    According to BVHR, nothing wrong was done here. If you are dealing with a blatant face camper like this then pretty much the only thing to do is focus gens. If you try and run up for a rescue then you are just screwing your whole team over. But the person who was downed should be able to crawl to the other side of the map and get healed if the killer refuses to leave the hook. If you get knocked down and just sit next to a hooked player then that's on you.

    But do I think this is the way the game should work? No. No I don't. I think it's a game design flaw. I also think slugging and looping are poor design as well. None of these things are accidents either. They very intentionally made the choices to make DBD the way it is.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Yes it's happened to practically everyone. Last week I faced a lousy Billy that did nothing but chase, facecamp until death, and repeat. Kobe'ing into Adrenaline and then escaping with the teammates who had smartly kept doing gens instead of crouching for a save the entire time was a pretty great feeling, honestly. That is to say: no, it's not a problem.

    When a killer chooses to play terribly, good survivors can punish them accordingly. The game does enough to discourage that play style as it is. Maybe it could do a little bit more, but as pathetic as facecamping is, it's still as valid a choice of a way to play the game as any.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    If the killer is facecamping, you know you cant get a save without a trade and still go in instead of doing gens, sorry mate but this is kinda on your team. By the time that guy died there could have been 1 or none gens remaining and the Buba would go home with an easy depip while 3 of you escapes.

    Dont get me wrong, facecamping SUCKS for the guy being camped and something should be done. Your point of it being strong or viable is completely wrong, its as good as survivors let it be.

  • Member Posts: 583
    edited April 2020

    I believe it's already punishment enough. If the killer wants one kill, that's what they're gonna get, and nothing more. Unless the survivors can't put two and two together, in which case it was a lost cause to begin with.

    In the amount of time it takes for one survivor to die completely, the other survivors could do all five generators. It sucks for that one player, but if the survivors can rush out some gens before it's too late, someone can rush in for a BT rescue or take their place.

    The unfortunate result in face camping is gen rushing, which further convinces the killer, gives them justification in their own mind, for face camping. It's a never ending cycle at that point. The killer is a lost cause. All you can do is get to the next match asap

  • Member Posts: 42

    I didn't start the thing, it was an altruistic team. Just saying, I myself did not screw the team over in your opinion. I'm not speaking on behalf of what I did, I did what I could to make it as much of a game as possible. The thing I was trying to get across is he was keeping or trying to keep us from playing the game, every single one of us. He didn't do it for the kills, he did it to puposefully keep us from getting emblems and bloodpoints. Though I'm not sure I got that across in the post I'm trying to now. I mean, getting emblems and bp to progress is pretty much the point of the game, and I think that if you use facecamping (or any other method) on all survivors you find like this to try to force a de-pip on all survivors (which is what he was doing) that it should be punishable to some degree.

  • Member Posts: 569

    So Your whole team chose not to do gen and leave but throw yourselves at a multi hit insta down killer thats dead set on camping sorry not sorry you beat yourself the killer gave you gens you had options to play killer did nothing wrong

  • Member Posts: 887

    Sorry, but in that situation, that is the survivors fault. If a killer is facecamping, you don't throw yourselves at the hook like mindless zombies. If the killer facecamps, do gens. As long as the survivor on the hook plays their part and wastes the killers time, that should allow your team to complete several gens in complete safety.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Just disconnect when that happens. Killer gets no points from you, and you go get something to eat or take a bathroom break. Eat the 5 minute penalty.

  • Member Posts: 42

    no. I did gens. Another guy did gens. But in the end it was decided it was time for some altruism and so we went over there and tried to work around it until we had to leave. and then the process repeated. And you do not know that, you were not there, I did not fully get the point across but the killer was purposefully trying to force a de-pip on all of us. That's what I mean should be punishable. Using facecamping (or anything else a player can do to be an arse for that matter) to try to force a de-pip or derank on the other team by holding certain emblems hostage from them. Because dead or alive most of us would have de-pipped because of the parts of the game that he did not allow us to play. And it was clear he knew he was doing that. I'm not angry because he killed us that way, screw it, kill me however you want, I don't care, but I'm slightly pissed at the fact that he was purposefully keeping us from getting bloodpoints and emblems and purposefully trying to screw us over in the system and that that kind of stuff is probably allowed in the game

  • Member Posts: 42

    In general that is good advice when killer does that, but not quite fitting in this situation. I didn't quite get the point across but he was purposefully trying to derank and depip the team by keeping certain emblems away from us, so it would still get him what he wanted. He didn't just want the kills, he wanted to screw us over pip and bloodpoint-wise

  • Member Posts: 468

    Don't get hooked, problem solved.

  • Member Posts: 569

    No You didn't have to go for a save do gens and get out he clearly didn't stop you from either he didn't try to make you depip you are not entitled to free unhooks nor are you entitled to unhook in the killers face nor are you entitled to more points than what you already earned doing gens if the killer isnt gonna allow a save especially a bubba take the hint and leave

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    If you try to save against a facecamping Bubba, you deserve whatever comes to you. His entire kit revolves around making it impossible for someone to be safely unhooked if he wants them on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 42

    My entire team was getting boned. I wanted to do what I could, I couldn't do 3 gens on my own in the situation that happened right there and then and I didn't try to unhook either, I made the best of the situation while being nearby. And like I said, you were not there, you did not see the game, his only purpose in the game was indeed to try and make the team de-pip, it was very clear. I don't think I'm entitled to anything, what, you think I mean that he should just let me win? No, but I at least think he should play the game himself to give us a chance to play as well. He could easily just have slapped our arses by hooking the guy he downed on the hook that was literally less than like 12 meters away from the first one and camping them both if we wanted to camp but he chose not to.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    Yes, I do think face camping should be punished.

    People will (and probably already have said) that this is your fault for "feeding" a camping killer, but the onus does not lie solely on survivors. The best recourse to this activity by a killer (namely insta-down killers like Leatherface) is to do as many gens as quickly as possible and let your teammate hang, unfortunately. This is YOUR highest chance of survival and even with that, it's highly likely 2 people will die and everyone will get terrible points, maybe even depip.

    What I dont like about it is that it completely ruins the match for at least one person. It's a waste of their time. Its completely inconsiderate. And, as you pointed out, it disables all the other survivors from meeting their objectives and getting any points while rewarding the Killer. As much as people like to say that it punishes the killer by giving them crappy points, the opposite is typically true. They get decent BP, even if you don't feed them, but maybe don't rank up. Maybe they even depip, which only helps them use this tactic against lower rank teams who don't know not to feed the killer yet. They get rewarded for it more often than not. And continue to get good BP - the main currency of the game - while hanging out in mid ranks. So why not? Especially when the rank system is so broken, it doesn't really matter what rank you are.

    This is only going to get worse, as at least survivors now have a chance to pop a gen or two during the first chase. With map changes, chases will end quicker and you can only realistically complete 3 gens over the course of someone's lifespan with concerted effort. So, you can't expect any improvements on this with the addition of the coming patch.

    Your best bet is to focus gens and leave your teammate. It sucks all the fun out of the game, but it is what it is right now.

  • Member Posts: 42

    I mean yeah, we did that for as long as we could, obviously. But you can't go the entire game without getting hooked in that situation. We all had to die at some point. Not 100% what this was about anyways

  • Member Posts: 569

    so just throw yourself at a camping killer ok you do you as long as greedy survivors just have to get the save because all 4 have to get out dammit keep feeding camping killers it wont end

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    Survivors trying to meet their objectives is not greedy, for the record. It's one of their main ways to generate BP and pretty much required to PIP. Off-hooking is an intended mechanic of the game for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Yes, we did do that actually which I forgot to mention. The thing I also forgot to mention which you also mentioned is the depipping thing. The thing is that this killer was not out for the kills, his objective was actually to make the entire team depip. It was quite clear. He knew what you said. Terrible points and maybe even depip. He purposefully disabled our objectives to keep us from getting points while getting loads of points himself. Most people here really don't want to believe me to be honest. I myself did not feed the facecamper. I think that that exact behaviour should be punished with like a weeks ban or something, so that only the scummiest of players will do it and it will be much rarer. I think it's pretty rare already, since I've only had 3 killers like that in my 9 month time on dbd, but half that and it becomes 1.5.

    I did actually do as good as I could with gens and stuff, didn't make it out but that's no bother. I'm just angry that facecamping to force bad points and depips should be punishable yet it probably isn't

  • Member Posts: 42

    That's what I was trying to say all this time. Thanks for saying it a bit better

  • Member Posts: 569

    well bubba king of the campers wasn't having it that day so you had 3 options. 1 do gens take what point you can get and leave 2 have borrowed time and hope they have decisive strike 3 throw yourselves at a multi hitting insta down killer you chose wrong if you depipped thats you you and your team

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    A ban would be far too severe of a punishment, but I think it would be wise to make it a detriment to their BP gains and objective completion toward their rank if they use this tactic. It's absurd that a killer can do this and walk out of a match with over 20k pts if they aren't a complete potato.

  • Member Posts: 42

    I didn't depip. I did number one for as long as I could, but there was no way we were leaving. And for the 3rd bloody time, I didn't throw myself at the killer. None of us did, but of course he found everyone eventually. I did the best of the situation, what I'm saying is that it's absolutely wrong for a killer to be allowed to screw all of the survivors over in the system by keeping 3 of the objectives away from them to purposefully minimise their bp and have them depip on purpose without any consequence

  • Member Posts: 42

    yeah, I guess you're right, but how else would a punishment work? I mean it should be reportable, it would probably be way too difficult for the game to guess whether the killer is good or just doing what he did

  • Member Posts: 569

    im done if you want to be greedy fine i dont care just dont come hear crying because you got killed

  • Member Posts: 887

    It's almost impossible to depip as a survivor. Giving up on doing gens to be altruistic vs a face-camping Bubba, is pure folly. You need to adapt to the situation. If he is face camping, stay on gens until they are all done. He will depip, you will not.

    And stop saying "You don't know, you weren't there". We know very well what facecamping is and how it is done. If they are facecamping, you know exactly where they are, and can work in peace. I almost always run kindred so everyone on my team can see that he/she is facecamping. If I am on the hook, the rest of my team better be doing gens. I will hold on the entire time, to waste the killers time. If someone else is on the hook and being facecamped, I will stay on gens. I know exactly where the killer is, so I can run from one to another without concern, as long as my hooked teammate understands the situation.

    BTW, you have no idea what his intentions were, so claiming to KNOW that he was trying to depip the team is pure speculation. It's more likely that he was waiting for people to be altruistic and down them too. Or he was just trying to depip himself, which is what would happen if you didn't feed.

  • Member Posts: 42

    "Almost impossible" dude, maybe me and my friends pips are broken, but I depip just as much as I pip, same with my friend, and I might be a ######### rusty player right now, but my friend sure is not. it goes up and down all the time on both of us all the time. And like I've explained about 5 times, I did do gens until the rest of my team went over there to see what was happening and things just went from there. Only one guy attempted altruism and he got slugged. The other two of us did the best of the situation until it had to end.

    You do know why I said "you don't know", right? The other person claimed to know what was going on in my game. Which they did not. And I'll say it again, you do not know what happened in game because you were not there. Throughout the game he showed clear intentions to discourage getting any kinds of bloodpoints or any actions that would help towards any objective emblem. He also left comments in end game chat further indicating these were his intentions. It was clear that in game, perkwise, and post game chat it was almost definitively his intention to deny certain emblems and objectives even at the cost of him depipping himself

  • Member Posts: 42

    you and your greedy, like lalythia said, it's not being greedy to want to do objectives aka literally play the game. I don't care about dying, I care about when players deny other players from getting to do what the purpose of the game is

  • Member Posts: 887

    Yes, almost impossible. If you are depiping as often as you are piping, then you are doing something wrong. Killers depip on a regular basis, but not so much with survivors.

    We do know what happened. You have explained. You did gens until you decided to be altruistic. Your words. Being altruistic against a face camper is folly, as i said before. Especially one that can one hit down you. If you were doing gens and other team member decided to go for altruism, then you should blame them. There are smart ways to play, and not so smart ways to play. Being altruistic against a facecamping Bubba, is not smart. If all 3 of you had stayed on gens and finished them, the game would have had a different ending.

    I don't defend facecamping. I think that it's kind of scummy, but the killer is punished for doing that, provided you don't feed into it. Your team did. Hopefully you learned a lesson. Unfortunately, you can't count on your teammates do what they should in that situation. I run kindred specifically so people can see whether the killer is camping or moving in a specific direction. When I see people feed, it is frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Nope. Facecamping is a strategy. In fact, if your team is too stupid to try to save against a facecamping bubba, the strategy is working. Just go do gens.

    If, by any means, you think facecamping is toxic, it's not. Again, it's a strategy while tbagging is not a strategy, and survivors do it, should that be bannable?

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Well in this game state, I have to kill X amount of people to win in my mind, and I dont camp at all. Killing three nowadays in red ranks is very difficult, so sometimes killing one as a non Freddy or Spirit is an amazing achievement.

  • Member Posts: 42

    Maybe I am, but if so then everyone else I know who plays the game is too. It's a 50/50 or 60/50 considering I do progress, same with my friends

    And yes, I decided to, but I didn't actually do so because I realized I was getting nowhere and decided I should do what I needed to to keep myself from getting screwed over completely by the killer. So I did not get downed trying to save. I let him die while I fixed my own stuff, while being nearby. Maybe I should blame them, they did probably ######### us over considering they only laid there under the hook while we were doing gens, but we wouldn't have survived either way. I went over there to get some evader points by hiding close (he refused to even try to chase when a survivor was hooked) so that I wouldn't depip and then game went on. We were all killed eventually, all suffering the same fate.

    I do get that facecamping doesn't usually get you optimal points and I do guess that can be considered a punishment. I guess that one teammate fed it, but he didn't know what was in store. I should mention, haunted grounds was active, he probably did ######### everything over more than it should, because who would save against a camper when haunted grounds is active?. And it is rather scummy, but the fact that annoys me is he did not try to play the game in any way, which also did not allow us to play the game. He just trolled us and like I said, based on in game interactions, perks and post game messages most likely did all this to have us at minimal game objective progress and bp. I run kindred too, it's great, but I'm practicing a new build on my main and can't fit kindred in. Kindred would probably have been good in that situation. And yeah, especially in the low ranks. I took a 6 month break recently and went all the way to rank 16 again. I was rank 12 before, rusty now, but still, I could rely on teammates doing more smart gameplay back then

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    I wonder why killers that have one downed survivor near a hooked survivor have to leave the area.... 🤔 I mean its a tactic that pressure survivor off gens.I always thought that survivor side never experimented pressure as killers does.

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    Actually if a killer facecamp, he is giving you the game if you are not the one on the hook. You have a lot of time to do gens, totems and maybe even a pause for a lunch

  • Member Posts: 42

    we did, or well, I did, but it came to an end eventually. but that's not my problem with it, in the game he was keeping most of our objectives away from us. as long as a survivor was hooked he refused to chase or hook another downed survivor. we were only allowed to have one objective emblem and that was lightbringer. everything else was minimal. no benevolent, minimal evader, and minimal unbroken for the most of us. he basically refused to play the game. and based on how he acted in game, and in post game chat, as well as when it came to his perks, addons, offerings this was very likely his goal. to try and possibly make us depip from lack of objective progress as well as minimize our bloodpoints. that's what I think should be punishable, though I worded it a bit wrong, I meant that trying to force a depip or getting in the way of the other teams bloodpoints by using methods like these should be punishable

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    ...then stay out of threads like this? LUL Again, not greedy. ;)

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    I don't think it should be punishable, some times when I get really mad with these swf groups I try to camp one of then, but it's so boring that I go chase the others. Also he literally just minimize his bloodpoints with it. If you want to try you could use borrowed time to save someone when all gens are done so you can earn some altruism points too

  • Member Posts: 42

    idk man, you never know when you're in the gaming communities.

  • Member Posts: 42

    sadly I didn't have borrowed time or anything. I'm not saying camping should be punishable or anything, if a survivor pisses you off purposefully and you just want them out of the game you should camp for a bit, especially if there are few gens left, it's just in my opinion it should just not be possible to do that to keep the other sides from doing objectives without a punishment, even if it's at the cost of some of your own objectives

    I think it should be a reason you can report someone, if they prevent you and your team from playing, or other way, if swf survivors keep you from playing by using methods like these

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    This really depends on how quickly the first survivor goes down, whether or not the team is a solo or SWF, and if the hooked person has Kindered.

    Your scenario works if the team is SWF or the hooked person has Kindered and everyone is smart enough to stay on gens. In a solo team, when the hooked person does not run Kindered, there is always at least 1 person who will go and scope out the situation or even try and save, which automatically means 2 people will be facecamped in the match and the killer will probably safety pip and get a decent amount of BP. There is not much to deter them from using this method, since the majority of teams are solo.

    This also fails to recognize the fact that it simply ruins the game. You may be one of the ones to escape the match, but its not fun for anyone to sit there and watch your teammate die on hook, which is even less fun. This shouldn't be a standard. And its rampant.

  • Member Posts: 887
    edited April 2020

    You have been away for 6 months, so let me fill you in. Several months ago, the developers nerfed a key killer perk, because they claimed it was being used too frequently. It was being used frequently to combat an underlying problem with gen times. Killers tried to offer alternative suggestions to the devs, but they were ignored. Killers have since resorted to relying on other perks and strategies, which is why you see a lot more killers running with Mori's and NOED, as well as slugging. Some have resorted to facecamping, as well. As long as people feed into it, there is no reason for them to stop. Fortunately, the facecampers are still only a small percentage of the killer community.

    Wow. No, you don't need to be in a SWF group. It should be common knowledge, past a certain point, that going after a hooked player that is camped is a bad tactic. Also, the hooked player doesn't need to have kindred. Any player on the team can have it, and you will all see the same thing. That's why I almost always run it. It provides valuable information to the team, and I see planty of other survivors respecting what they see and stay on gens.

    You don't even need kindred if they are just facecamping. Scoping the situation doesn't hurt because the killer isn't going to chase. Once you realize they are camping, just run off and do gens. If everyone is not "smart enough to stay on gens", blame them.

    It's hardly rampant, except maybe at higher ranks with newer players. It is a poor strategy for killers who are trying to progress unless survivors keep falling for it.

    Post edited by illusion on
  • Member Posts: 42

    yeah I get that, I know of the ruin nerf. those reasons are why i'm struggling especially nowadays with how killers are acting on top of how the survivors in yellow are as well as my rustiness. it's just he wasn't doing it for the kills either, he could easily have achieved a 4k with the first slightly dumbish survivor in the first one, but I'm still 99% sure he did it like that only to keep us from getting benevolent and evader points, because no matter what he would not give us a chance to get any points in those specific areas, and those are key areas for survivors, he definitely knew that

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, but that's a personal victory. In fact, that's almost the definition of 'personal victory'. I'm not saying your definition of winning is bad or wrong (I dislike the emblem system, especially since I main Plague) but the fact is, if everyone keeps ignoring the games win/lose system, you get people assigning their personal victories as 'ha ha, got 2 people as insidious/noed bubba, ha ha, I'm so great'. And, given the fact that the majority of the community has their own, personal victory condition that ignores the emblems, theirs is just as valid as everyone else's.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Well hate me if you want, but when I'm a rank 17 killer with average perks sets and ,despite a playerbase of 23 000 players, I'm constantly facing SWF teams of rank 2 to 6 players with all reds perks that constantly teabag me. then yes I will just focus on 1 and will make sure to ruin is game.

    Is this fun?


    But having red rank survivor carrying a team of lvl 15 survivors isn't too.

  • Member Posts: 42

    nah man, when playing killer that happens to me too pretty much every time. no shame in tunneling someone being an arse to you to ruin his experience back. But that's not what I'm talking about in this thread. This leatherface facecamped from the beginning less than 45 seconds in and did everything he could to deny the entire team of fulfilling certain objectives and getting points from it. it was very clear that pretty much his entire intention was just to screw our objectives over even if it meant screwing himself over. He seemed prepared to do this and I'm very sure his ultimate goal was either to have the entire team either derank to screw us in the system or get very few points. I don't mean facecamping or camping itself should be bannable, although it can be a scummy move, i'm just saying that if you use this or any other method to try and keep the other side from doing obectives and getting bp as well as trying to force a depip or not allow them to play the game there should be some sort of a a punishment

  • Member Posts: 110

    I don’t think it should be punishable, only because it’s a strategy for killers to use and help them win a game. If survivors can flicker flashlights and teabag then killers should be able to face-camp, besides it would not be considered toxic if a killer does that.

    the killers job is to kill all 4 survivors No Matter What, if you don’t like it, here’s what I do. I take it as a compliment cause I’m to good for the killer to wanna go against me so he wants me out of the match. Also if it bothers you a lot just don’t let it get to you and move on to the next match, remember don’t let 1 match bother you a lot cause there is plenty more.

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