Teabagging is OP

This is why I prefer coffee.
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So ghostface is the most op killer then? :P
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I wake up in a cold sweat. The horror, the horror. 😟😢
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Definitely the best dressed
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It does for the survivor t-bagging cause I'm gonna go murder them now! :D
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people malding over pressing a key
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It's the test question, they obviously just delete anyones survey who seriously thinks tbagging effects the outcome of a match :P
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If someone out here really thinks that tbagging changes the games progress or its fairness at all I would seriously recommend doing the Am I Having a Stroke tests, preferably with someone else to evaluate.
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Survivors should have a cooldown betwen their crouchings like 5 seconds.
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Sad thing is, I know that you are 100% serious about that.
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No u, Pig can crouch better! 😄
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Devs have heard the complaints are are here to answer! We killers shall not be tbagged anymore! Killer mains rise up!
Buff clown pls.
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Questions about tea bagging, but nothing about dead zones. Priorities.
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The sad thing is many people will still claim it to be "Greatly" unfair. Every survey that does not has the first answer chosen should be deleted due to trolling.
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They just need to enable the killer to use one-way voice chat to talk at the survivors.
I'm sure being on the receiving end of a constant stream of insults and abuse would make the game more fun for the survivors, and it's just words, so it's not like it would negatively affect the fairness of the game.
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Crouching should be a hex.
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Just play GF and teabag with them to reach power levels they can only dream of
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We need Hex: Teabag.
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haha very funny
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I also noticed they had "TikToks" for one of the media choices, for the question "Which type(s) of Dead by Daylight creator/fan content do you enjoy?" Is there actually a DbD TikTok community? LOL
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Disable crouching for survivors please. I always DC when I see a survivor crouching.
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GhoulBagel @ Twitch originally came from TikTok.
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New Killer Main: "Is it possible to learn this power?"
Ghostface: "Not from Killer."
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i wouldn't care if there was an option to mute it, just like theres an option to hide the chat. also a killer could just blast music through the mic and make it harder to play so, no.
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Well, fairness can also be a feeling. So teabagging or similar "communication" can have an effect on the subjective feel of fairness. Besides that people are all 100% concentrated mental stable players. So it can have an actual outcome on the match, by making the killer enraged, nervous etc. which mostly leads to more mistakes leads to more opportunities to teabag which leads to more forum activity which might lead to balance changes.
The killer equivalent for teabagging is headnodding. It already happens, even though not that often.
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It kinda has a bit of an effect. If you get tbagged (and your easy to anger or emotional) sometimes you get so angry that you play worse. (Some people even quit. Especially on a team full of blendetts.) It kinda makes you feel the game is unfair ( i can understand why someone would actually think that it's changes the game) or you are the worst player( or at least not so good) . It can motivate to camping, tunneling and slugging. Since it is a way of mocking you for playing not as good as them (i wish sometimes it wasn't).
I would say it doesn't really effect the game and it's mechanics but the way you play and the fun you have while playing it and others (since it motivates toxic behavior). I can understand that making fun of killers can be fun ( I've done it before and liked to watch youtubers do it before) but it's not fun for the most killers. But I would like it to become like a universal fun hello or something like that, instead of 'haha you're bad'.
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Post edited by lunatehuman on2 -
Nah, teabagging hurt the gameplay and affect negative play
This include ghostface and pig
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If all the people voted for that option, what kind of thing would the devs do to stop the tbag?🤔
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Simple, it has an animation like the pig
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No it's only unplayable if a survivor tea bags
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It actually is, makes the killer to focus on your person 100% of their time, even in sleep they can see that jake main just squatting in front of them. Too bad it comes with an incorporated facecamp, i would use it more if not for that