So why do I feel the need to play Killer if I want to level up my survivors? (Red Rank Killer/ Surv)

When I want to level up my survivors it should make more sense to play survivor, but I always find myself going to play killer. Why?

  1. BBQ is WAY easier to get stack on than WGLF, and its serves an actual use in game.
  2. I get to fill up all 4 of my blood point categories 99% of the time. As the killer you will be in chases, you will get hooks, you will use your power, and you will hit surivors. As a survivor sometimes I dont even get to heal a team member, OR get chased at all only getting objective points and escape points. Or even if its a good match where I do gens, heal, and get chased but I end up dying in the end I have nearly zero survival points resulting in around 16k-20k blood points on average, where as will killer I end up with around 40k - 60k on average.
  3. I wont be tunneled and morid over some other jerks bullying the killer last game, so my 7 minute long queue isnt for nothing.


  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You kinda just answered your own question. You get more BP easier as a Killer because you're not competing with other people for points.

    What other answer were you expecting?

  • KiloOfSalt
    KiloOfSalt Member Posts: 91

    Thats my point. Its so much easier to not only get blood points as killer, but also double blood points as killer. It shouldnt be that I feel the need to play killer in order to level up my survivors efficiently

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    It's easier to get blood points as a survivor, because just about everything you need to do to get them is letting you. Killer have to earn their points from unwilling parties. That said, I think survivors should get some extra BP's for certain actions, but less progression points.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I guess it's how the devs make people play killer.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I’ve made over 10 millions bloodpoints playing Survivor over the last month. Sure, if you’re great at killer and have BBQ, you can make more that I did, but the stress that goes along with playing against Survivors is not worth it to me. I now play Killers for Dailies and when I do I don’t play seriously. It’s more enjoyable that way.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Survivor is easier to rank up

    Killer is easier to farm BP with.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    lol I can't handle the stress of trying to escape with 4 wglf stacks

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Might be easier with the new protection hits at least.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Honestly the whole BBQ for double points was a bit of an odd decision. Survivors perk is JUST farm while the killer one is a paid dlc perk that actually is pretty darn useful on top of easy points.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Well you answered part of that question "you are not competing for points" but also killers have to constantly use the bloodweb to get add-ons unlike survivors who can get items from chests or items AND add-ons from perks. Heck BHVR even made it so items are guaranteed to be kept if you escape as they can no longer be depleted.

    Basically killer has a larger "upkeep" than survivor thus they need to have more BP to compensate. Rather than complaining you feel compelled to play killer to level up your survivors, instead be thankful that you CAN use killer BP to level survivor. It could have been just as easy for behavior to make them two separate BP pools....and that would suck.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Of course you are right, it is more easy to get bloodpoints when playing the killer, but i think this should stay the way it is.

    Still.. there are ways to get a lot of bloodpoints as survivor. My favourite is this build here:

    • We're gonna live forever (obviously)
    • Prove Thyself (double coop)
    • Deliverance (extra points for unhooking yourself)
    • Desicive Strike (extra points for escaping as obsession and extra points for escaping the killers grasp)

    This build is also the only realistic way to get max bloodpoints as survivor when the killer is not farming.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    They want people to play both roles. Problem is, this only encourages survivors to play killer -- which is good, but what encourages killers to play survivor?

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I might be wrong on this, but didn't they make a change to where self healing can give you survival points? If so, I think I might have seen a video where somebody was getting mad survival points (like 525) per great skill check they were hitting while healing, but it was with a medkit with the great skillcheck addons. It's a bit more setup than just "Deliverance" but I'm pretty sure that has a lot more potential for points, total.

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2020

    I don't know. I play killer because I prefer the role better.

    I unlocked We're Gonna Live Forever from David King, which is the survivor version of BBQ and Chili. I didn't even have to buy David King. I had to spend extra money for Leatherface to get BBQ and Chili. When I do well with a killer (which is only about half the time) I end up with a score of around 20k. When I do well with survivor (a little less than half of the time) I usually end up with 15-20k. This isn't scientific, but it is what I see. So no... I don't know what to tell ya.

    When I play killer, I usually don't go "all out" and everyone who doesn't quit or DC tends to get decent points. When I do go "all out" the survivors tend to try harder and we all end up with fewer points. I have no friends (it should be obvious why) so I tend to play survivor solo. That might make a difference. But I feel I play logical. If someone gets hooked nearby and I can unhook them, I will. Otherwise, I consistently work on generators and try to maximize chases, evades, and boldness when I'm seen.

    Also, for 2/3rds of the day, I get survivor matches with minimal wait time. During the same 2/3rd period of the day, it can take 10-15 minutes for a match for killer. So, for the same hour of play time, I might get 2-3 matches as a killer getting maybe 6-20k points if my luck doesn't suck while as a survivor, I might get 5-6 matches where I get 6-20k per match. for 2/3rds of the day for the same hour spent, I expect to get 12k-60k as a killer or more likely 36k-120k as a survivor.

    As an aside, that other 1/3rd of the day I get killer matches back to back and have, usually, a 5 minute wait for survivor. The thing is, if you have a bad match as a survivor and only end up with 6k, you can immediately hop into another match. With Killer, you have to wait until everyone dies or escapes. Killer matches tend to last longer, even when it's a bad match. My goal as a survivor is to end the match as quickly as possible so I can go on to the next one.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Oh yes thats actually true. Still, i would not change that build at all and only see it as a bonus to bring in a medkit. Unhooking yourself alone with deliverance is 1500 Bloodpoints, therefore you would need 30 skillchecks / 10 great skillchecks to achieve that.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Playing the harder role which also happens to be the main role in this game should reward you with more bp than the other. Besides look at it this way, playing killer will allow you to understand what killers are thinking when you play survivor which makes mind games and determining where the killer will probably go next easier.

    Also it will get you out of that survivor mindset of "why did this killer play like that he must be trash", as well as "look, me and my friends destroyed this killer since we all have over 1k hours as survivor only so he must just suck."

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Its literally the only thing on the "pro" side for killers, except shorter queues. If you could get the same bps as survivor may as well make the killers bots because noone would play killer.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    From mid patch, it’s going to be really easy to get protection hits. So not just WGLF but also MoM gets a stach each time you take a hit for a survivor currently being chased. But still, I think WGLF should reward you for totem breaks as well making it really simple to double your poits as constantly as with BBQ. And encourage ppl to do the bones for NoED.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I'm playing survivor and using the points to level up my killers. So I don't understand why you'd feel the need to play one side to farm the other. I play what I'm having fun with. Blood points are nice and all. But at some point you should be happy with where you are and willing to just play for fun and casually level up characters. I have 7 of 19 killers at P3. I'm continuing to slowly work on that. I've never wasted points into survivor. I play Claudette only since she's the only character I've ever leveled on survivor. And I don't care if I get 30k points a game or 15k points per game. If I continue to play it'll eventually get back to a million.