Make the area inside the gate an exposed area

Predated Member Posts: 2,976

As a survivor main, who enjoys playing killer, there are only upsides to this, as the only downside can be countered:

  1. Bloodwarden recieves an indirect buff, and quite a strong one at that without being game breaking.
  2. Someone bodyblocking an injured survivor doesnt become a free escape for a survivor who doesnt exactly deserve an escape.
  3. little to no room for BM as a killer can infact instadown you in the gate.

The only downside?

  1. if you as a survivor would otherwise have escaped and earned it, or if you have a teammate that has been tunneled, you have less room to tank the hit.

Which is totally fine, considering the speedboost you gain from tanking a hit outside the exitgate area is more than enough to actually escape. So you should start body blocking earlier on, but body block too much while running to the exit and you're in danger of being instadowned.

As a survivor main, I dont see any real issues this could show up by implementing this:

  1. if im injured and inside without NOED, I would be hit anyway - no difference
  2. if im healthy and hit outside with NOED, I would very likely have been hit anyway - no difference
  3. If im healthy and hit outside without NOED, I would escape either way - no difference
  4. If im healthy and inside without NOED, I would be downed, which would be my fault for being greedy, as I can otherwise gain some distance. - not exactly an issue


  • Champagne
    Champagne Member Posts: 110

    I never teabag in exit gates or anything, plus for blood warden either, if the killer downed someone or the exit gates are opened in general I just leave right away just in case the killer does a dc.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Why not tho? You can still pull off the same ######### as before, by simply doing it right outside the exitgate rather than inside it, except now it actually requires some planning to bait a hit.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    It doesnt eliminate tanking a hit, but it does eliminate 3 people body blocking you near the entrance to protect that one survivor that wouldnt have escaped without the body block. I mean, if I am a rank 3 killer, facing 3 red rank survivors and 1 baby survivor and they start to protect that baby survivor no matter what, then they should take the punishment the baby survivor would have recieved.

    Besides, like I said, you can still run out and tank a hit for your friend. You just cant tank a hit inside the exit gate.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    The killer could simply camp the exit gate, no reason to hit someone outside of the gate. Then chase if the survivor leaves the gate until he is far enough away or just chase around until the EGC is over. That would cause ridiculous scenes, worse than old hatch standoffs

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    That is a possibility, however, there are 2 doors and many, MANY ways of creating distance between you and the killer. Exhaustion takes 40 seconds to recover, pallets give you at least a 3 second head start. Most exit gates have a jungle gym either right next to it, or closeby. If you used those resources before the exit gates are powered, thats on you.

    As the last survivor, if you're healthy, you still have the jungle gym nearby to create distance, or enough time to reach the other door. If you're already injured, there would be no difference, let alone that, again, you probably have an exhaustion perk thats ready to be set off anyway.

    It would make 1 type of scenario harder on the survivor, but it makes 20 types of scenario's a bit easier on the killer. That is a balanced trade-off.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    a killer that knows they will get a one shot once past the gate line will just wait with a hit untill then.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I disagree, most survivor games, both exit doors are either open or 99'd. They are often far apart enough to make it impossible to patrol both gates unless you have NOED, in which case, it doesnt matter. Besides, there are plenty of reasons to hit someone outside of the gate other than this. The only type of scenario this would suck, if is 3 survivors died and the killer closes the hatch. But in those scenario's, odds are extremely likely that you're injured already, making no difference in the vast majority of cases. There would only be 1 specific case where the last survivor is fully healthy and the killer, not using NOED, is fast enough to catch up. But in most of the cases(from my own experience, about 99% of them), either the killer uses NOED or has an injured survivor, making no practical difference.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited April 2020

    It simply wouldn't make sense to hit someone near the gate. That's not hard to outplay. Wait in front of the gate until the EGC runs out or hit them as soon as they cross the line. You cannot get all survivors, which is most likely the case when survivors head for an open gate. But with your change the killer will definitely kill one of them, as soon as the killer is close to the gate and the survivors not already escaping. Body blocks wouldn't work anymore, going in for the save during EGC or with 99ed gates will definitely kill one of the squad.

    And killers would open way more gates, when they hook someone near it, to secure a kill

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, just like some killers prevent hitting with M1 when they have NOED unless someone is close to the gate. That's simply a strategy. There are 2 doors and 1 hatch. It only really ######### over a survivor when the hatch is closed. But guess what? When the EGC was implemented, it ######### over survivors a lot because before the EGC, they could fix up all 7 generators for extra points. NOED used to only last for 2 minutes and there was nothing at risk if they decided to remain inside after the doors were opened. Now the EGC made outside the exitgate a bit more unsafe, NOED got buffed and 2 generators get blocked once the 5th is fixed. Games change and players adapt to it. If there are killers camping the gates, I'm certain within 4 days someone found a way to get around that while playing solo.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You seem to be like the type of person that would want to nerf Amanda's face masks because they can kill people if they dont search boxes. So your opinion is invalid.


  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Why are you explaining so much with NOED and how it was earlier? This is not really related to exit gate death traps. Or is your suggestion a NOED rework and you forgot to mention that?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Thats the entire thing tho. If the killer is in a chase of an injured person, he has no interest in going towards an exit gate, as he can get that injured person, then proxy-camp that person to guarantee a kill. If the killer is chasing a healthy person and refrains from attacking untill he reaches the exit gates, then you can still have 3 people body block and in case you have a flashlight, blind the killer and escape all 4. But the EGC is supposed to be dangerous for survivors. It only makes sense for the exit gates to remain more dangerous. And perhaps it should require 2-3 seconds before the exposed status kicks in the first time you enter, the whole reason is to get an idea to make exit gate camping for survivors not a free escape. The killer is supposed to increase in pressure and power when the EGC started.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, my whole point is that things change. Players adapt.

    Its not a death trap, a 4 escape is as earned as a 4k. If killers granting a mercy hatch escape, then survivors should be willing to give the killer a mercy kill in a 4 escape. And yes, some people will abuse that, just like there are people abusing killer vaulting/pallet animations to blind the killer with a 10 million second blind. But the amount of people that are able to truly abuse that, are people who cant get more than 1k in that match anyway.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited April 2020

    NoeD is a HEX perk, one out of 4 they can equipe and has an ez counter for survivors.

    Your idea is build in, which is a big difference, also the strat you mention is to make sure people dont know you have NoeD for as long as possible so they dont look for it.

    In the idea of the exposed exit gate its just how killer will play from that point on and there is no counter to it for the survivors, it would make unhooks nearly impossible and just means survivors have to leave at the end instead of even attempting to save.

    Couple that with bloodwarden and I feel it would be really unhealthy for the match.

    Again I agree the exit gate area is too strong, but this is just a very problematic change.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Sure, let's just follow one healthy survivor until they make the mistake of walking into the exit gates. Fair and balanced game mechanic with a lot of counter-play!

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    No you don't get it. There is no body block. Then you have 4 survivors running towards the exit gate, noone will be hit and then being scared to cross the line, because the killer refuses to hit someone, until they do. So anyone will have to take the first step and die in the exit gate, or the others try to block before the gate and one will be last to die as soon he crosses the line.

    And this is not a free 1k, this is how many kills ever you made so far, the last one will not get out, as he cannot cross the line without being downed. And that will be an x+1k as soon as EGC starts. EGC saves are simply not possible anymore unless the killer for some reason leaves the hook to an area where no survivors are. When the killer is close enough to a survivor to hit him before he reaches the gate, this survivor will not be able to escape.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Again, people focus too much on 1 aspect of the game that actually happens very rarely in the first place. Besides, it actually gives the killer a reason to open the exit gates, as starting the EGC has no meaning for the killer other than to show one of the gates is open.

    As for counters:

    1. there are 2 doors, 4 survivors. A killer camping 1 door just makes the survivors prep the other door and escape. You can gain enough distance from a killer between gates, with ease. Especially since one person can body block.
    2. With less survivors, its a bit more of a risk, sure, but still, 2 doors.

    Basically, the amount of survivors that is guaranteed to escape, is the amount of survivors minus one. You have no idea how good of a deal that is. Have 3 friends playing with you that are generally bad at the game and never escape? Risk your own life. Borrowed Time would actually recieve a buff and Syptic Agent actually has a use again. Mettle of Man would be a bit more reliable to use, you could even buff Mettle of Man to be easier to gain stacks while in the EGC.

    Then you have the fact that most skilled survivors already play around being injured, as there isnt much to gain from being healthy at all. A lot of survivors remain injured and still are able to protect other teammates by some cheekyness, like either saving up a dead hard, pulling a 360 or leading the killer away by "accidentally" making a mistake, drawing the attention away from someone else, especially if you know you're a higher valued target for the killer(I rather kill someone who has tried flashlighting me all game while tbaggin than someone who fixed 5 gens).

    Yeah, there is a TINY aspect of the game that will truly get affected, especially at the beginning. But players adapt, games are getting balanced. Sometimes you need to overpower something to start nerfing it again. You could make the wall hitboxes larger inside the gate so the killer is more likely to hit the walls. You could give survivors a tiny bit of haste while inside to make it easier to dodge attacks. But all in all, exit gates and instadowns are pretty much the only way to weaken exit gates. Adding more time isnt gonna weaken exit gates, adding a slow inside exitgates, will practically have a worse effect. Adding a cooldown on entering an exit gate again after leaving it, also worse effect. Adding the instadown allows for more room to balance the exit gate.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    That one person could have ######### up all game and basically been carried by his team. The only other way to go about it was to tunnel and facecamp earlier in the game, but that behaviour shouldnt be encouraged. If someone is gonna be downed otherwise and people come to walk in the way, they should be at risk. An unhook around a killer is often a 1 for 1 trade off, healing someone up from being downed while the killer is around is a 1 for 1 trade off. Why should body blocking in the exit gate be any different? Heck, you could even grant them survival and altruism points for doing so.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Sure, lets hope they dont have syptic agent or mettle of man, lets hope they dont have for the people and dead hard when someone body blocks the killer and has a cooldown on his hit. <- tons of counter play, a lot more counter play than DS, Adrenaline and slugging combined.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Because they have completed all of their objectives. It doesn't matter whether someone has been carried or not the team has worked together and completed their objectives. You on the other hand have failed to protect gens, you have failed to repeatedly down/hook people and you have failed to stop the exit gates opening. You have failed at all your objectives every step of the way in the game but you think you should be handed a participation kill at the exit gates and you'd be happy with that?

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    It's called NoED.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    If the killer is too dumb to find 1 of 4 survivors on gates that start flashing lights, it is simply the killers fault and there is no reason for your change at all, because it does not take effect. The exit gates are not a threat when the killer is not around. But with your change, when the killer is around, there is no escape.

    If you don't get that by the mass of posts that already came up here, I don't know how to explain that to you. And for what reason do you want to "balance" exit gates? With open gates the game is theoretically over, unless the survivor decides to go in again. A survivor at an open gate has escaped. Period. If you don't push him out you just allow him to get healed or pull off a save. But survivor in an open gate has excaped. What needs balancing on that case? You got 5-15 minutes as killer to prevent that from happening

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, NOED isnt dangerous because of the instadown, as I said before, many people are injured once the gates are powered. NOED gives movementspeed and a counter to Adrenaline. Thats not the same as an incentive to leave ASAP.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Oh, lets say I got everyone at least hooked once, but they had 3 brand new parts and fixed 3 gens in a very quick and strategic way, preventing any 3 gen from being formed while also running DS, Unbreakable, BT and Adrenaline. Then they unhook their bad teammate and body block me during the way, switching over and over again. Do you really think that bad teammate deserved the escape after being protected? All it takes is 1 survivor being better than the killer to protect 3 bad survivors.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    *Killer Main on*

    Just dont escape! Git gud!

    *Killer Main off*

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That doesn't really work mate. If the door is already open then you have only a limited time to escape. As the last survivor also I can't just run to the other door since its probably not open during my hatch being closed scenario.

    Smart killers will just take advantage of the extra speed they have and how the survivors only have a limited time to escape during end game collapse. I think if you tried to play a kill your friends with a really good killer then they would show you how easy it is to exploit this idea of yours.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    You have everyone hooked once at the end of the game. You have 33% of your hook objective completed and the survivors have done 100% of their objectives and you class them escaping as "free" and "unfair". Wow....

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    No. There's no reason to give the killer free downs in the gate.

  • Yrakaz4
    Yrakaz4 Member Posts: 75

    This game has already pushed survivors team work away this would just push it over the edge.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Nor is there a reason for the gate to be a secure safe haven for survivors.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    No sorry dude honestly what i hear is that you had some games where surrvivors unhooked a teamate who you the proceeded to tunel but they bodyblocked and all escaped. There is no reason to have the exit gates be an exposed area just so the killer can get a kill. If all of them escaped that is your bad and good for them for working together. So no this idea will hopefully never be implemented because that would essentialy ruin the game. If they are in the exit gates then they escaped fair and square using their resources. If you wanted to kill them you should have to use your resources. Period.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    Except they have worked together as a team, completed any objectives they had and are on their way out of the exit. An open exit is survivor sided because they have won by that point. A closed exit gate is very much killer sided, you know a survivor has to open one of them and you might be able to get a hook from an attempts opening it. The very idea that an open exit gate should be dangerous is dumb beyond belief but the justification for it is being desperate for a kill is just.... embarrassing to be honest. Kill them sooner. Stop being a rubbish killer.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Thats not how the game works. I can get a double pip as survivor while dying and only doing 1 gen. I can get a double pip on killer with 0 survivors dead. I can lose a pip while fixing all 5 gens and escaping, and I can lose a pip by hooking survivors 12 times(aka, a 4k) Hooking isnt the main and only objective, fixing gens isnt the main and only objective. There are 4 main objectives for each side. Only doing 1 of them and escaping while the killer and other survivors do all 4 objectives equally, then that 1 survivor doesnt deserve the body block escape.

    As a killer:

    1. protecting gens for as long as possible, at least 9 minutes
    2. Chase and hit survivors
    3. hook survivors
    4. kill survivors

    As a survivor:

    1. fix gens asap
    2. self-heal/self-unhook/break free from struggle/escape
    3. being chased
    4. healing/unhooking others

    Yeah, fixing gens is the one way to escape, so 50% of survivor objectives are related to fixing gens and the other 2 are related to that objective. Killers have 2 opposing objectives, and once they start hooking, they have 3 opposing objectives.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    How many more rewards do you want for failing to kill the Survivors? You lost, on to the next one.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited April 2020

    I can already see the standoff: the survivor doesn't enter the exit zone not be oneshotted, the killer refuses to hit them until they become exposed, both stares at the other for mintues.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited April 2020

    You clearly don't know me.

    Yeah, that's super relatable..."the killer shouldn't get free downs when chasing people being altruistic to save their teammate after pwning him all game" is definitely on par with "nerf an existing core game mechanic for a killer". 🙄

    And this would definitely be fair to the solo survivor on a map who has incredibly limited time/chance to open the door when the killer is right on his heels he can get downed INSIDE THE EXIT GATE and die.

    Don't be an idiot. This is a stupid idea that only advantages Killers.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited April 2020

    If 2 or three survivors are at an open exit gate ready to body block for someone on the way to said exit gate, that is not a free escape. That is the survivors doing all their objectives and winning.

    There is no 'deserved' in this game. You win and lose based on skill, tactics and sometimes just plain luck.Nobody should be suggesting big changes based on the idea that someone 'deserves' it more or less in an asymmetric game. That's ridiculous.

    A survivor isn't entitled to be left alone just because they were recently unhooked, and killers aren't entitled to a free base kit NOED at the gates.

    If you want to talk balance at the gates, then come up with an idea that works fairly for both sides, rather than suggest free insta hits because its not fair the survivors won and are using actual in game tactics to save their fourth member.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's not. You can be downed in the exit normally. Hence no need for a buff.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I don't really care about the ranking system. I am already rank 1, it means very little to me if I lose a pip,safety pip, gain 1 or2 pips. I'm there to play a game and have fun.

    If you're double pipping without killing anyone then why are you crying about survivors getting a "free escape" when you have been unable to kill anyone?

    You specify healing and unhooking others. You know protection hits are also a thing don't you? The thing you want removed from the exit gate for your participation kill.

    As for the gatekeeper emblem that changed recently. It isn't protect all gens for the first 9 minutes anymore. There is an element of stopping the exit gates involved now too, as the devs expect killers to lose gens in early game after the ruin change. I don't really follow the idea of 3 opposing objectives, chase, hit, hook and kill are all the same thing. You have to chase a survivor to hit him, you have to hit him twice to hook him, you have to hook him (up to)3 times to kill him. They aren't opposing, they're very much in line with one another.

    Your idea makes no sense, making excuses as to why there are 4 people alive in endgame won't change the fact that ad a killer you failed all of your objectives. All of them. Why should you be handed a kill for playing ######### in a round? The survivor who got "carried" shouldn't die because you want them to. If you want them to die, you have to get that ######### not cry at the devs until they hand you one every round.

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    How about no?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    yeah, but do you realize how strong the exit gate region is? While the EGC is meant for the killer to be the most dangerous. Having a safe loop because you didnt waste it is one thing, but the exit gate is a massive region where survivors are so safe, that you can practically walk and still escape. Let alone the fact that a fully healed survivor can body block a killer with 0 risk, during the EGC, while during the game, body blocking the killer has actual risks. It does NOT make sense for the 2 minute time limit that a survivor is fully without risks.

    In spirit of the EGC, it makes sense to remove that safe space and make it the most dangerous space in the game to keep hanging out, as the EGC is literally meant to force survivors out ASAP.

    And survivor side, it shouldnt matter too much, there is literally only 1 scenario where it ######### 1 person over. That's it. In all other scenario's, it prevents riskless situations that shouldnt be riskless.

    As for the 1v1 matter, I've actually stated before that the exit gates need adapting, like only 2 bulbs when they spawn close(meaning you can prep the gate more than with 3 bulbs without the killer knowing its been prepped) and 4 bulbs when they spawn very far away. That the EGC itself should speed up the opening of exit gates(which isnt really bad for killers, as the EGC only starts when an exit gate has been opened or the hatch has been closed).

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I did mention I am a survivor main right? When I escape by other people body blocking the killer, it never feels earned. Its even a bit of a let-down. For the killer, it also doesnt feel deserved either. There were survivors doing something that had 0 risk for them and all the rewards. For that high of a reward, there should be a big risk countering it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    The exit gate is no more powerful than a basement in which in the right scenario ( just like with the gates) the killer has the upper hand.

    Sorry but I’m not digging this suggestion. Way too OP.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Stop it, get some help. No. First of all, the concept of tanking the hit for the escape is perfectly in line with the heroic ending to some horror movies. That said, why should survivors be punished for succeeding?

    This would like causing the killer to move 10% slower once the 3rd survivor dies. Punished for success is not the right way to go about it.

    I hate getting blocked at the exit gate, but I just face facts, I lost and don't deserve a freebie.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No more powerful than the basement? You do realize that hooking 1 person and camping that person does not lead into a 4k? Heck, the upstair hook in Thompsons House is stronger than the basement. Yet 1 healthy survivor in an exit gate can guarantee a 4 man escape by blocking the killer and using that speedboost to escape himself?

    Exit gates are the most powerful area in the game and are fully survivor sided. They are riskless during a time in the game where staying inside the match should be risky. Camping inside the exit gate area should have a downside.

    And sure, perhaps it shouldnt apply instantly. But so far, considering all possible scenario's, there is no practical difference other than adding risk to altruistic behaviour during the EGC. Which it should.