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Why is everyone complaining about gen speeds?

Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

Alright, Im a killer main, even though Im red ranks both sides, I predominantly play killer.

Survivor is boring to play. It is. Holding M1 and holding w to walk to the next generator is boring as #########.

So why would anyone want to make a boring role even more boring?

Instead of just decreasing gen speed, why not add more objectives for survivors, that are fun and map related?


  • gamemaster1
    gamemaster1 Member Posts: 64

    because we have nothing better to do

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Well, Empathy is a Survivor Perk, not a Killer one, after all.

    Jokes aside the skillcurve with Killer is ultimately about maintaining pressure to prevent generators from getting completed too quickly, which has an absolute butt-ton of different components to improve with. However, because a lot of people don't have the self-awareness to assess those qualities about themselves, they blame genspeeds, because they see generators popping quickly, that's why they lose matches, therefore make them slower. They don't really consider the chases they could've ended quicker, the Survivors who successfully snuck past them, the map pressure they could've exerted smarter, or the player movements they could've predicted.

    I DO think aspects of the game in relation to Survivor objectives need improving however, Survivors essentially need to make mistakes for Killers to capitalise on them and exert enough pressure to stop them from genrushing- Without doing that, at the highest level of play Survivors generally have too much time against too many Killers and thus can win matches too reliably right now IMO at the highest level of play. Nuance!

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    well it's not really about gen speed its more about map size. like how on temple of purgation if you spawn on one side of the map and the survivors are on the other a gen or two will be done by the time you walk across the map. that is why high mobility killers are high tier.

    it was only with the deathslinger that this problem came to a head as unlike all the other slow 4.4 killers his power did not help him traverse or deal with long distance gameplay unlike nurse, hag, spirits high speed traversal power or huntresses infinite range.

    the first thing they did was change ruin as it was making it hard to gauge how fast gens was affecting the matches and as you know they soon made changes to gen speed. particularly with group gen speed this helped the early game as killers had a bit more time to get across the map befor a gen was done but on some maps like the aforementioned temple of purgation it did not help the slower killers so hopefully we see some success with these map size changes and they will continue to trim the larger maps but if that is not enough they will probably do some more adjustments.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    To be clear here, it isn't specifically gen speeds that killers are complaining about. It's game length. Game length is generally determined by generator speed though which is why you see all the complaints about gen rushing and gen speed. If they added a secondary objective to the game then the gen speeds would be fine. It's not so much that killers want survivors to be bored repairing gens forever so much as it is a case of killers wanting time to actually play the game.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    The speed at which Survivors can finish generators in contrast to the time it takes to sacrifice them don't go along right now. If adding secondary objectives, increasing the time for existing ones or just acceleration the Sacrifice part helps to achieve a better gameplay idk but something needs to be done. The complaints are in regards to Gen speeds but the solution could come from anywhere.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2020

    I dunno man you should play survivor a bit more, even a group of solos can hold m1 on a gen and end the match in 3 minutes. Waste of que time and addons for everyone with matches that short, it's not fun for anyone.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I understand (and agree) about where your coming from and I don't think anyone means increase repair time from 80 to 100 sec when they talk about slowing gens.

    Its just disheartening to hear a gen pop before you can down (or sometimes even find) 1 survivor.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    matches are really short

    And gens are the only OBJ

    At base after all the nerfs its 7minutes total or 105 seconds per survivor...(including gates)

    if played even half effectively the gens are done in 3 minutes and your at one or 2 hooks max.

    Either slow the genspeed or add a second obj... it'd be nice if survivors all had to pick up a how to repair book in the center of each map before then can work on a generator that way at least they wouldn't have 4 generators half done by the time I walk across the map because they spawn on top of them

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    It's true that you can't realistically pressure your way out of a first gen pop, but that's just like how Survivors can't realistically stealth/loop their way out of their team getting a few hooks.

    Both sides always get early progress on their objectives easily. What matters isn't so much the first/second gen/hook, what matters is the third, fourth, and fifth.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    By that logic survivors should only have 2 hooks to be sacrificed. you can't stealth/loop you way out of being hooked anyway, so who cares?

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Uh, no? I'm pointing it out on a team-wide basis, not on an individual level. One player out of a team can avoid hooks but the team as a whole will always get hooked a couple times per match. Having both sides always make some progress towards their victory condition early helps make matches less one-sided.

    A survivor getting killed isn't comparable to the first/second gen pop. A survivor getting killed is more comparable to the penultimate generator getting popped in terms of victory condition progress.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand that it's depressing when Survivor gen progress gets ahead of your hook progress, but it really isn't the end of the match. And, even though the 27 seconds thing can be pretty shocking and makes a great headline, it's actually much more efficient for Survivors to be split up and working on several different gens. You now know where all 4 Survivors are less than thirty seconds into the match, I'd argue that's actually an advantage for the Killer and practically speaking it'll probably result in two hooks before the next gen gets popped thanks to the newfound map pressure you can exert with that information.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I'd like to point out most people agree an additional objective for Survivors is the ideal solution. But the devs are hesitant to add one, so the next best thing is to nerf gen speed.