Can all totems be hidden like this?

notsonew Member Posts: 269

This is how totems should be, so they aren't destroyed in the first 30 seconds



  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Killers arenโ€™t perk reliant, Iโ€™m in purple ranks and run zero perks most games - my games are mostly made up of red rank survivors with full set of perks and even then I get 4ks. But ok

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Well i seen a few survivors talk about how boring just doing the gens are and would rather do something else. Like there was a thread awhile ago, about how someone was talking about he just leaves the gens to his team mates from now on and just does something they find more fun, like getting chased by the killer.

    So i don't think it just killers but also some survivors [or you know people who play both sides] who would rather have something else to do beside hold m1 at a gen. I think even Samination during his most recent steam i believe, was talking about how they dislike slow down perks, due to how boring doing gens are, while they were playing as a survivor. I think there are at least a few [on both sides], who would be interested in a secondary objective that is not hold m1 at gens.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You don't need a dedicated totem build to find totems. You only need to give up one perk slot to counter a killers perk slot. Actually, you don't even need to do that, you can bring in a map.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah some totem spots, are well so bad. That it almost impossible not to notice them. Since i lost count of how many totems spawn right next to gens. If you see the gen, you see the totem.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408
    edited April 2020

    "dEdIcAtEd tOtEm hUnTiNg bUIlDs" You only need 1 perk, to easily find all the totems on the map, one of the perks that Tapp has, dont remember the name.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    :| yeah, survivors really have the luxury of getting to use fun, unqiue perks and can definitely survivor in solo random matches easily without any second chance perks. ๐Ÿ™„

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656


    Although this was pre the rehiding of the totems. It has gotten better for sure. I don't really mind better hiding totems. It just takes a little time to figure out where the new locations typically are. I always check bins at Lery's now.

  • JureissicPork
    JureissicPork Member Posts: 22

    I agree with you. While I have been playing more survivor lately and thinking this totem thing, I agree that holding m1 at gen is so boring if you do it all match. Usually I just scout the area after I have done my first gen and try to find totems, chests or teammates that are injured. This way I get more points overall and pip more often.

    And your point about perk reliance I cant agree more. I like playing Wraith really much and he is incredibly reliant on perks AND his addons. Well you can manage with him without anything but if the survivors are even semi-competent you are going to have a huge uphill battle.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    Yap that very lucky totem spawn ... usually near the gen or near the high ground.... also sometimes near survivor around 15 meter beside them..

    Play a match.. 8 - 10 sec hex totem destroy sound heard by killer ... Ok, pretty good game ( meme) ...

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    In solo Q? Nah. You usually need the 2nd chance perks to have a chance when your team is full potato. Gens can get done in 5 minutes but an IF billy can down an entire noob team in under a minute. Even at rank 1 you get put into green rank teams against a red-purple rank killer.

    Teammate gets downed in 20 seconds and now the killer is camping them, but using BT/DS to have a chance is crutch right? I would actually not bother with solo Q survivor if I could not be running stuff like left behind + key. I'd only play killer.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    Don't have to be impossible to find BUT also near gens and near survivors spawn

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Hiding it in more interesting places would be nice. But I don't think they should be hidden under a box in a corner of the map nobody goes to.

    One of the most thrilling games for me was a hopeless game against a Huntress with Lullaby. Of course I'm with Rank 20s so after several hooks it was like a mini Ruin.

    We spent the game searching for it, avoiding Huntress, and eventually we got it cleansed. We lost, but it was tense and fun.

    It's actually shocking to me how often survivors don't actually want to have fun but want to hold M1 on the generator and complain about why the gameplay is so boring.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Tbh, it really wouldnโ€™t be impossible once you get to know the new totem spots. The only difference it would make for more experienced survivors is that they actually need to look more closely rather than just running and stumbling into them.

    The newer survivors could struggle but there are so many ways to find totems now so I really donโ€™t think it would be that big of a deal if they were to make changes to totem spots.

  • HerbieHind
    HerbieHind Member Posts: 28


    I agree with you. While I have been playing more survivor lately and thinking this totem thing, I agree that holding m1 at gen is so boring if you do it all match. Usually I just scout the area after I have done my first gen and try to find totems, chests or teammates that are injured. This way I get more points overall and pip more often.

    What I've been doing is using Detective's Hunch, trying to knock out all the totems in-between repairing gens. It's a lot better than just hopping from gen to gen.

  • Chaosbeing
    Chaosbeing Member Posts: 7

    To me, totem mustn't be hidden. I mean, they must be hidden enough to not being walk through and randomly found. But they must be a thing like "around here there is a totem, i know it, i'll go check", instead of "oh, a totem chillin in the open", or "well that totem REALLY were in this box, behind this corner ?". Must be balanced.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You need 1 perk slot to counter tunneling, you need 1 perk slot to counter camping, you need 1 perk slot to counter slugging, you need 1-2 perk slot to run the killer.. and now we need another perk slot to find totems? You killers hate "Survivor Meta Perks", but you give us no choice but to run them due to your playstyle..

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Yess lets make solo que survivors suffer even more. Good idea :D

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    I really want the Hex totems to be very well hidden. But noed should be changed in that case.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,790

    So not only do you want a secondary objective, you also think this secondary objective should be hidden? So survivors need to turn every little corner to find it? Also, no totem counter btw so unless you're swf or you personally cleanse all 5 then you could be looking for a totem that doesn't exist. What a fantastically designed secondary objective, my dude!

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    This is a team game, with the option of playing selfish and being solo. You only need 1 perk slot out of 16 slots to counter a Killers 1 perk slot out of 4. All your statement reveals is that you don't want to give up any of your meta crutch perks to counter 1 Killer perk that is now widely used.

    You also have the option to not use any perks and bring in a map. If maps are too expensive for you, farm them with Plunderers.

    I am not a Killer main, about 95% of my games are as Survivor. If I play as Killer I don't play seriously and don't care if I only get one Kill. I just don't want the game dumbed down any more than it is. I am actually a total potato and am terrible at running the Killer, but I enjoy the risk of getting in the match, knowing that I have to be careful or I'll die. The game needs to have uncertainties to fell this way, removing them will just dull the game further.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    What Killer are you? There's a big difference between playing Nurse or Billy than Myers or Legion perkless. And Red Ranks are an ENTIRELY different ballgame than purple ranks

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    I mostly play Wraith, though I've played Pig, Spirit, Billy, Oni and Legion without perks and have gotten 4k games without perks.

    Admittedly - Legion was the hardest without perks.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Farming entails actually surviving.. and again you completely ignore the point of the argument. You killers constantly say "If you don't like it, run this.. or do that".. but when we do, were using "Meta perks" and you complain about it. But alas you killer mains only see what you want to see and only care about yourselves.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,366

    I mean, if NOED got reworked then I'd be 100% up for this

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited April 2020


    Only hide hex totems better. Dull totems can be found anywhere, including in the middle of the open or next to a generator. No change to NoED.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    I just hope if they rework map to be smaller and make totem hard to find like that video ( not otzdarva ) ... many people play killer complaining about totem spawn is being very easy... game start 8 -10 sec totem destroy.... and then killer only play with 3 perk or maybe 2 perk if 1 perk is NoED...

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Making totem spots better also buffs NOED so nope. Unless the devs actually give survivors a totem counter or something, I don't think totems should be too well hidden.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I survive plenty and I don't play with meta perks at all. I run Self-Care, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill, and Plunderers, and I do well. I don't Survive every game, but I have fun and do my best to save my teammates. Plunderers has let me escape many times by letting me find a key, it has also let me cleanse many NoEds and Devours since I find a Map in almost every other match.

    FYI, I only play Killer for Dailies or when I get super bored of Survivor. 95% of my games are as Survivor, so you're wrong with your assumption. Also, isn't what you claim Killers do done by the majority of Survivors? How many complaints were there about the Ruin nerf? What did Survivors say? Apply Pressure or Git Gud. Now that more and more Killers are applying pressure in endgame by bringing in NoEd and Slugging builds its too much?

    Where did I complain about you using Meta Perks, you're free to choose whatever perk you want, just don't complain about a Killers very commonly used perk when you refuse to counter it. Don't forget it has multiple easy counters! You don't even need to change perks or bring in a map, you can just count to five!

    Instead of accusing me of being a Killer main and being selfish, who about you be honest and admit that everyone who is complaining about NoEd is only complaining because they want the game made easier.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    small games, maps, detective hunch, obviously there's nothing for you to find totems

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    "Cleanse totems to prevent NOED lol youre so bad"

    "Make totems really hard to find pls"

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Forcing people to use certain perks to counter something is one of the biggest problems in this game. Do you really want to add more to that list?

    Totems should never be too well hidden, hex perks are meant to be high risk/high reward perks. NOED especially should never get any buffs, it is already one of the most controversial perks in the entire game.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Do that, and add a fat totem counter so it's fine.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
    edited April 2020

    If you need perks to help you loop a Killer, you probably suck at looping. Just saying.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 902
    edited April 2020

    Eh most purple rank killers are getting mostly red rank survivors, heck so are many green rank killers.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    I solo queue and never use ANY second chance perks o.O

    My main build that I use pretty much all the time: Kindred or Empathy | WGLF | Self-Care | Botany Knowledge or Dead Hard

    This build allows me to look out for myself if need be, and help my team if need be.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    because it counter gen rush and not "bad killers" if survivors wouldn't rush too mucha nd would try to spend some time looking for totems you wouldn't deal with that perk, you hate the fact we 1 shot at the end game while you can DS us if we get you after you've been unhooked or get back up with unbreakable if we don't want to eat the DS, you cry on noed because it's only perk that pretty much say ######### you to survivors while you have every perk to not let us kill you, let us have THE perk that can allow us to kill you, i don't use noed, but i never complain when a killer use it while i play survivor

  • Librv
    Librv Member Posts: 12

    killer mains loves crying over everyrhing, bro u got a killer sided game stfu

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Sure, but since there is so loud about that totem spot, I doubt that they're gonna be secret anymore ;p

    Anyway it doesn't matter if we're gonna get these totem spots, everyone can just easily remember them.

  • notsonew
    notsonew Member Posts: 269

    you'll still have to look for them better than seeing them 20 meters away

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i think Ivaldi didn't fully read your post. They seem to have gone with the same idea as Shocker, that you will always come against face camping bubbas and the like aka killers who do things that are seem as scummy. Which they have also seem to overlook, the idea farming for blood points can be done without playing survivor. Since well, you can do it on killer. Slap on bbq, make sure to hook everyone at least once. Odds are, you will be earning blood points faster than survivor. Allowing you to spend them all on your survivor, for them maps or other items you might need. Since hey blood points are blood points at the end of day. No matter if you played killer or survivor to get them. Of course if someone is feeling lucky or wants to perform a stock up run as i call it. Plunderers and Arc in the hole can be worth it. Since you can possibly escape with an item, plus add ons for it. That or find a key, with the add on that lets you keep it after death. Die and still get a key out of the match.

    Of course i'm not sure why anyone would take Shocker's word serious, after you have disproven their claims of you need a full build for hunting totems. When all you need is a single perk or a map item. Since well a full build, makes it sound like you need four perks. When in reality, you need way less than that, if you want to quickly and easily find the totems. Making Shockers original statement debunked. Making anything else about their statement be brought into question,[like killers always go out of their way to ruin the enjoyment of others] since their main point of you need a whole build just to find totems was debunk by you. Which i am not sure how Ivaldi can know your playstyle, from debunking shocker's statement and proving their statement of needing a whole build to find totems wrong. If anything, everyone should be doubting Shocker's original post and all the claims they make. Due to Shocker being proven wrong you need a build to find and hunt for totems.

    Which if totems were better hidden, it could possibly make maps or the perk you brought up more useful. Of course, people could get used to their new spawn areas but it could possibly at least keep totems lasting just a tiny bit longer, if some of the spawns were slightly better. Yet that might make them last slightly longer. Which would benefit the killer or these who like harder games.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    A secondary objective should be engaging enough to induce people to stop doing the primary for a while. But if all totems were all hidden as well as that one in the video, it would cause survivors hunting for them to run around the map for minutes doing nothing (no points, no progress) which is not fun. This would induce people to ignore totems, aggravating the "gen rush" problem, or to run anti-totem perks, which if they become meta would make null all the work to hide totems.

    The point is that no, totems can't and shouldn't be hidden so well as that in the video, because one way or the other it wouldn't be healthy for the game.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    If they can make all totems hidden like this (as they should be) they can go ahead and nerf noed for all i care!

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    maybe that would incentivise survivors to actually run anti totem perks lol

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    laughs in small game