new perk
quick recovery - after a survivor in your grasp escapes or you get DS'd you recover 50/60/70 pecrent faster
Question - Was this perk made mostly to counter DS?
If so no, this shouldn't be a perk. They should nerf ds to do its designed job better.
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yes it was to counter DS , its only fair that there is a counter to DS , since it is basically a free escape for survivors
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.... When the killer is tunneling it should be. If they're not it shouldn't be.
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Making a Perk to specifically only counter one other Perk would be terrible game design, especially as this is such a hard counter it makes DS essentially useless.
A much better solution would just be adjusting Decisive Strike itself.
Also, uh, Rancor already exists, and I advise you equip it, it'll probably be cathartic for ya!
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DS should be nerf without any discussion its not a 'counter tunnel' perk anymore , its more a 'Hey i have a second chance i'll force you to hit me cuz i have borrow and i'll go in a locker so you have to wait and waste 60 seconds or you have to pick me up and be stunned 5 seconds'
Its a ridiculous perk
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This perk is not fair In the game a killer should not be rewarded for eating DS it is meant to be am anti tunneling perk in the first place.
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Yeah but its not people doesnt use it as an 'Anti tunnel perk' they use it as invincibility , for 60 seconds either they make anything to block you , annoy you and force you to hit her and then go in a locker or just they stand on gens and do gens while being invincible
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So that's why ds should get nerfed to be an anti tunnel perk.
There shouldn't be a perk that it's main purpose is to delete ds.
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if you put someone in the dying state with devour hope and the gates open and the survivor has adrenaline , that is to counter devour hope , so there are perks that counter other perks . anyway any killer would want this perk so I would say it is a must for the next killer
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Gates cannot be openned if survivor just used adrenaline. Also that is a VERY specific scenario.
This isn't a true counter. A true counter would be Flashlights and Lightborn for example.
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...I'm sorry, did you say Adrenaline is designed to counter Devour Hope?
I'm... At a loss as to how to respond to that. I'd be amazed if Adrenaline being used to stop Devour Hope from mori-ing a downed Survivor has happened even once in the history of DbD matches.
There ARE examples of perks countering other perks, such as Stridor and Iron WIll. If those perks combine, Iron Will Rank 3 is essentially downgraded to Iron Will Rank 1. However, it's not like the game is balanced in such a way that Stridor exists solely to counter Iron Will, or that Iron Will is 100% useless when Stridor enters the scene. Stridor is mostly equipped to improve close-range audio detection in general (especially with killers like Spirit who rely on that), and Iron Will isn't a wasted perk slot against it, it's just partially negated. (and it does prevent stridor from hugely enhancing your injury sounds to 150% of normal)
Adding a Perk specifically JUST to make one other uber-popular Perk useless when it's equipped is still bad game design, it makes the play experience much more frustrating for both sides and damages perk diversity. It's okay to have Perks that partially counter other perks/setups, but Decisive Strike will not magically be solved by the inclusion of this suggested Perk and it'd just make everything worse. Just rebalance Decisive Strike and cut out the middleman.
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ok well as another example there is the perk bamboozle that can be used to block the ledge to stop a survivor with lithe , so that the killer can stop the survivor from escaping so his perk would counter another , anyway DS is a free escape for survivors and they really need some good perks like the one I mentioned for the new killer because Deathslingers perks where pretty useless . not saying the next killers perks will be bad but after Deathslinger they really need to make the next killer's perks good . the main point of playing killer is to stop the survivors from escaping and since DS was specifically made for that , a perk to counter DS would be the best choice for the next killer , and all others when it would be unlocked in the bloodweb . the perk I mentioned could be used by all other killers and any killer main would use it at least 50 percent of the time or more .
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The only thing I might want to ask is why would people run a perk to counter ds when if they play smart and fair they won't get ds'd at all. Only killers who want to tunnel a particular survivor would run this perk. Even the people who don't tunnel and dislike ds wouldn't run this since it's too situational.
It says a lot that people feel like they need to run DS. They know that killers like to tunnel and camp so they feel they need this to counter those people. Also slugging is a counter to ds.
Your examples aren't great to be honest. The devour hope one needed a lot of random things to happen all at once (it was also impossible as milo said). Bamboozle doesn't counter lithe either since if your chasing a survivor your probably behind them which means they'll make the vault before you can block it.
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you did not read what I wrote . it has nothing to do with tunneling , I have been DS'd several times and most of them were'nt because of tunneling , I got ds'd simply for chasing a survivor and picking him/her up the second time , or when I put them in the dying state close to the exit gates but they escaped because of the DS even though the other survivors where body blocking me so it was an unfair escape . you clearly are a survivor main and want to keep the game survivor sided . and why are my examples not great , if you played DBD for any amount of time you would realize that bamboozled blocks ledges to stop survivors vaulting and a survivor could have lithe equipped but not use it because of bamboozled so perks do counter other perks , and the killer does not necessarily have to be behind the survivor , since the killer can loop a wall and use bamboozled on a ledge to stop the survivor from using lithe . and the devour hope was'nt necessarily an example that happens 100 percent of the time but it could happen . another example would be no-ed and unbreakable , if a survivor gets no-ed'd then he she could counter it with unbreakable . there are many other examples that you can look up so if you want to ask me something do not ask me for more example , look them up if you want .
Post edited by batmanscar on0 -
Oh and also
since the killer can loop a wall and use bamboozled on a ledge to stop the survivor from using lithe
The survivor will most likely use their Lithe first. Even then that's a mild counter, not a hard counter.
another example would be no-ed and unbreakable , if a survivor gets no-ed'd then he she could counter it with unbreakable .
You aren't countering instadowns. You're countering being slugged. You could get M1. Does that mean Unbreakable counters every killer now?
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you can't understand english very well but that is what I wrote and you repeated what I wrote , this perk nerfs DS , it does not make it completely ineffective
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Recovery being 1,5 seconds (or 3,5 seconds faster) is not completely making it uneffective? 1 second is just getting of the killer's shoulders!
And no you want a PERK to nerf ds. I just want to nerf ds. (also can you quote me, this would be way easier)