The worst matchmaking I've ever seen in my entire life...

Here are just 2 examples of what my title means: After waiting at least 10 minutes to get into a match, me and End Of The Road(we were premades) were faced with this...Let's say the first one we managed to pull it somehow and 3 of us escaped... But the second match with the David's when there was 1 gen remained they were too scared to come even close to any of those 3 gens which remained on the map... To add it more, they did 1 gen together while me and my teammate did 3 and a half gens and resulted in us dying first because we tried to repair the last gen while they were sitting like ducks on the other side of the map where all gens have been done...I don't have anything against newbies, we were all there at some point, but please, for God's sakes, keep them with people close to their ranks and not with red ranks survivors and purple ranks killers...They get caught in less than 15 seconds of chase...
I've played a decent number of multiplayer games and this is by far the worst matchmaking I've ever experienced, heck even worse than in CS GO... How much do we have to wait for a new matchmaking system to be implemented? You, developers, mentioned 2 and a half months ago when the Ruin update came live that you desire to change the matchmaking system, nothing new related to that since then...
Do I need to say more on the killer side as well?...
I'm playing on PC from Eastern Europe.
As a survivor you have to wait at least 5 to 10 minutes for a match that can last 4-5 minutes if it ends too fast or you're facecamped or mori'ed...As a killer you get instantly into a match, but the ranks you're paired against makes you the worst experience you will ever encounter(if you're in green and purple ranks)...You would rather bang your head to the wall as strong as possible and make up your mind and get the heck outta this game, but you still come back...
The sheer number of survivors(most of them in red ranks) compared to the very low number of people playing as a killer is the result of what's happening. I've been playing this game since summer 2016(with breaks), and sadly, in my opinion, I think it's in the worst state the game has ever been since its release(even worse than past times where gens would instantly fly by with brand new part and self-care would take 20 seconds to heal, or even less, I don't remember exactly the time it took to fully heal yourself...)
Yup, matchmaking is broken. Rank 1 killers going against Yellow ranks, it's not fun. There are numerous threads already, devs probably won't fix it until more people start to delete the game.
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They need to wake up and do some changes to it!
I am very pleased that they are doing all those changes to the maps(let's hope they didn't overdo it) to make the game more balanced, but they definitely need to address the matchmaking issues as fast as possible and come up with a solution...
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What's even worse, is that unless I am missing replies somewhere, the only matchmaker replies being made by BHVR are the blue-mods pointing us to the Matchmaker Developer Update posted way back in January.
And this matchmaker issue has been around since November 2019, after already coming and going several times before that throughout 2019. It is many degrees beyond pathetic at this point.
Given that they've barely handled the matchmaker at all over the past year, is there any confidence in BHVR being able tp properly implement a Hidden MMR type of system?
Well, at least it'll be hidden, so they can always claim "working as intended."
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They talked about the “rainbow ranks” matchmaking in their latest livestream, and the examples people are posting aren’t an error or a bug, they’re a result of deliberate dev choices.
The reason for stuff like this is incomplete lobbies - they said that when someone quits a lobby for whatever reason, the acceptable range of ranks that are allowed to then join the lobby are massively increased in order to get the game going more quickly. So if you have a team of four red ranks put against a red rank killer, if that killer then leaves the lobby, the next killer thrown in could be red rank, or they could be purple, or green, or yellow. Or if a red rank survivor leaves a red rank lobby, they could be immediately replaced by a solo green rank.
If you want to hear it explained by Behaviour themselves, you can go to 01:04:00 in the latest livestream and that’s about when they start talking about matchmaking.
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that’s not even the worst. I was playing in a SWF tonight and we got a rank 20 killer. I felt so bad for them after the game I went to message them but couldn’t because of their settings so ended up sending them a friend request just so I could apologise. They were playing as nurse which is hard enough but to get red ranks in your lobby when you’ve obviously only just started playing the game.
The bs matchmaking is a good way to make new players hate the game.
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Ya matchmaking is so disgustingly bad it dramatically effects my enjoyment of the game. They really need to work on it.
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Oh my God, I thought it couldn't be worse than my experiences, but it definitely can...
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This has just become the normal night for me on this game in recent weeks. Every match as survivor it's just rainbows and it's always a low rank killer. Playing as killer is the same. Always red ranks mixed with low ranks. I mean, how can BHVR continue to let this go on? This should be a clear sign that the game is severely broken in matchmaking! Yet, we hear nothing about it, beyond the 'fix' they announced way back at the start of the year.
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What do you mean? Matchmaking is absolutely perfect. The solo survivor experience can’t get any better.
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i give you a better one ;)
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As a red rank player on both sides, I'd much rather just wait in queue, ESPECIALLY on survivor. It's not fun at all to play with people who don't even have 1/5th of my hours played. Nothing wrong with being new, but I have no interest in being forced into a mentor role.
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Thank you for the time stamp
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Yeah DbD isn’t fun anymore.
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thanks for the info.
i get the way this works but getting a rank 20 killer with red rank survivors seems a little extreme even for their system. matchmaking has been broken for months and people have complained about it for months, its actually getting worse not better, yet the devs just keep saying that a new system is on its way and people just have to deal with it. they say they have been testing it but, well, its just not working. its discouraging people especially new players more than anything.
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It definitely will end up turning off a lot of new players. I’m solo survivor but I’ve still had A LOT of games lately where the whole team was red and the killer was 15 or worse... ugh, I always tell them at the end sorry for matchmaking you did good for what you have. But does that help?
BHVR had said they open matchmaking because new players would rather play anyone then wait for a good matchup... are you sure?!? Maybe they would be okay agajnst 15s or even a couple 12s but anyone 10 and below is too far above them. And against red rank loopers forget it, I’ve seen killers go the whole game with no hooks, maybe 1-2 hits the entire game is that fun?
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i do the same, i message the killers if i can.
so many new killers just give up mid match and i don't blame them. i had one trapper just give up and he stood in one spot, placing a trap down then picking it up continuously until all gens were done. it really sucks...feels bad, it's not fun for them. it's also not fun being on the other side either because its not challenging and if you don't see the killer the whole game the game just goes so fast.
does it help messaging after? if they are having game after game of really bad matchmaking then probably not. especially when you have the people that don't care and will message something really mean to the killer or survivor anyway.
there needs to be more balance
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It sucks to be the killer in certain scenarios.
I once had a Nurse on Cowshed try her hardest to down us but she just wasn’t experienced and she gave up and stood in front of the tractor with one gen left. It’s an awful feeling. I felt bad and opened the door and left while my teammates ran circles around her and teabagged her. I know what it feels like to feel helpless against certain survivors.
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There's that scenario, and the scenario where you get a decent killer, 1 red rank survivor, and 3 yellow rank survivors. Those games are completely unwinnable for survivors because newer survivors tend to be allergic to objectives. I've been left on my first hook to die while the team does absolutely nothing.