Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.



Tough game against a four man SWF?

How about they know exactly what your doing and call it out on Coms?

Im talking Red ranks here which we all know this perk is easily the most abused in the game and yet nothings been done as if this is an acceptable way to have the game played?

This perk makes Hag and Trapper literally IRRELEVANT.

Never mind creating unfun games that make you actively want to DC as Killer.

Either REMOVE IT or give me a warning in lobby that object is being run so i can dodge these trash abusers.


  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Object SWF has been an issue for ages. They should at least remove free premonition against stealth killers from it so it's actually a gamble perk. Just like devour hope.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Eh, it's a huge risk to run in solo Q. If your team is garbage you just lose, if the killer ignores you and kills off your weaker teammates, you just lose. Sole survivor is bugged and still doesn't work, has not worked for months, doesn't even look like they fixed it in 3.7 either.

    If you play enough you will know who the object SWFs are. And they will mark you with a program with called loop when you bring in an ebony and ghostface with NOED to murder them.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    Just play Freddy. He breaks object so you ALWAYS know what the survivor is doing in your terror radius.

    And I started taking object so killers would STOP tunneling me into the ground every single game. A lot of people, myself included, take it to either be left alone or to practice running.

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    Im not talking solo Q.

    Im talking four man SWF where it has plenty of room to be abused which it currently is and it’s so far from a secret im sure all killer mains know the feeling and have experienced this BS firsthand.


  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    Run DS which actively punishes tunnelling?

    Instead of a game breaking perk in certain situations.

    And what if i don’t want to play Freddy and i want to play a killer i’d enjoy at the time?


    Even if i don’t get a kill all game i’ll take the L and say GG WP after.

    I know you can’t win every game and if im outplayed then fair.

    But the SECOND i see object i insta DC so if i come up against you or anyone of the same enjoy your base score and 10 second match.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Learn to play against Object, also most people who use Object aren't in a Four Man Death Squad.

    I for one run Object in a Solo match because I want the killer to chase me specifically.

    As for the perk making Hag & Trapper irrelevant, once again, learn to play against Object.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    I just started to run that as well which has helped. But object has proven to be a better deterrent of tunneling. However I can also force a killer to tunnel me by looking directly at them as I self care in their face. Do I care if I get tunneled? No. I get tunneled all the time anyway where or not I run DS.

    And you're telling me you're D/C'ing like a give a ######### about you leaving game. I honestly couldn't care less about people on either side leaving. Killer leaves? New game and I get BP. Survivor leaves I can suicide on hook and AFK on animal crossing or I can play it out for some BP. The only thing that irritates me in game is when my head on gets bugged and it refuses to light up despite me being in a locker for 5 seconds with no exhaustion.

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    So your point being, L2P?


    Im pointing the fact out that this perk leaves ROOM to be abused by SWF which is no secret like idek why you’d try and defend that with your reasoning being.

    “my opinion” (there not always run by death squads)

    When in fact they’re the ones abusing it the most.

    And you fetching a screenshot from your files does nothing for me or your point.

    Being able to 4k against it doesn’t nullify the point of the damage it does against a Trapper setting up or likewise to Hag.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You do know that they only see your aura, but not the exact location you placed your traps right? Like I can see you placing a trap, but I won't know where it exactly is because I'm far away from you.

    And of course it is open to be used by SWF groups, but so are everything else. Removing Object doesn't really negate anything information wise. If they really want to beat you in a game, they don't even need to bring Object to do so. They can bring Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike and Adrenaline. The "Four Horseman of Meta Perks" as someone once said.

    Like I said, learn to play against Object. Because the person who is running Object most likely wants to be chased, so they can waste the most time. But you can just try to ignore them instead. The person using Object cannot always accurately call out mindgames and where exactly the killer is relative to their position.

    Remember, they can only read your aura. But not your exact location.

    Learn to play against Object.

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    So they actively see me place a trap yet they don’t know where it is?

    Your serious right?

    And those “Meta Perks” are the usual culprits at red ranks and yet they can be played around to a certain degree if we’re not talking Active DS+Unbreakable.

    IT has an undeniable impact

    IT can RUIN games

    IT does create unfun situations

    and it is ABUSED

    This is so far from a secret and it’s so widely known yet i still can’t find actual theory to your points?

    No screenshots of 4k’s or you stating learn to play around that changes the fact that this perk needs attention.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    And how many of those games that are "unfun" do you realistically have?

    Because I am pretty sure it's a lot less than you think it is.

  • Skankle
    Skankle Member Posts: 31

    An Object of Obsession player who knows how to deal with Hag almost completely invalidates her. It's a near guaranteed loss because one competent player brought a perk - never mind if they're communicating the information they receive on comms. Of course an average OoO user is beatable as Hag, because most players still don't know how to properly deal with her, but if you face an OoO user who knows to follow you around the whole game disabling your traps (while being good enough to loop a 110 killer without a power, which isn't the highest bar) there's very little you can do about it. At best you can hope to lay a trap while they're within TR range without them knowing, which will hopefully surprise them at some point, or getting a hit with Dark Devotion to buy you some time to lay traps while they can't see you.

    The perk itself is an issue and BHVR have danced around addressing the problem for a long time. The entire Undetectable status was introduced because OoO invalidated stealth killers - it's not like anyone thought Alert, Dark Sense or Kindred showing the auras of stealth killers was an issue. Undetectable hasn't solved the perk fundamentally supplying too much information to the survivor side and it needs changes.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344
    edited April 2020

    Someone made an interessting rework suggestion for the perk.

    It was something like: When the killer see's your aura (with a perk, addon, ...), you see their aura for 6/8/10 seconds. I really liked the idea.

    The perk should either let you see them as killer all the time too or straight up be different.

    Edit: It was this one:

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2020

    Well said Skankle.

    One perk shouldn’t make certain killers irrelevant to the potential that object has.

    The frustration of the person playing Hag or Trapper in that situation NEVERMIND any other killer that would have a better chance is frustrating to say the least.

    The potential for abuse is the problem.

    And the Devs really need to make some changes to Object that’s the honest truth.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    The perk is fine, I’ve played against OoO swf before, killed some and some of them escaped, but they escaped because they outplayed me. Also, you say it is abusable in 4-man swf but what is stopping solo survivors from running it and knowing your moves?

    If they have object then just play as usual and try to kill them, sometimes you win, sometimes you don’t.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,719

    The classic anything I dont like is abuse and should be nerfed argument.


  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    The perk is simply not “Fine” thats ridiculous.

    And sure you had a casual object match by the sound, but that isn’t my point.

    Neither is solo survivor running it.

    But when it’s abused by SWF clearly on Comms it is WRONG.

    No one perk should give away so much information and ruin games for killer players.

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    No one said nerf i said remove.

    This isn’t some generic thread about being salty about DS or whatever survivor perk i fancy.

    But discussing how game breaking Object potentially is in organised play.

    Also your generic response assuming it is does nothing for the discussion.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Undetectable was added so that Killers would be more consistent with each other, why do you think the community had a fit when T1 Myers was changed to have Undetectable? Their reasoning was not because of Object of Obsession, their reasoning was because they wanted the Killers to function more consistently, especially Stealth Killers.

    And about the perk giving the Survivor and presumably team a lot of information. So what? Again, it's not like they know exactly where you placed down your trap. Do you really expect SWF teams to completely understand what their teammate who has Object is saying?

    People who play with friends aren't going to always play optimally, even if one is running Object. And those who are playing optimally can still be defeated if you ignore the person running Object and go for the obviously weaker targets. Object won't give the person who is running it perfectly clear cut information, so how would you be able to abuse it to tell the other survivor what the killer is doing? And even then, most people can tell if Hag is placing a trap and shutting down a loop. They'll most likely just run for the next one.

    "She's placing a trap!"

    "Yes I can see that!"

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    Your genuinely full of it at this point.

    To say that a competent team of four won’t call out “There’s a trap by kill shack window”or “in the grass/loop by farmhouse Gen” for example is easily done.

    The issue is the effect it has and i’ll say it again in “ORGANISED TEAMPLAY” including “COMMS” is detrimental to the health state of the game and the player in that session who is playing the role of killer will suffer.

    It’s just that simple wether you can deal or not.

    The perk has huge potential to be abused and IS abused and that fact is no secret.

    Something should be done.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    You can win against sweaty players. It is fine, if they beat you then they outplayed you, if you win then you outplayed them.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    What baffles me most about this perk is that the devs do stuff like limit Open Handed stacks for Kindred because it would provide a large aura reading radius of the killer (which presumably would be too strong), or nerf Dead Man’s Switch because “it provided too much information”, or put a long cooldown on perks like I’m All Ears, but being able to see the killer’s every move for 95% of the match is fine. The inconsistency is a bit baffling.

    I don’t understand how a frankly underwhelming gen information perk can provide too much information, but this perk is fine and dandy. If knowing where the killer is at all times isn’t even that strong (the argument people like to make against complaints about OoO) then let Open Handed stack four times with Kindred. At least that combination would require the use of five perk slots instead of just one, plus having one guy on the hook.

  • Skankle
    Skankle Member Posts: 31

    Of course Undetectable made stealth abilities consistent across the board, but immunity to aura reading was new to them all except T1 Myers. Players had kicked up a fuss about OoO vs the likes of Wraith and Ghostface for a while at that point. What does immunity to aura reading meaningfully do for stealth killers outside of dealing with Object? I don't think anyone had an issue with being revealed by Dark Sense. It's pretty clear what that change was targeted towards.

    If the Object user is across the map they won't know exactly where a trap is placed, but at a moderate range with basic map knowledge you will pretty much know exactly where a trap has been placed. You'll know exactly where traps are if you follow the Hag around just outside of her TR.

    The point is that you can't ignore an Object user as Hag, because otherwise they will disarm all your traps and completely neuter your power. An object user being able to communicate some of their information to teammates is just the cherry on top.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Or adapt and learn how to face a challenge

    Games should have that depth, you having a bad game means its not always easy, which is good

  • LordZorz
    LordZorz Member Posts: 1

    OoO is completely unbalanced and unfun to go up against, if I go up against a solo survivor who's running it I break them over my knee and tunnel them into the dirt because I have to assume they're in a SWF. Regardless of their skill towards the game and what sounds like a fun time for both sides, one person must be taken out of the game immediately because of said perk. It's also why folks will bring mori's as well, to avoid DS which is often paired with OoO.

    Not saying that's the only reason why people will bring a mori, just saying it's another reason to bring a mori.

    OoO gives an absurd amount of information, vs Hag/Trapper they can be disarmed almost entirely with the information gathered... But Wraith/Ghostface lose a lot of power from the survs knowing that what killer it is ahead of time before they cloak.

    Legion and Doc lose out the ability to catch all survivors(or at least 2) together at the start.

    Deathslinger has a 24 TR and runs monitor, with their heartbeat music fading in, so they can get close and use their power.... OoO nullifies this. When in the dreamworld, you can permanently see Freddy.

    All killers are affected negatively by this, it's a toxic perk that dismantles just about everything a killer can do. Atop of that someone with OoO can put distance between themselves and the killer whenever they approach, they are capable of just punching out gens while also providing intel up the wazoo.

    It's one of the strongest perks in the game, but beyond that it's one of the most toxic perks in the game as well. Unhealthy and unfun, it should be taken out of the game and just reworked into something else.

  • wiccax
    wiccax Member Posts: 18

    Well said LordZors.

    I’ve seen constructive arguments from both sides that of survivor and killer.

    I hope this catches the eye of a developer or anyone representative of Behaviour for some feedback.

    As left unchecked leaves much to be desired from both sides affected.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    You can't genuinely think OoO is "the most abused" perk in the game. As killer at red ranks, I run into it 1/20 games. It's still a very high risk perk.