Whats wrong with billy looooooooooool

What the ######### is this chainsaw bugged sound and weird animations? I cant even play billy.
His steering add ons don’t work , he has a bump stop to him , his saw goes up and cocks to the right which it never did . He feels clunky as ######### ! Billy got ruined
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Yay billy died =D for now.
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I just watched Zubat play him. After the match he said he never wants to play Billy again lol.
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I have only played a handful of matches, because AA was too much to bear, but I haven't touched Billy yet. By bump to stop, do you mean when he stops sprinting he stand stills during cooldown? Because I have an idea why they would make it like that.
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I just played a few billy matches. Aside from the animation and sound everything else feels the same. I actually like the buggy cooldown animation, because it obscures less of your screen. The only thing (that I could tell) that he actually lost is the ability to peek through lockers and walls during cooldown. Not going to lie - i do miss this one ;d
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I just had a match as Billy and there was no issues for me. Though I don't use him a ton, it seems all normal for me. Sound was fine, and his usual cooldown of missed/bumped chainsaw sprints. I'm on PS4.
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On PC he is ruined.
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i do hope thats a bug?
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This is happening to me in Xbox. You are lucky man :(
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Killers might actually play someone else, and NOT use a chainsaw as their only weapon?
Jokes and personal issues with Hillbilly players aside, last time I played him, which was within a week, he was fine. But the again I don't really use add-ons for him.
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I actually don't see Billy that much at red ranks, to be honest.
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Platform and region? I'll admit that they have been a lot more rare since I've started on the forums, but that first season I hit purple and it was 95% Hillbilly will forever annoy me and has solidified my hatred for the killer.
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Good hope they nerf him even more
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Wait. . . tin foil hat time.
Maybe, just maybe, the devs have planned nerfs for him, but know the outrage it would cause. So instead, they make him a walking bug simulator right now, and when they get around to making the fixes, the 'keep' some, modified of course so as not to look buggy, claiming they like it better that way.
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PC, NA. There was a slight boom when Ruin was killed (and to be honest, I think there's a fair argument to be made for why), but in general, I see more Spirits, Freddys, Trappers and Huntress' than I do Billys.
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It looks really ugly, but it doesn't affect the gameplay so i'm fine with the cooldown animation.
Regarding peeking - i did try a few times and yes, you can still do it, but he seems to lean forward less, so you need to stop your saw closer to the wall which takes some getting used to.
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Xbox, Aus Sydney and this was BEFORE the ruin rework. Ruin is also still incredibly useful if you know how to. I kept it on several of my killers, such as Pig and I do fine with it.
Xbox currently has a pretty good diversity of killers, but Billy and Spirit are just the strongest if someone can use them. I almost never see Freddy these days. The only killers I never see are Clown, Nurse, Hag and Plague. Some like Oni, Bubba or Deathslinger are pretty rare, but still see them more than the 4 I mentioned. Nobody is overused and it's actually quite nice now.
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Same. Sad that people enjoy Freddy, Spirit, and Clown more than him.
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I mean, I tend to enjoy Clown more than him. Not cause I'm not decent with Billy, because I am, but my inner masochist loves playing Clown. It's kind of like the whole candle-wax during sex thing. Hurts so good.
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Interesting timing. Several users suggested (in jest?) weeks ago, that upon release of the new patch, Billy would be getting a nerf. Coincidence?
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I imagine this will be the reaction when they finally balance that chump.
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He looks so dope with the new animations lol. A true HILLBILLY 👨🌾