Gave up on killer

I think this game is comltely survivor sided, without paid killers like reddy or demogorgon maybe you can't do anything. Map pressure? Gone. HITBOXES? Are broken as glass. Anything on this game seems to be survivor sided when you are killer. Imo this game needs a perk to put pressure on survivors that even with clown we could kill someone. If you not believe me, play killer as rank 4 as trapper or clown
You really like making these threads huh?
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Even after this update? Pretty insane...
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Poor bait.
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Very unique. A patch that has no buffs for survivor. Buff killers quite a decent amount... But now killers unplayable? And Demogorgon? Really? I didn't think he was anywhere close to top tier :P
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Better off just pretending like you don't see them. People like this typically can't be reasoned with.
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At least Otz makes it looks like
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So what are you doing here?
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Trapper main here.
the game isnt really favouring one side over the other at the moment, though i can understand when one gets frustrated over getting bad map layouts or RNG being against them (chest keys, 4% hook escapes, insta Beartrap escapes, etc.).
if you dont feel like you can have any more fun with this game, maybe the best thing is to stop playing for a bit?
play some other games, get in a good mood and then return to DbD. you'll see that its a lot better when you go at it with a chill mindset - and i usually have the most fun with games i never expected to win in the first place.
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but...this patch is literally a breath of fresh air for killers.
minus all the new bugs of course.
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The loop changes aren't that powerful, especially because still the most common loops, what I think this game really need is a way to put pressure early game, a perk that even clown could be good with
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I turned a survivor main. And already had a break of 2 years and a came back and the game changed so much that I think it wasn't worth
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You're joking. This game just became a straight line running simulator for survivors and you still can't win? Have you ever considered that perhaps killer, or heck even this game, may not be for you?
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Like corrupt intervention? The same perk that you said in your other thread was bad because it only lasts two minutes? The area you have to patrol is essentially halved.
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Do some Survivor archives for a reset or two then. And if you're really concerned with "pressure" then you have Doctor or Hillbilly base game. Even Huntress with her Lullaby can be a deterrent.
I've also had two memorable games on Haddonfield where two generators have popped super quickly. One before I even SAW a survivor, another as I was hooking the first survivor. You know how they turned out? 4k, and a 3k with a free hatch because I was feeling generous, and there was two DC's. As one of the "weaker" killers in the community's eyes. Depending on the killer, the MIDGAME can actually be the most important part of a match.
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Sometimes survivors don't spawn in the other side of the map, so it makes it a bit useless to me
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Do you know loops right? So, it's still a straight running simulator? Also it variates killer to killer
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You know dead zones, right? It's a straight line running simulator. It doesn't vary.
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Dead zones is barely rare in most maps, I have only seeing it on dead dawg saloon and in another map that I forgot the name
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Barely? Have you played today? They're on every map. I've been downed just attempting to get to the next pallet multiple times today. Every map is like Rotten Fields or Shelter Woods.
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Freddy is strong but Demo is meh. Nuse, Huntress Billy are all base killers and one of the strongest ones. Even Spirit and Oni is can be purchased with in game cash. Littearly the only good killer behind the pay wall is Freddy. And even he is way too overrated by the survivors. One dumbazz started mocking him for not being skillful enough, whatever that means from a survivor main lol and he is suddenly treated like a greek god.
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Did you just try to suggest that without owning Demogorgon, or Freddy a player trying to play killer will be unsuccessful?
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This dead zone expression is getting dumb. Just because you don’t have a pallet every inch of the map doesn’t mean that it’s a useless section of it. Getting from one loop to an other is not guaranteed now with the increased distance between tiles. But there is plenty of objects to hide behind in that space to try and prevent getting chased in the first place.
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These two are the killers that basically kill me all the time I play against then, but no, you can kill someone whatever the killer but it a WAY harder, I think
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Literally the 3 killers I see people agree are the strongest, Billy/Spirit/Nurse, are all technically available to own for free. Freddy is also strong but there's not a need to get Freddy. You can whoop on just about any other killer if you bring strong things, but some of the strongest ones aren't paid DLC exclusive.
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If you utilize your killer right you shouldn't be having such problems. Trapper I wouldnt say is amazing especially if not keeping up with clever trap spots. Theres alot better killers imo especially if know how to use your perks. I've been annoyed lately dealing with silent killers that can one hit. Even if their not it's still at the least very tedious..
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Usually when I play against a bully I have a nice and long loop, nurse if you play well it's powerful, spirit is ok.
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Um. You are aware of scratch marks are a thing right?
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Sometimes it happens
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Reminds me of an Overwatch match last night. We won, but gold eliminations was 5. We played like crap. They played worse than crap. 😂
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Been there. Done that. Easy 5 gold as Moira. Basically had to main her because DPS can't damage, tanks can't tank and somebody needed to keep those idiots alive.
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Yes killers are joke. We re here only to entertain survivors. Sigh.
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Killer is easier now than at release. If you can't play killer now, you should give up because it wasn't made for you. If you want a participation trophy, this game is not for you.
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Yeah, don't get me started on the number of times I've had to suddenly go DPS Moira, or even Zenyatta, in RoleQ because DPS are playing with their feet while blindfolded. I'm talking randomQ, of course. When I'm in my six-stack, we know what our strength's are.
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Well...Trapper needs preparation and Clown is considered bottom tier.
I wouldn't even play Nurse at Rank 4.
Red Ranks, sadly are for Doctors, Freddies, Ghostfaces. It gets narrower the further you climb the ranks.
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teeeeeeeeeeeeeechnically it buffed survivors by fixing dedicated window hits, but that was never intended anyway. Although, I am not 100% aware of things they changed, did they nerf the window tech? I havent been able to pull it off since the update.
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I think people like you are the definition of intitled killer mains who know absolutly nothing about the game. The sad part of this story is that devs listen to posts like this more then to those who actually know what they say (there are a few people here who get completly ignored but you can tell they have thousends of hours on this game playing on the highest rank).
Alone that you mention demogorgon as a viable killer makes me laugh out loud (he is one of the few killer who is not viable).
Hitboxes are indeed a joke, but sole for survivors and not for killers.
This game does not need a perk to put pressure on survivors since there are already enough tools to accomplish this.
And this "If you dont believe me, play killer as rank 4 as trapper or clown"... good sir, every monkey here is Rank 1 killer, trust me, you are not the pro who can tell people something new about the game. no offense.
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You’d think you’d be able to bait properly with 550 posts