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General Discussions

Killing this game slowly

Member Posts: 12
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

And boom another survivor nerf these devs are nerfing this game to the point nobody will play it because winning as survivor will be near impossible and/or the lobbies will take an hour because all the kids and tryhards will run killer this latest patch has basically killed the perk " Prove thyself " it will take 3 ppl on a gen to have any effect now if anyone else has any examples of what other survivor perks the devs have made obsolete to please the KMs crowd post it down below I myself won't be spending anymore money on this game and will be asking my friends to do the same until they start balancing this game instead of catering to a particular group

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  • Member Posts: 1,285

    So, you want the devs to stop catering to killers, and instead cater to survivors?

  • Member Posts: 12

    Catering to survivors ??? you're kidding right look back killers catch buffs constantly they've made tool boxes pointless and trying to group up with friends in a lobby is next to impossible the game forces you into running with randoms they keep slowing down repair times killer perk uses are pretty much unlimited while we're stuck at once per match or 3 tokens if you don't see how unbalanced this game is becoming you're blind or lying to yourself because you run killer and every patch the game gets easier and easier and you think it's because you think you're actually improving

  • Member Posts: 86

    I think what he Zait is saying is, “they cater to the killers. Do you want them to stop and start catering to survivors?”

  • Member Posts: 12

    So a glitched second of one match is your best counter to my argument that proves my point and by the way don't walk up to pallet if you don't want to get hit by them but killers especially ones with horrible internet goes for those dedicated hits knowing they'll more than likely get the hit through a wall , window , doorway , pallet , and basically everything on the map even if the survivor is nowhere near them

  • Member Posts: 86

    I think Felix was joking and know it just a bug or glitch. I don’t know the difference but I think he was playing

  • Member Posts: 86

    He’s also playing survivor I think. Or he was the killer and the survivor sent the pic to him

  • Member Posts: 59
    edited April 2020

    Dude I'm joking you didn't see the lol but IDC this game is fun I love when survivors trick me but that pic kinda suck and they hold me hostage in that corner

  • Member Posts: 879

    Ok so lets start from this summer with all the survivor nerf insta heal go nerf, toolbox got nerf and they took away infinite. Now lets look the killer nerf from this summer spirit got nerf, nurse got nerf, freddy got nerf, legion probably got nerf im not sure this killer get too many change for me to keep up lol oni got nerf, ruin got nerf and im not counting the perk that were in the pbe that got nerf like gearhead and thing like that. Im not counting all the survivor glitch and bug that gave them an advantage and the dev took their sweet time to fix while the bug that favor the killer got fix whitin the week and i probably forgot some nerf in that

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    I quit playing survivor entirely. Every game was the same, killer proxy camps and tunnels one out as the rest just throw all caution to the wind and try to farm points. If by some miracle you get the gens done in time then here’s NOED, sorry kid no escape for you.

    You work your ass off just to lose to someone who put in zero effort. This was happening at red ranks too btw

    The ranks are watered down so now red ranks feels like green ranks used to. Also survivors just want their pips and points. The game rather than becoming about escaping is this soulless grind for pips....not that it matters because the games dont get any better at red ranks anymore. Seems like all the good survivors left years ago or only swf now.

    Losing is fine but when you have to sweat your ass off while the killer is garbage at chases but only needs to sit around the hook to win it just becomes depressing and pointless. Why put in so much work for nothing? Sure blame it on the survivors if you want but that doesn’t change the outcome.

    Not to mention the killers were really becoming less fun. Legion and Ghostface were awful, new Freddy, Doctor and Deathslinger are pretty bad too. Demo was fun and Oni was alright but the rest this year have ranged from mediocre to absolutely awful to play against as survivor.

    Not to mention its just the most tryhard garbage everytime. All the meta perks, NOED, strongest add ons and an ebony on the top tier killers. Thats pretty much red ranks, no skill required.

    Seriously if you aren’t playing 4 man swf the game isnt worth playing as survivor. Even then I occasionally did play swf sometimes but my friends got pretty bored when most games become “oh he’s camping, everyone else just rush the gens, no fun this game”.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Right? They've catered to filthy survivors long enough. Let killers have fun for once and stop whining. Remember freddy? I do

  • Member Posts: 138

    So many ppl just make posts to cry ive been nothing but survivor today and still having fun. Instead of wanting nerfs and wanting whatever side you play to have more of an advantage just remember it’s a game have fun and stop crying over everything.

  • Member Posts: 283
    edited April 2020

    The irony of the entire system is literally all anti-griefing / anti-toxicity deterrents are tied to ranking. camping a hook? slowly lose pip so you might derank. tunneling? everyone rolls DS and will kill your pip thus derank (though let's be honest it just makes killers tunnel you further as counter-punishment). There is almost no deterrents that work as game mechanics. They could make it that killers get stunned by the entity if they hook camp too long and then that hook gets freed, it would be a good punishment that forcibly lets you escape, but nah, the rank system is what they use for everything

    Then you have to realize there is literally no incentive to rank up. No extra bloodpoints, no token to say you did it this season, nothing. Queue times are the same as there's no killers left and I've literally seen rank 2s and rank 17s in the same game due to the killer shortage giving everyone extremely broad matchmaking criteria.

    No one wants to play killer legit anymore, it's just not fun, and I say that as a shape main. Every time killers establish a meta, it gets nerfed and nerfed hard. So yeah, all that's left is mori-spam and campers who can just about sustain rank 12/13 with camping, and they have no reason to care about their rank at all.

    This will continue until devs buck up and make killers enjoyable again, or it will simply begin killing the game itself.

    I want to add btw, as a killer main, I don't even blame toxic killers. Every killer meta has been stomped out of existence, many killers cannot contest gens anymore as they can't even reach gens to use things like pop goes the weasel before someone just rushes it in front of them. I try to play legit and so many games are just SWF trying to out-sweat you. I can see why so many people give up and become toxic.

    The irony of DBD is the counter to the entire game is just not caring about your rank. As soon as you don't care what your rank is, nothing stops you from doing whatever you like.

  • Member Posts: 286

    For your own mental health I would greatly suggest you to stop playing this game for at least some weeks, you make the call for how long but it really feels like you aren't enjoying the game anymore.

    Your lack of empathy towards the other side also makes the game less attractive to you, "just to lose to someone with zero effort" and "Not to mention is the most tryhard everytime" on the same comment feels like you are considering that people playing killer takes zero effort (which obviously isn't the case) and they are putting too much effort (could be the case but is inconsistent with previous statement).

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    A lot of killers eat DS. You don’t lose pips because you’re not punished for hooking the same survivor 3 times in a row. Or you can do what some do and just proxy camp to trade hooks.

    Killer doesnt lose points for camping because unless you’re 4 man swf there will always be a survivor within hook range. Solos just want their points/pip and so they’re kind of forced to go cor the unhook. They’ll charge in and trade hooks just to get the altruism.

    I get what you’re saying but realistically proxy camp and tunnel doesnt lose many points.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Oh I did quit playing weeks ago. I moved on to Resident Evil. Its not perfect but nowhere near as toxic as DBD.

    I came back to check out the ptb. With god loops gone at least maybe killer will be worth playing.

    I respect good killers. I watch many on twitch/youtube. People who put in effort and mindgame and know what they’re doing.

    Proxy camp and tunnel really does take little effort and there are thousands of survivors out there willing to throw themselves at hooks to make it happen.

  • Member Posts: 188

    Ok Ima quite playing killer entirely. Every game is same surviors abuse infinites, pallet loops, teabags, flashlight clicks. If by miracle u down one of them a gen or 2 is done. Not to mention all they do is run meta perks with there ds, adrenaline, borrowed time, unbreakable. Losing is fine but when u have to sweat your ass off to gen rusher, teabaggers, or ds abusers its just crazy. Its just getting boring going the the same loops everygame then heading straight to an infinite. Honestly if your not playing strong killers the game isn't worth playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 283

    We lose 3 points of a pip to DS, the equivalent of inflicting 3 injuries. I think you see my point though, everything is about rank.

    I care about rank because I don't want to be with rank 20s who d/c just because I got them once. Thus DS affects me, but it clearly does not hinder any player who isn't bothered about rank, and you can ignore things like that and still maintain maybe rank 11-13 easily even with moris as often as possible.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Bye. Less whiny toxicity for the rest of us

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2020

    Ok Ok Ok I missed a lot of comments I was busy and after doing more research I admit I was wrong and should have read more into the notes before coming on here and ranting but I stand by at least one of my points and that's the devs seem to be favoring killers buffs over balancing but for my original post I was wrong about them making Prove thyself obsolete

  • Member Posts: 283
    edited April 2020

    Killers are not favored at all. Look at how a 'rework' of nurse was just a mega-nerf. All low mobility killers have been left in the mud, because when it was realized that hex-ruin was strong meta it got nerfed too.

    This latest patch, a tiny 5% debuff to gen-repair stacking. In exchange? Moris take longer and all gen great checks get double the points now. Nothing ever hurts survivors without compensation, whilst killers get left out to dry when changes hit them.

    People have said that hex ruin nerf would just weed out the bad killers, turns out it just weeded out killers in general. Many killers are no longer viable, Nurse was the main competitive high-rank killer and that got nerfed on principle too. There are no killers left to favor, they've all quit except for 0.01% of the extremely good players who still play killer and the rest who never care about rank and are here to ruin your day because killer has been ruined.

    The problem is, dev changes have only encouraged toxic killers, and people see toxic killers getting kills and say it's killer-biased.

    Post edited by Traslogan on
  • Member Posts: 186

    That's exactly what i was thinking , devs give some buff to killers , survivors aren't Over powered anymore , survivors cries . Just git gut

  • Member Posts: 408

    Just apply gen pressure 😂

  • Member Posts: 1,253
    edited April 2020

    I love how you were completely ignoring like 10 posts with good arguments and instead you react to people trying to bait you. Reply to the arguments lmao. This one for instance "uhm... they killed prove thyself, by buffing it to 15%? so... is buffing equal to nerfing for you? or what dont i understand there?"

    or this one

    "*looks at the nurse 'rework', the hex ruin nerf that crippled all low mobility killers, the fact that Decisive Strike is still allowed to be active on multiple survivors which breaks its own purpose, the fact killers get no points for injuring or downing you at the gate, and how hex placement is so random it can spawn within 5 meters of a survivor and be within their sight at the start of the game*

    Also, half of all perks in this game are dead or useless, the perk system has always been bad. Half of the perks are given for free if you are SWF with comms too."

    Good to see that you got it in the end. Posts fueled with emotions don't work, just look how the game was back in 2016, and after that try to complain about survivor nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 688

    I usually play survivor, but I also play killer, but not as much. There have been changes that benefit survivors, this one benefits killers, it's not a big deal. I remember when Ruin was changed. People were saying the game would be dead. Well, months have passed and people still play the game. Everyone has to adapt and the game will still go on.

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  • Member Posts: 539

    They have nerfed the survivors because they was to strong. Survivors gen rushing and looping was crazy mad and now they made it fair on the killer.

  • Member Posts: 54

    exactly, but of course it's survivors fault for killer to be using VPN on mars and not respecting for free hits...

  • Member Posts: 54

    same applied to u git gut and stop crying on forums for buffs

  • Member Posts: 1

    I have been playing this game for years too, and I can say that the killers are ridiculous, the correct game would be balance. Before playing well solo I managed to escape, today there is no longer that, if you fall with trolls or kitters you were already, raising rank is impossible. While surviving items and skills are nerfing, killers are improving, even on maps. Tell me what is the point of placing 2 gates next to each other? The survivor has a 0% chance of escaping, what's the point?

  • Member Posts: 704

    look another noob survivors crying he needs to git gud now

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