What's the survivor perk you rely on?

For me, it's spine chill. Honestly, if I take it off I feel so blind. It's usually the "Get out of there" voice in my head.
What's yours? Please let me know down below.
Iron Will Its to the point where I can't stand the sound of my character being injured any more
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When playing killer i wish all janes would use that perk. Her grunts are annoying!
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I always talk about Spine Chill and Dead Hard so today I'll discuss one of my other "keeper" perks. BT. I know, I know, "Waffle, isn't BT an abusable crutch that encourages farming?" Yes, but that's not why I bring it. I like playing altruistic, running perks like Empathy with a flashlight or running WMI or BK with a medkit. I bring BT to save my teammates from campers, because you can't be altruistic without your teammates. It's pretty handy in end game for securing one for ones too, which is definitely something I like. I hate leaving teammates behind, so I hardly ever queue up without BT.
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I would love to swf with you :)
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I rely on sprint burst because i can't loop, i just absolutely love walkin into stealth killers, that's a meme.....
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For me it's Kindred since I play solo. I don't think I can give it up.
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I personally LOVE using Dead Hard on all of my builds, especially with the reliability of the new vaults. I've never felt more powerful as a solo survivor!
But, other than that, Iron Will and Kindred are both nearly essential to me as well 🙂
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Spine chill....Great for stealth killers..
But, at this stage I would have to say kindred. I mostly solo when I play as survivor and it let me know if the killer is camping, If anyone else if going for the unhook, so I can continue on my gen if the other 2 people are seagulling it to the hooked person.
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Iron Will. Just like what @KiloOfSalt said above, I can’t stand the sound of my character injured. It’s annoying. Especially the squeakers like Feng and Yui or the moaners like Jane and Meg.
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Urban for me. It has saved my life more then any other perk has. I couldn't count the amount of times I've avoided/broke off a chase thanks to urban.
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Sole Survivor + Left Behind + Unbreakable + Head On
A. Killer thinks I have DS, therefore allowing me to use Unbreakable as I please.
B. Helps me when potato teammates die tragically early on
C. Head On for those obsession locker shenanigans.
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Said a perk not all perks xd
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Dead Hard.
Dead Hard has saved my bacon a lot of times after switching over from a Spine Chill Playstyle to an Object of Obsession Playstyle.
I wouldn't be able to live without Dead Hard, I sometimes even tap E on instinct if I'm playing with another build that doesn't include Dead Hard.
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The blight of a stealthy solo.
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Please tell me you at least go for the save when the Hooked survivor has Kindered and no one is nearby but you.
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If it safe, then yes. I'm not completely heartless. Just mostly.
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It sounds weird, but Diversion/Iron Will (:
I just love hiding somewhere while the killer is trying to find me, throw a pebble at a window and then run the other way
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Kindred and self care
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Self care. I queue solo so the team hardly heals me. If I didn't have the perk on then I'd be dead in no time.
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if I had to choose I’d say iron will or borrowed time
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Iron will
Just seems the most balanced perk in the game without it being a crutch. Very useful against any killer.
Any killer will tell you they listen for sounds just as much as trying to spot a survivor. Just a really fun mess with you head perk. Also cus survivor moans r annoying
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Bond (way better than selfcare) dead hard, sprintburst :)
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My fave would be Deliverance , sometimes your co-players are too far away on the map or they just ignore you hanging there !
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Kindred hands down. I have it on all of my survivors giving me three other perks to make builds off of.
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Kindred, I have been one hooked with my entire team still alive too many times to count.
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Alert and Kindred, with those two I always know where everyone is.
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Spine Chill and Iron Will
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Exhaustion Perks: Lithe - a combination of sprint burst and Dead Hard in one. You can control when to activate lithe and it takes you as far as sprint burst can (if I’m not mistaken). It’s also much more consistent than balanced landing (you don’t always get high ground) as there’s always vaults in the map and it’s not as situational and annoying to work with as head on.
Base game perks: Kindred - I feel blind without it.
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Me as well, throw in some adrenaline and that's my build.
I even Swf and can't let go of kindred. I feel it is so powerful, and a huge help coordinating saves at against campers.
I see you going around that way.....so I'm going this way
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Calm Spirit. Just so I can mentally flip off Doctors. Helps against Infectious Fright to, but mostly because I can't stand Doctors
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As a rank 1 survivor I will shock you all by saying: Tenacity! So often the killer will run after another survivor when I'm down, and then come back and look in the wrong area..saved! I even get out sometimes when killer just kicks a gen or pallet, and sometimes I crawl to the hatch thanks to this perk.
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I got rekt
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Inner Strength
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Plunderer's. I just love running around like a pirate searching for treasure.