Please Remove The DC Penalty

About an hour ago, i was playing a normal match and was about 5 minutes into it. Everything was normal till the game force closed on me for no reason and gave me an Easy Anti-Cheat error #00000001. Now I checked on everything on my PC for any possibility of this error occurring and sure enough, nothing was wrong at all. Simply just the Anti-Cheat being faulty as usual. I get back into the game hoping that it didn't give me an in-game suspension and what do you know, i received a 24 hour ban. This implementation of a DC ban is ridiculous given the circumstances of the game's horrible dedicated servers and incredibly faulty Easy Anti-Cheat that could easily wig out and kick someone out in the middle of a match or shut down their game entirely and they get falsely banned for a set amount of time. A suggestion of a replacement for this terrible DC banning system is to maybe do a -75% bloodpoint earning for a set number of matches.
im sure that a simple 1 dc does not = a day
just wondering how many dc do you have for a 24 hour ban?
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I too am curious.... enquiring minds want to know!
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I don’t want to be that person - but why have you even reached 24 hours suspension? At most, I’ve only ever had 5 minutes.,. Lol
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for what? being logical? lol.... the dc penalty is too soft imho.
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In order for a 24 hour ban you need to DC alot...
So that means you have dc'd before this, if its the same reason then I recommend re-installing the game or something
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I had to leave about 3 matches due to me getting stuck in the middle of a pallet as bubba and the other couple of times were due to someone DCing in the first seconds of the match.
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I agree with you a 100%, op. And everyone wondering how you get a 24 hour Ban...If you DC 1 or 2 time(s) a day for 3 days you can get a 24 hour ban, it is not some astronomical amount of DCs. And amount of games is not considered. So if you are in 10 matches or 40 matches a day that means you can DC less that 5% of the time and still get a 24 hour ban. I have been kicked out of a match where my screen said the killer DCd and then my SWF informed me it was just me. I went to get back on and bam...6 hour ban. Effectively ending my night with my friend. It is not only too much time for a game I have spent a decent amount of money on. It should be resetting it self at least every 24 hours.
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if the game cancles because of a dc during load in or at the very beginning generally there is no penalty (I've never seen that)
hell no, it needs to be stiffer. people are still dcing to give teammates the hatch, people are still dcing as killer because they aren't winning or finding anyone, people are still dcing because they don't like what the killer is doing. till that STOPS then it needs to be stiffer for that first penalty, and should never be a set number of instances of dcing removed each 24 hours, it should be unknown and dependant upon the number of dcs on account before one disappears. STOP trying to make it sound like the game is screwing up every minute people play it. i've seen people play four hours and not a single bug (beyond latency issue) which are always blamed on hacks or even the game program being bad. I've seen people have their obs freeze, restart their stream then play dbd and have their dbd program freeze on them and they blame that only on dbd. so many times people will blame the program when it probably isn't their game.
ARE THERE BUGS? yes! are they reported properly? NO! many times people won't report them and upload the logs for the devs to look at the damn things and expect the devs to know what is going on! especially if it's the local client or local computer causing the issues! I've seen fog whisperers have a game crash, say it's the game client, and never report it or even say they'll report it later. till things are done on the player base side to report these issues PROPERLY there will always be problems just like till people stop abusing functionality intended to be used as a last resort, the penalties are TOO SOFT.
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first of all I did not SAY that there were NO bugs, I even said that specifically there are bugs. I have seen this bug in person once in 2000+ hours since october 2018 (when I got dbd), I have also seen it on 3 other people. This is a bug and it is one of the times that the out of match functionality to disconnect SHOULD be used, but since people did it because "I'm being tunneled", "I was found first", "The killer hooked me instead of letting me go", "The survivors got my ruin/devour hope within minutes of the match starting", oh yea how about "oh he's going to hook me in the basement and i will deny him points and challenge completion!!!" and a plethora of other reasons that are not "The game can not complete without some how breaking the connection" which how ever you DID show one such instance in your response. another such instance is that the killer or survivor is stuck in the geometry of that game and the game won't stop even after EGC expired.
Originally the idea was the out of game functionality would not be used by most people because 1) it's not specifically mentioned, 2) people are good, upstanding and honorable, and 3) people want a good clean match and fun. how ever people are not always 2 and 3, and are very observant. the original thought was the lost of the bloodpoints and 4 pips was the best, they changed it to 2 becuase it seemed too excessive of a penalty, but in the long run it became a way to de-rank quickly and face easier opponents. this is why it is unfortunate that issues like what you saw is penalized to leave like that, HOWEVER if you only do that every now and then and don't dc for nonissue reasons you won't have a 24 hour suspension. or even 6 hours. Too many bad apples have now poisoned the bunch and that is why we have what we have now and it still doesn't stop people from intentionally disconnecting to the point they try to fool the system by quickly unhooking their network connection (not everyone does but there are a good number that do still, and it has been reduced from what it used to be).
EDIT: there are lots of things that can happen to introduce or REINTRODUCE bugs in games like this. Everquest also was the same way, they'd drop a patch and suddenly bug A was back! or bug B is now here. people in Everquest would report it and submit their logs, and the devs would fix it. but in dbd what I see is people who say "there's a BUG HERE! I'll just leave this match and start into a new one without even reporting the bug i encountered in the last game because the devs will know exactly what happened and fix it anyways. Now did you report your bugs? or did the people in the match that had that bug report it? I don't know but i've seen so many not report anything and keep going.
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Just don't DC it's really not that hard. I'm pretty sure the devs 'might' have a system in place where is detects a player disconnecting from the game/match and you being forced to disconnect due to internet connection issues.