Pretty good matchmaking so far [SWF]

It is very obvious that there were 4 people playing together, or at least 3 people, but this is why SWF should not be allowed, or should be limited to only 2 people and limit the rank of each player. It can't be that 2 rank 1 play against a rank 11 killer, it was my second game with Legion and I run into this.
It is a 4 vs 1 game without chat because it has to be played, swf totally ruins the game making it very difficult for the killer to do something. Camp in basement was my only option.
Not to mention that the most toxic people are those who play as a team. Later when we play as a survivor we complain about the camp and tunnel, but what is a killer going to do when he has horrible games due to the imbalance that there is in allowing such different ranks and swf of 4 people?
Swf matchmaking is a problem, but it can be fixed without making a bunch of people quit the game.
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They’re gonna fix it with MMR. And by fix it I mean hide the ranks so you can’t post/complain about this anymore.
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So just because the matchmaking isnt working as intented, which everbody already knows besides you, SWF are the BooBoos again? Its soo sad to see players being bad as killer while its soo damn easy nowadays.
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Exactly 😑
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Its soo sad to see a person like you who has no idea what he's talking about writing so many meaningless things 🤫
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Not everybody is equally skilled, or has invested as much time in the game. Ranking should allow people of comparable skill to have a game which is not weighted too heavily in favor of either side. It is not fun playing against coordinated teams that outrank you. It just isn't.
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Yeah I am having the same issue. I only started playing the game last week. Have about 20 games max into it at the moment and getting red rank killers. It just isnt fun to play getting looped for ages and gen rushed. If I leave the chase to go to a gen the next player will just do the same. It would be okay if it was a once in a while thing, as not all matchmaking can be perfect but Ive had it for the last 5 games straight. Like sure I got a kill in the game but I had to basically camp for just 1 kill and that isnt fun for anyone
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If they decide to hide ranks. I think a lot of killers will switch. The killers are already sick of losing against swf groups. Killers don't need swf groups hiding even more.